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Posts posted by sirineou

  1. As it seems not to be of nefarious caused as the video seems to indicate......  

      Taxi drivers are found dead all over the place having been enable to discover the secret of immortality

    Will they now report the natural death of each one of them , or only the one's that happen at gas stations.

       RIP sincerest condolences to his family and friends.  

    • Confused 2
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  2. 2 minutes ago, gamb00ler said:

    sirineou, you have 2 7.5cm AAC layers for your internal walls?

    No external , internal are single 7.5 

    worst case if you have issues you use some repeaters. 

    As I said , Double 7.5 on external walls, concrete floor between upstairs and downstairs and I have no issue. Ofthe I walk around  downstairs making a WiFi  video FB call  and have walked outside in the street to show things to family back home with no loss of signal. My internet provider is 3bb.

    I don't know about all these technical terms, I simply hooked everything up, pair them with my wifi and was good to go. 


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  3. Not sure what the size off the AAC has to do with anything .I have a cavity wall with double 7.5cm AAC block , A single WiFi router upstairs covers both the upstairs , downstairs and most of the outside to the gate.

    In fact my wife's sister uses our internet in her house next door. 

    My Sonoff smart switches fit the standard boxes  and I have smart plugs in my koi pond to operate filters , water fountain echo dots upstairs and downstairs  etc.

    You can also get smart plugs that plug right into your existing outlets. All Alexa and voice command enabled. 

    I brought many of my stuff from the US,  but you can get everything you need at Lazada  or Shopee. 



  4. 1 minute ago, Dolf said:

    Lefties don't like trump :cheesy:


    Tell us something new old chap. Maybe you need to eat more carbs at night then you will tell us something new and interesting.


    Trudeau is left, Macron is left. Of course they don't like Trump.




    When you stop tickling yourself I guess you are going to produce a video of conservative world leaders laughing at Biden. 

    I can't wait.  

    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 1
  5. 7 hours ago, placeholder said:

    Immigration has propelled the U.S. job market further than just about anyone expected, helping cement the country’s economic rebound from the pandemic as the most robust in the world.

    That momentum picked up aggressively over the past year. About 50 percent of the labor market’s extraordinary recent growth came from foreign-born workers between January 2023 and January 2024, according to an Economic Policy Institute analysis of federal data. 


    Probably one of the most urgent problems in the world is low fertility 

    "Global fertility has collapsed, with profound economic consequences "


      Simply said is that most of the worlds advanced economies have a fertility rate much lower than the replacement rate nessacery to maintain their current population , never mind grow it, and it is declining at an alarming rate 

    "Italy's declining population fuels long-term economic uncertainty


    The US has an couple advantages on that front.

    It is a desirable legal immigration destination. 

    It has a world class University system that creates a brain drain on other countries. 

    And anyone born in the US is automatically a US citizen, So Illegal immigrants who have a higher birth rate  that US citizens, not only provide cheap labor for menial jobs, they provide new young. motivated american citizens

    that not only stabilizes the population, but also lowerers the median age of the US to 38 .1, as opposed to the 44.4 of the EU. and 49.1 in Japan. 

    And then you have trump and the Magamorons who want to kill the Golden Goose 

    What a bunch of buffoons!! 



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  6. 4 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

    I get em from Biff behind the bike sheds !!!


    I got some from one of the weeds cafes on Sukhumvit- I think most of them sell the gummies. 

    I made the joke because , in my youth (100 years ago) if one wanted to buy weed one would go to the school yard  by the handball courts. :laugh: To show you how long ago it was, that you could buy nikel and dime bags ($5and $10) and you actually got a bunch of joints out of a  nickel bag. 

    Anyway. We are in Khon Kaen and have no idea where one would get some but I will ask around. 


  7. 2 hours ago, Roo Island said:

    What? Trump's the laughing stock of the world! Very few believe or respect him. Just his brainwashed cult members.


    Stunning anyone would want others to cry. Shows what's wrong with America.

    You might want to share the following video of world leaders caught on a hot mike laughing at trump with professor Proton, 

    And this is the one caught on a live mike, can you imagine the conversations behind closed doors?


    • Thumbs Up 1
  8. 1 hour ago, rct99q said:

    Young people have money, either from parents or working. Not sure where this idea comes from. 50 years ago "young people" didn't have money, so kids today don't as well? I make good money working back in Canada, my kid does ok. But next to my Thai neighbours I am like the hobo on the street corner begging for money. This is rural NE Thailand as well. 

    I don't know where you got the idea that I said kids don't have money? 

