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Posts posted by sirineou

  1. 1 minute ago, marin said:

    Thanks for opening that door. You are on the same intellectual plane as your mentor.


    NEW YORK (AP) — Donald Trump became the first former American president to be convicted of felony crimes Thursday as a New York jury found him guilty of all 34 charges in a scheme to illegally influence the 2016 election through a hush money payment to a porn actor who said the two had sex.May 31, 2567 BE

    That's why I unsewered his idiotic reply with a terse "No". We  cant dignify such idiocy with a reply.  

    • Haha 1
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  2. 11 minutes ago, gargamon said:

    Walt Disney's head is still, I believe, in cryogenic storage waiting for the tech to catch up.

    I hope he brought chips and salsa. 

    The way things are going he might have to wait a long long time,


    At the level of cryogenic technology now, and certainly when his head was frozen, if indeed it was, the ice crystals that form in the body's cells expand and destroy them. The only thing that might be surviving of him is genetic materials , and for that he could have saved some money by putting some hair samples in a ziplock bag. 


  3. 9 minutes ago, bob smith said:

    If I were the leader of a 'rich' country, I would shut all the doors to illegals. I would have the army and reservists patrolling my shores at all times. Any of those that slipped through the net would be rounded up and sent to camps for hard labor. That should deter those thinking about coming here on a small boat..


    In my country, if I were at the helm, you come over with credentials to work hard and pay lots of tax. If you don't find a job within 3 months then you are sent back to whence you came. Proof of funds to support oneself for those 3 months would be mandatory to apply for the job seekers visa, as would proof of degree/masters/phd.


    No freeloaders welcome, only grafters.





    • Haha 1
  4. On 8/5/2024 at 7:22 PM, bob smith said:

    why is thailand not overflowing with asylum seekers?

    why are thai hotels not full of migrants that came over on boats?

    Really? you have to ask that question? 

    or is this a thread to get the dogs howling? 

    If you were an asylum seeker where would you chose to go and make a life? in a poor country or a rich country? 

    • Confused 1
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  5. Idiocracy.

    where a cryogenic experiment that was supposed to only last a year lasts 500 yeats and he wakes up to find the world in shambles run by a TV wrestler named Macho Camacho, and though of average intelligence he is the smartest man in the world. 

    With trump running for another term and having a chance good to win  , does the plot of this movie sound familiar?  


  6. 2 minutes ago, Cryingdick said:

    Yes and i am a participate in those as well. I know some people here so i find this place amusing. The other places i go actually have a few smart people. You can pm me if you want to know where they are. This is like amateur hour. 



    You don't have to explain yourself. 

  7. as light beer said 30-45 days depending on where you are,

    Here in Khon Kaen where we are I always do it as soon as I am allowed. It it is always a god idea to do it early, that way if there are any issues you have time to rectify them , and you don't know what the future will bring making it difficult to do it closer to the expiration time. Call  you local office, they speak english, explain the situation and ask them how early you could do it. 

  8. 1 minute ago, Cryingdick said:

    This is the world forum section.

    in a Thai centric forum,don they have world forums where you are? 

    3 minutes ago, Cryingdick said:

    Unlike many posters here i don't talk a bunch of garbage or feel obligated to add to topics about places I don't live. I don't use any other large of this forum anymore.

    So you are here to troll us


    4 minutes ago, Cryingdick said:

    I add things here to try and add some semblance of truth to those living in their little boxes in Thailand.

    The great white hunter here to bring truth to our little boxes in Thailand :laugh: 

    • Thumbs Up 1
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  9. 2 minutes ago, Cryingdick said:


    Because they support policies that weaken America and make it unlivable or terribly expensive. Look at how many people say California was so great and they would live there if they could. Yet seem detach3d that it could be that way if things changed a little. I am happy they are sand boxed and won't be here to be a weight on society.

    You are not in Thailand? Should you then be the Chicken Don forum? you know the alternative truth one. 

    • Love It 1
  10. "Massive migrant fraud , 2 months before early voting" Rally????

    How do the moderators even allow that? What does early voting and legal immigrants with no voting rights have to do with each other?


    The title of this Thread is misleading. None of these these legal immigrants had voting rights.  Supported by an idiotic NY post article full of Innuendos , and half truths. 

    Truly a hatched job.  

    You are all against Illegal Migration, ok I get it.  So the Bden administration did what you all said it should do and developed a legal program . When irregularities were suggested, it was stopped and the allegations are being looked into. 

    It seems to you guys cant take a yes  for an answer. 

    Massive migrant fraud , 2 months before early voting

    • Thumbs Up 1
  11. 10 minutes ago, KhunLA said:

    Just made almond peanut butter, and that take a lot longer than 'peanut' butter.  Compliments the homemade black current jelly that been here a little long.


    Another large jar of pickles, as down to one now, and like anther to back it up.


    Wife making bread, and simply refuses to use a scale.  Showed her a vid, so if not using a scale, at least 'fluff' up the flour first.



    Learned how important that was using a scale at chemical factory, making solder flux.  Also at 2 bakeries, where everything is simply weighed.   EVERYTHING, as measuring cups, spoons simply aren't consistently accurate.

    I like this guys recipes but he is too chatty  , probably more of a me problem, I am not the most patient guy in the world. 

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