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Posts posted by sirineou

  1. 14 minutes ago, KhunLA said:

    I make a batch of Kefir every day.  Actually starting to make more than I can drink/eat in a day.   Use Magnolia 100%  fresh milk, to make Kefir, as does a better job than my preferred (taste wise) DutchMill.  Milk powder milk doesn't seem to work good with my Kefir grains. 


    Make every 24 hrs for 2-3 cups yield of Kefir, using about 700ml of fresh milk.  Kefir is really thick, yogurt thick, after 6+ hrs in frig.  Next day, and I can't even poor it out of the glass.


    Kefir packs more nutrition than yogurt, especially the very desirable K group (K1-2-3-4-5), K2 to keep them blood vessels clear of calcium build up. 


    Natto providing even more K2, along with good gut bacteria, same as Kefir.image.png.2020345eedee7a6ee25f3e1e6b7613fb.png

    I will admit, i know very little about Kefir, I will research it,  but from your description it sound like a lot of work. Knowing myself, I try to work things with in my life style (things I enjoy to do) rather than things I should be doing because they are better for me, but I know I will not do in the long run because they are not part of my Freestyle. 

    I am way too busy arguing the merits oh Hydrogen Fuel Cells over conventional EV batteries :laugh:

    For breakfast , I try to have a ball of Greek Yogurt, with honey and crashed walnuts. 

    But since you guys ruined my boyish figure by turning me on to the joys of pastry puff dough sold at Makro, I have been doing intermittent fasting ( no food after 6 pm and not food before 12 pm. 

    So reakfast is out, and its all your fault, so I hope you are all happy with yourselves.  :tongue:



    • Haha 2
  2. 5 minutes ago, eisfeld said:


    Doesn't help if hydrogen is more energy dense when used in a hydrogen combustion engine which just extracts a fraction as useable power to the wheel. The weight of batteries in EVs is less than a third of the total weight. And the hydrogen is not weightless either. So there is just a percentage of less efficiency due to added weight. As for regen breaking: hydrogen combusion powered cars can't store that as hydrogen because the water is gone through the exhaust. So that leaves fuell cell vehicles. Their weight advantage is minimal and I'm not sure if they can do electrolysis as fast. They probably buffer the generated power in batteries and/or capacitors first.

    convectional EV batteries are 12 times heavier than  Hydrogen fuel cells

    A =F/m

  3. I don't understand the vehement reaction EV enthusiasts have against Hydrogen Fuel Cell batteries 

    There are all short of batteries under development, and no one seems to have a problem with any of them. yet mention hydrogen fuel cell and you all get an epileptic reaction.

    It is just another battery!! but instead of you having to charge an electrical potential into your chemicals and minerals  at home or at the charging station. The electric potential is in the Hydrogen.


    • Agree 1
  4. 2 minutes ago, eisfeld said:

    People think it's easy to build a hydrogen infrastructure. I'm not sure why. The existing gasoline stations can't just be used as-is. The underground tanks are not built for high-pressure hydrogen storage.

    I don't think it is easy, I think it is easier than to upgrade all of the worlds electrical grid, for a conventional EV battery system that also has other limitation, where there is another  system that also has less limitations. 

    By the way not hydrogen storage has to be done under pressure,  there is also research and major breakthroughs with solid state hydrogen storage 

    If you are interested read the following article or do a google search for "Hydrogen solid state storage" 


    12 minutes ago, eisfeld said:

    That ignores the issues with hydrogen. Like explosion risk

    less explosion risk the ICE 

    https://www.topspeed.com/why-shouldnt-fear-hydrogen-powered-cars/#:~:text=However%2C this is a myth,this way as technology advances.

    17 minutes ago, eisfeld said:

    But the round-trip efficiency of electric power in and then power to the wheels just never will be as efficient as conventional batteries

    Hydrogen is significantly more energy dense than batteries, it is only at this stage of development that batteries are more efficient than fuel cells. expect that to change. 

    You also need to consider the following.

    I am sure you are familiar of the famous F=ma equation. Current conventional EV batteries are very heavy. part of the current increase of conventional battery EV goes towards accelerating the battery weight. 

    And please don't say that is is recovered with regenerative braking. because both types of vehicles have regenerative braking. 

    The extra weight of batteries,is particularly important in payload issues. 

    25 minutes ago, eisfeld said:

    Toyota has bet on hydrogen in the past and it was a massive failure. They fired their CEO due to that.

    Toyota is still betting on Hydrogen so is GM as of lately. 

    https://www.topspeed.com/toyota-betting-big-on-hydrogen-despite-745-mile-solid-state-battery/#:~:text=Indeed%2C hydrogen figures prominently in,cars per yer by 2030.

