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Posts posted by sirineou

  1. 1 minute ago, GammaGlobulin said:

    I stopped shaking hands, many years ago.

    Not my style.

    and how then do you show respect or greet ?

    3 minutes ago, GammaGlobulin said:

    The wai is best.

    But this does not mean that it takes a while to fully acclimate oneself to this superior custom.

    what does it mean

  2. 1 minute ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    IMO "democracy" is in the final stages before vanishing into history, like every civilisation before it.

    Democracy is not a civilisation , it is a form of governing

    4 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    MO "democracy" is in the final stages before vanishing into history

    Has democracy ever existed in its pure form? for that matter has any form of government existed in its pure form? In any pluralistic society there always are compromises. 

    8 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Trump, IMO has nothing to do with it.

    It all depends on what "it" is.

    9 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    IMO, if we want "democracy" to survive, it needs to be destroyed in it's current iteration and replaced by a more robust version sans PC and wokeness.

    you mean replaced by your prefered form of goverment LOL

    10 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    If Trump begins the destruction, bring it on.

    And trump is the your prophet who will lead you to your promised land. Me thinks you are grasping at straws.  


    13 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:


    PC is a term your side likes to throw around in an attempt to marginalize an idea as seemingly for reasons of getting along (politics) correct, where it is factually incorrect.  

    To say "Politically correct (PC)" in the absence of meaningful debate  is a meaningless term . It implies that something might seem politically correct but is factually Incorrect, without giving a reason why. 

    A catch all for perceived grievances .No longer does one needs to think. simply throw around meaningless terms such as PC and Woke 

    I will give you this though , Democracy is dead in this environment, because democracy requires independent thought, and I see non from the right. just meaningless terms. . You do not want to kill this form of democracy so that you replace it with a better form , because "Better" is a subjective term. What you want is to kill it and replace it with a form of goverment that is democratic in name only. ,

    What is a shame if that I am afraid you will understand nothing of the above. 

    • Thanks 1
  3. 29 minutes ago, Crossy said:

    Looks OK to me ^^^ :smile:


    I've been here 19 years and my spoken Thai as at about 18-month old kid level. I understand a lot more than that but being somewhat deaf I don't really hear the tones and so I fail to be able to imitate them. Like Cantonese (another tonal language) getting the tones wrong is always rude!!


    You want a hard language, try Tagalog. Even the Filipinos would rather use English!

    Yea I am tone deaf also. I try to get the meaning dfom the context. I can speak a little but other than simple sentences, I find it difficult sometimes to separate the words,especialy from people like my sister in law who starts a new word before she finishes the first. :smile:

    Anyway thank you for your help.

  4. Ok one more question and I am done!!

    for today:laugh:

    Since I ordered the insulation-piercing thingamajig and would have to wait.

    I thought I order the Circuit breaker box from lazada too.  

    All I need is a two circuit breaker box. One would even work , but it seems a two is the smallest option, which is fine.

    Anyway much to my surprise there were a whole bunch of them with many different choices, and acronyms. I think RCBO   is what I am looking for.

    I chose this one, because it only had one choice, and I don't want to order the wrong thing. 


    What do you all think, is that a good choice for what I have in mind, or would another be a better choice. I am open to suggestions since I have little experience with this things here in Thailand.

      Back in the states I would know exactly what to get, and if I did not I could ask. Here I have to ask the wife to translate, and she does not have the lingo to translate , its a mess,

    I got to go back to school and learn the language.

    I went for a few months , then I decided to take a little brake. That was two years ago. :laugh: I tell you one thing Thai is a difficult language to learn. 


  5. So I found this one  on Lazada but it has two different options and I am not sure which one of the two to order



    These are the two options 




    not sure what the above numbers mean . I assume they are for a range of sizes 

    What I have existing are  two wires 50 aluminum and are for 30 amp service, The CB box is 63

    The wires that I will be splicing are a bit smaller, from a 15 amp  service that I have leftover  , the Sala where I am bringing power to. will only have a light and outlet to plug a fan or something. so the thinner wires should be fine. 

    If someone can help me pick the better option from th two. I would appreciate it. 



  6. 4 minutes ago, Roo Island said:

    I think GinBoy2 was very good for showing us his scar. A huge thanks as it really motivated me to deal with this. :clap2:


    As I sit here looking at dozens of people baking in the sun. Ugh.

    I know Gin Boy from this forum for a long time , he is a very nice guy, also ezzra , and he is normally a nice guy. I can only guess he forgot to take his medication today :laugh:

    My friend down road has it done and it did not seem to be a big deal ,In and out the same day. 