    I said "I don't see how a young person could possibly afford it.  "

    I have money , but I cant afford a ferrari . you see the difference? 

    I  remember reading someplace that a  ‎Taylor Swift concert ticket cost $500-7,000 

    I am very happy that your kids are doing so well, but IMO the worst ticket in the venue costing $500 is not very affordable for most kids. 

  9. 1 hour ago, richard_smith237 said:

    One of those benefits for me is 'the Gummy'... laced with Marijuana... Half of one of these before bed time and I have a great nights sleep....  the only issue of course is that I don't want to make a habit of this, so I have to be careful. 

    Yea I don't really  like the smell of it, and being that as I aged I became a bit of a control freak I did not like the way it made me feel , I don't know how to describe it. Sort of like insecure, like if something happened I would not be able to deal with it. 

    I am glad it was legalised in Thailand, with all the things wrong in this world , putting people in jail and ruining lives for a bit of weed is IMO a crime. 

    I am interested in those gummies  where, or how  can I get some, 

    And no, I am not meeting some guy in the school yard :cheesy:

    • Like 1
  10. 1 hour ago, TigerandDog said:

    I've been having my best sleep since I started drinking extra virgin olive oil. 2 tablespoons (30mls) every morning on an empty stomach and 2 tablespoons (30mls) 1 hour before bed every night. It also has numerous other health benefits too.

    I love my olive oil in everything, but I never thought to take it as a supplement. I will give it a try. 

    You are tight it a super food and has many benefites


  11. 1 hour ago, BananaGuy said:

    Sloppy reporting, again …


    How many ‘counterfeit’ notes?


    One or two notes? He’s probably a victim

    not a perp.


    A whole bunch of notes? He’s maybe dishonest and maybe dumb … those FX places check notes like hawks.

    I have to agree. If he is a counterfeiter he is certainly a very stupid one. 

    If I was trying to pass counterfeit bill I certainly not go to a place where they have special machines to check bills.  

    • Thumbs Up 1
  12. 1 minute ago, spidermike007 said:

    Perhaps this would be a way for the average person to enjoy a concert with a good seat for under $500? Concert prices have ballooned to the point where many don't even consider them anymore. Same applies to sporting events around the world. 


    And I thought Covid was going to bring down prices. How wrong I was!! 

    I agree. What the charge for concerts is highway robbery now days.

    In my youth, back in the states we used to go to concerts all the time at venues headlined by major bands. Same with baseball and football games. 

    Now days with the astronomical prices the charge, I don't see how a young person could possibly afford it. 

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  13. 9 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    Sometimes I sleep bad. One reason is for sure the bad air quality.


    Instead of trying to sleep again I go to my PC and watch some YouTube videos. Normally I am tired again after maybe 15 to 30 minutes and then I go to bed and sleep again.

    It's not perfect but IMHO better than turning around and trying to sleep again knowing it won't work. 

    I am a Youtube junkie also . I have been told that it is not a good idea looking a screens because the glare  disrupts your sleep patterns , but I also watch a little bit before I go to sleep but I don't have any problem falling asleep. just have a problem   getting a full 8 hours. I also wake up and read for about an hour before I go back to sleep , I use a paperwhite Kindle that does not have much glare for that reason. 

  14. 7 hours ago, Globalres said:

    1000mg of magnesium glycinate is far too much.  400mg is enough per day, you should not really exceed this. Too much magnesium has the opposite reaction, it keeps you awake rather than make you feel sleepy.  

    Hmm , unfortunately it is in capsule form and can't be cut in half . I have to look into this and if correct throw them out. 

  15. 9 hours ago, Crazy Noobie said:

    I use to have sleeping problems and I tried exercising which helped a lot. But the one thing that helps me get a goods night sleep is smoking a joint before bedtime. Cannabis works great for sleeping. There are certain strains that are good for sleeping.

    I have heard that,but  i cant handle pot . I am no angel i have smocked in my youth, but I had not smocked for decades and found my self in a car with a couple of friends who were smocking, and said what the heck let me have some. 

    I am  not sure if the stuff you guys smoke now days is a lot stronger than back then, or I am a lightweight, but I did not enjoy the experience at all! and that was the last time i tried it about 10 years ago.

    I winder if there is a superman in a pill or extract form that would help. That might be something to look into. 

  16. 1 hour ago, SAFETY FIRST said:

    Do you drink alcohol? 


    I notice a big difference in the quality of my sleep at nights that I don't drink beer. 


    No not really. I would have a beer during the day, especially after working in the garden on hot day. but never after 6 pm.  

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