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Posts posted by sirineou

  1. 2 minutes ago, bradiston said:

    My main anxiety is NOT waking up, not the inability to fall asleep. Is there a cure for that? I guess not.

    Yes move next to thar Russian family from the "Noisy Russian neighbors" thread.

    Apparently they can wake up the dead :laugh:

  2. 1 minute ago, bradiston said:

    I like that. I decided that setting yourself a target NOT to die before, was a good way to keep ticking along happily. I'm refusing to go before the tundra melts and swallows up most of Siberia. Nothing personal you understand.

    It pays to have targets in life :laugh:

    • Thanks 1
  3. 1 minute ago, JackGats said:

    Do you take blood-pressure meds? Because I think there's some incompatibility between theanine and blood-pressure medications.

    I do take 10 mg lisinopril in the morning and 5 mg at night because my cardiologist said that Lisinopril had a short half life. 

    I just checked and theanine lowers blood pressure, so the combination might lowere the blood preasure too much.

    I guess I can try replacing the 5 mg of lisinopril in the evening with the  theanine and see how it works with the sleep and also the BP . 


  4. 5 minutes ago, bradiston said:

    I don't try and regulate it. If I wake up in the early hours, I get up and go for a spin on my scooter. My sleep pattern is all over the place, but it doesn't concern me. Sleep when I'm tired. That's it.


    But I do visit a spa or other form of sauna/hot/cold baths almost daily. That will make you extremely drowsy. Knocks me out about an hour later. Might try that. Pills and the like? No thanks!

    They say that people who sleep good live long lives. My brother John sleeps like a baby , and I don't want to die before him, because god knows what the bastard he would say at my funeral. :tongue:


    • Haha 2
  5. 3 hours ago, CanadaSam said:

    Personally, I am saddened by the drastic change in London, which was predominantly "white" while I lived there in the early 80's, never really having to worry about crime, even to the extent of not having to lock my front door, to what is today, a crime infested city where many areas, there is not a caucasian to be seen!


    By the way, I myself have "brown" skin, but lived most of my life in Canada.


    "I myself have "brown" skin, but lived most of my life in Canada.

    " London, which was predominantly "white" while I lived there in the early 80's, never really having to worry about crime, "

    and then you moved there, a trend was started and now there are a bunch of brown skin people  there and the place went to hell in a handbasket. 

    But Not because of you  'cause you " lived most of my life in Canada." which as everyone knows has a way of softening the brown. :laugh:

    I have a possible solution to the problem .Perhaps if we could send some of these brown people to Canada camp Eh ? :cheesy:



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  6. 8 minutes ago, connda said:

      It also works in the sense that you can train your mind to become quiet. 

    That I would like.

    It is a cacophony of  conflicting ideas in there. I wish they would all shut up and listen to me /

    I will think about it tonight , ans sleep on it. :laugh:


    Seriously, I will give your suggestions a try. 

    Thank you:smile:


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  7. 1 hour ago, retarius said:

    Do you snore? Have you been checked for sleep apnea?

    I have not been checked, but One good thing no snoring , ot at least that's what the wife said when I asked her.  I Will be back in the US this spring where my medical insurance is , and will have it checked. 

  8. 2 minutes ago, JackGats said:

    Try Theanine.

    Hmm, another thing I did not know, 

    Now I am begging to question my know it all attitude :laugh:

    I just googled it and it seems you are right, I will Research it more to see if it works well with other things I take, and what modifications might  be needed and would give it a try. :smile:

  9. 1 minute ago, CharlieH said:

    What magnesium and what mg are you taking, and when do you take it ?


    Same applies melatonin ?

    Melatonin 3mg for the mast month before that I was taking 12 mg and was told it was too much, also I had noticed increased levels of aggression   and irritation . as I am sure  the moderators in this forum had noticed also :laugh:

    And was told that it could be a result of taking too much melatonin . I still think it is because of my latent a-hole tendencies are becoming more pronounced as I get older:laugh:  

    Anyway down to 3 mg an hour before sleep.

    Magnesium Glycinate 1000 mg a couple of hours before I go to sleep . 



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  10. 2 hours ago, Dolf said:

    I'm thinking of doing condo tours in every major city. Use the app drivers  and visit 5 condos in different locations plus check out the cafe and restaurant scene in each location. Talk to people in each location. In one day you have a good idea what a city is like.

    When you settle on a favorite location, rent something and live there for a year. If you still like it after that m buy something there, if you don't try your second choice.

    Something I wish I had done before I build.  

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  11. 66 years old and for the past year I have not been sleeping well. I don't eat after six, I take multivitamins , B1 complex, melatonin and Magnesium.

    I also often take Benadryl which gives me 7-8 hours of sleep.

    If I don't take Benadryl 6 -7 hours  Usually interrupted by  1 hour half way through, which is why I always have a book on my nightstand.  . 

    I am aware of the health benefits of  a good night's sleep , but also apprehensive about long term Benadryl use, 

    I understand that as we age our sleep patterns change, and I am sure I am not the only one with this issue.

    So I wonder how do you deal with such issue. I would appreciate and would consider any advice. 

    • Thumbs Up 1
  12. 5 minutes ago, Pib said:

    Yea...for the "last several months" EV sales accounted for 20 to 25% of total vehicle sales in Thailand.  End of 2023 sales spike no doubt...will be interesting to see how EV sales hold up in 2024 especially as a percentage of total vehicles sales.  I fully expect the EV sales to be very healthy with the continuing price cutting and more people slowly coming over to the EV side...losing their fear(s) of EVs.