    I would not be worried about it too much, just get it done ASAP before it becomes a problem. 

    • Like 1
  7. 16 minutes ago, Crossy said:

    For the IPC chaps you will likely need a specialist electrical place, Lazada have many but all ship from overseas.


    These are the cheapest I've found.




    That was me with the hah ha ha emoji  , I meant to click the thank you emoji , don't know how I clicked the laugh emoji . As I get older I worry me LOL

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  8. Just now, Crossy said:

    I would be quite happy branching off the incoming supply with a couple of "vampire" (insulation-piercing) splices, no need to strip the incoming cable!

    That is good to know , How do I ask for them at Do home or similar store. 

    2 minutes ago, Crossy said:

    Get one of these https://www.lazada.co.th/products/safe-t-cut-4-smart-life-f1-4-i2417866062-s8314215061.html? baby consumer units to go in your sala (the 32A one would be more than adequate). It will need a weatherproof box. I'm sure smaller ones with just the RCBO and one or two breakers are available.

    I did not see any. Lazada is very funny with their in english search function. I do a search on lazada and I get crappy results, then I do the same search on google, and a bunch of results come back from Lazada. I will take a ride to Do home or global house later and have a look. I was just researching the issue this morning and thought i would ask. 

    Thank you I appreciate the help.  


  9. I want to bring power  to a Sala I have build near one of the Electric feed poles in my property  ,  only enough for a light, and an outlet. 


    The sala is to the right and a few feet behind the Picture of the pole. 


    This picture is from before I put the electric pole.

    Anyway, as you can see the sala is a bit of a distance from the small farm building where I installed  the circuit box, and I rather not have to run wires from there all the way to the Sala. So the guy who is helping my with the electric, said no problem . we can splice into the feed wires in the pole shown in the first picture, and run power from there.  The main Circuit breaker panel  in the farm building has RCB in it 

     it .  


    This is the box in the farm house. 


      So the question is would it be a good idea to splice into the feed wires, and install a small 2 breaker box in the sala, or would I be better of biting the bullet and bringing power from the farm house that already has a  the circuit breaker box with RCB?

    I looked at two breaker boxes and all I could find on line was without RCB , (I am a bit apprehensive using a box without RCB).

      second question, would I need an additional ground wire for the sala if I added a small circuit breaker . or should I ground on the frame  (again apprehensive) of the metal sala? 

    I appreciate any advice. 


  10. It looks like moisture damage, probably made worse by improper primer coat, or non at all. 

    It does not look serious to me,

    Scrape,  sand. primemer, than paint. if the problem reappears. it might be that the roof above, or the balcony above is not waterproof.  

  11. 11 hours ago, candide said:

    You are assuming that Putin always reacts rationally.

    We might not like Putin's reactions and actions, but as far as I know, I have no indication of irrational behaviour.  

    And  please don't say . as I am sure someone will. He invaded Ukraine .  It might have been evil, it might have been a mistake, But rational thinking can produce any, or both of these results. 

  12. I am no fan of Putin, no one gets' to this level of play in Russian  politics , and stay there without carrying some sharp knives, 

    I don't doubt that someone killed Navalny but I don't think Putin was directly involved. 

    I say directly because He did put him there and as such , among other things put him in in an vulnerable


    The reason why I don't think Putin was directly involved is, why would he do this at this time? 

    Navalny was effectively naturalized,  and as far as know presented no significant danger to Putin. 

    On the other hand he must have known that the mysterious death of his political opponent while in jail  as a political prisoner would have negative consequences for him. 

    So why have him killed now? What would he have to gain? and what would he have to lose?  


    • Agree 1
  13. 6 minutes ago, Dolf said:

    So they study wages, inflation and the stock market? Yes or no?


    Did they study illegal immigration? Yes or no?

    Give it up. you are just digging deeper, 

    everything mean EVERYTHING, 

    Do you honestly think that I will sit there and list everything? , Everything includes the stock market performance under a particular president, al legal and illegal impetration. Hair style, sexual preferences , anything they can know about a particular president, 

       Do you know who Doris Kearns Goodwin is? have you read any of her books? "Leadership " was great read. If I am not mistaken she won she won a Pulitzer prize for it. 

       Do you know who  Jon Meacham is? who Michael Richard Beschloss is?

    Honorary mention go to my idol,  historical novelist Gore Vidal. I have read every single one of his books except  the " The City and the Pillar" Not my cup  of tea.

    Anyway. going to bed to do some reading before I sleep. Have a good night, 

    Do you know what they do and why they are so acclaimed? 

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