    Don't confuse toyota's participation in the current EV market for giving up on Hydrogen,

    Toyota is one leading manufacturer of cars in the world, and is not willing to give up it'd market share for future  Hydrogen considerations. 

  5. 49 minutes ago, mikebike said:

    OK. I'm gonna say you are correct. But I do need you to explain to me why you think there is a unified "American" culture,

    There isn't.

    I was actually wrong to say that

    I should have not made the statement, I should have said "Obviously you are not familiar with that part of American culture" further I should not make obscure references.  

    My bad and not yours. 

    54 minutes ago, mikebike said:

    I am Canadian, but grew up 20-ish Kms from the border. If I am not "familiar" with American culture, no one is.

    The better part of America!:smile:

    But you are right, both in the Us and in Canada there are many cultures and subcultures, and no one knows everything about  them. certainly not me. 

    By the way , Both me and my Thai wife who has spend more than a decade in the US love the Trailer Park Boys. My wife loves the Julian character, she refers to him as "the guy who is always holding a drink" because she cant remember his name , Me I identify more with Ricky :laugh: .


  6. 2 minutes ago, JBChiangRai said:

    I think a lot of that is coming.  Batteries will go solid state, they will charge in 5-10 minutes, they will have a lot more cycles.

    This might well be true , as it will also be true for hydrogen   . But that will not change all the other parameters that make hydrogen a better option.


    4 minutes ago, JBChiangRai said:

    What effect do you think the H2 Fuel Cell car costing (let's be optimistic) 3 times more per km will have on demand?

    As economies of scale have reduced the cost of conventional EV batteries so would reduce the cost of Hydrogen fuel cell Materials. 

    6 minutes ago, JBChiangRai said:

    If Toyota made a Mirai in both BEV and H2 Fuel Cell form, how much cheaper would the H2 car have to be at purchase time?

    At this point. I agree that conventional EV batteries are the best option right now, but I advance the proposition that this will not always be the case, 

    7 minutes ago, JBChiangRai said:

    Realistically, I think H2 cars probably needs to be 150-200,000 baht cheaper than their BEV equivalents and I think that is coming.

    And the same factors that reduced the cost of conventional EV batteries will play out for Hydrogen Fuel Cell batteries.   

  7. 25 minutes ago, mikebike said:

    Wouldn't it have been easier/better to say it was a typo?

    No it would not because it would not be true. 

    Apparently you are not familiar with american culture,

    The "evaducated " is a common theme in comedy made of those with little education. 

    • Confused 3
    • Agree 1
  8. EVENKEEL said:

    "That's OK, he's got 4 more years to redeem himself. "

    to which I replied:

    "Because as you always say, about Beden

    "Age makes you better":tongue:"


    See what i did there. I used his opinion that getting old makes you worse not better, as he claims about Biden. 


    To which he replied :

    "Sorry to say this time people won't be voting for the best man, they'll be voting against the worst. "

    What does that have to do with what we are talking? 


    I agree with him that if age makes you worse. then trump would also be in his 80 if he wins another term  and it will make him worse rather than better . Hence the Historians opinion will change for the worst rather than improve . But with you guys even agreement wont work.

    Good news for trump ,since he is in last place could not possible get worse:cheesy:

    • Thumbs Up 1
  9. 2 hours ago, Henryford said:

    Surely many people get their pension paid into a personal account then transfer it to Thailand. So is this not acceptable to immigration? I will stick to the 800k in bank method, easy.

    It is,

    I also dont use the monthly method. 

    But when I transfer money from my US account where my pensions money is deposited.in my Wise account there is and drop down window . where you chose the reason for transfer. There is a choice "for visa extension reason"  ot something worded as such. I alway pick this in case there is am emergency that would require that I withdraw some of my bank balance, that way I have the monthly income method  also available to me. 

  10. 1 minute ago, KhunLA said:

    That would be impractical,

    You make a good point, but...

    LOL there is always a but. 

     I would rather have more cycles available to me than not, then I would not have to engage in all sort of acrobatics to extend the life of the battery,

     I would rather have unlimited range such as ICE vehicles, than less. and I would rather wait only five minutes to recharge than 30 minutes , and I think most people would. 

    For that and many other reasons that I have stated earlier, I believe Hydrogen fuel cell batteries are the future. 

    But who knows? there are many examples where in the past , the best option did not prevail.  

    Case and point  VHS vs Beta. Beta was smaller . held the same amount of data, and produced  a better product. Yet VHS prevailed because of better marketing. 

    So who can tell?



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