    Total vehicle registrations for the 100% electric vehicle group (BEV: Battery Electric Vehicle) in December 2023 totaled 9,258 vehicles (representing 25.34% of total vehicle registrations in Thailand, RY.1, totaling 36,531 vehicles).



    Breaking the highest record! Total registrations for 100% electric trains in Thailand in January 2024 totaled 13,653 vehicles, a proportion of 20.5% of the total of 65,067 new cars, RY.1, nationwide.

    This is a very interesting development. I hope as the demand becomes greater and reaches critical mass, that more charging stations are build and become available.  

  13. 2 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Bush administration had a reason, even though it was all lies.

    LOL " he had a reason but it was all lies?"

    Don't everyone have a reason?

    2 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    The million $ question is why the Americans would have to go into Iraq themselves, quite apart from triggering MAD?

    Not sure how the MAD applies to Iraq

    But I think you are putting the cart in front of the horse , the cost is because it went there , if it had not gone and it had talked some other sucker to go in and take care of it for them. the cost would had also being negligible. 

    2 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    So, give me an actual reason why America and it's poodles had to spend billions in Ukraine?

    That is probably the easiest of all questions. 

    Russia wanted to be part of NATO , but that was a no starter for the US, because a Russia in NATO would had been a stronger and more influential Russia, 

      With the end of the soviet Union. and an underdeveloped China , The US was the only Hegemon in the world.

    The world was Unipolar. 

    But as Russia started to regain some of it's power, and the Chinese economic miracle, we sterted to see the Development of there superpowers. 

    The US, China , and a distant third Russia.

    the world was becoming multipolar,  

      Are you familiar with the Three body in orbital mechanics. 

    Simply put  describes the motion of three-point mass particles under their mutual gravitational interactions, and makes predictions much more difficult and uncertain.

    If you are interested you can read a simple explanation here https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/physics-and-astronomy/three-body-problem#:~:text=three-body problem-,The three-body problem describes the motion of three-point,the influence of the Sun.

       This principle can apply to many Operations where three  principals'  are involved.  

    It would simplify things much better if one principle was removed from the equation.  

    So the question arises ,which factor do you remove, and how? 

    I will let you decide which factor the US attempted to remove, but has at the very least diminished . and how.





  14. 1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    LOL. The 2 % was a means of making them contribute something to their is defense. They ignored it because no previous US president made them do it.

    Call me a dreamer , but I think before someone tries to make a point, they need to do a simple Google search on it. 


    "The share of total expenditure, the average defence spending was 2.5 % in 2021 in the EU and 2.4% in the euro area. As a share of GDP the average was 1.3% in the EU and in the euro area.[1]

    Total defence expenditure of the European Defence Agency (EDA) Member States was €214 billion in 2021, which was 1.5% of the 26 EDA Member States’ GDP, the same percentage as in 2020"

    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_in_Europe_by_military_expenditures#:~:text=As a share of GDP,same percentage as in 2020.

    Some coun tries spend more, and some spend less based on their defence needs, Obviously Greece would spend a lot more faced with a hostile neighbor, than Belgium whose main concern is melting chocolate do to global warming. 

    Even if these countries spend 0% they would still not awe nothing to anyone. 

    But that is neither here nor there,

      My Point stands. .

    2 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Before they can debate how much they spend, they need to spend enough to actually have a military that can do something.

    trump is either a liar o ignorant .based on what he said. And all those who flowed him and believed it, are at the very least ignorant. 

    Your choice which of the above options make him more palatable to you. 





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  15. 15 hours ago, AlexRich said:

    The torture and killed comment is just hyperbole. The Russians have been doing that since 2014. You’ve never heard of Bucha?

    More nonsense and faulty reasoning.  Busha did or did not happen after the war started,


    15 hours ago, AlexRich said:

    The Belarus comment simply beggars belief.

    what beggars belief id your level of misunderstanding 

    Again faulty reasoning and Hyperbole . if Belarus has free elections is debatable , but that was not the point of my comment . Any way you look at it , Belarus is better of  than Ukraine having not tried to align themselves with the US and been invaded by Russia, 

    15 hours ago, AlexRich said:

    The ability of the US to project power around the world … that’s what it’s all about?

    More nonsense and attempt to distract. Or perhaps a comedy ratine. If the latter . then my appologies . Very funny indeed :clap2:

    First you say :" The ability of the US to project power around the world … that’s what it’s all about?"

    and then you continue to try and explain what it is all about 

    15 hours ago, AlexRich said:

    A NATO with a Donald Trump presidency is heading for break up

    Not in support of trump and even greater nonsense, simply against what happened to  Ukraine and the Ukrainian people which seems to you seen to think was worth it. 

    15 hours ago, AlexRich said:

    The 200,000 troops at the border believed that they could roll into Kiyv, kill the Government and their families in incinerators (that they brought with them) and take over the country. Putin thought it would be a walk in the park. He can be beaten in Ukraine, as long as the Ukrainians are given the tools to do the job. And that’s the only outcome that will put Russia back in their box for decades. 

    Don’t be like Chamberlain … Russian success means more wars, not the end of them. Any agreement signed by Putin is meaningless. 

    Will not even attempt to unpack the above rant

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