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Posts posted by sirineou

  1. 1 minute ago, wwest5829 said:

    My reality … yes, living expenses have gone up here in Thailand since my retirement 13 years ago. Then again, my retirement funds are invested and are providing a sustainable retirement income (knock on wood for the stock market in the USA stays the course).

    I have by US savings parked on CDs and  treasuries , keeping pace with inflation,and  insured,  I could make more in the market but at my age I cant afford  to lose them. 2008 I lost almost everything, but I was young enough to make some calls get back to NYC work my ass of, and get it all back, Now I would be done for .

  2. 11 minutes ago, retarius said:

    My belief is that Harris is only riding high in the polls is because no one knows anything about her.

    The evidence suggests otherwise,

    If what you say is correct then they would had been high in the past few years when we knew of her even less. 

    But how often is what a Chicken Don supporter says corect? Not often otherwise they would not be Chicken Don supporters.

    So let me break it down for you, When people knew less of her , her polls were down, now that they know more of her, her polls are higher, what does that suggest to you. (this should be fun) 

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  3. 14 minutes ago, susanlea said:

    So intelligent. 

    No,, just stupid on my part, and jumping the gun. I got your joke after going back and reading the post I was replying too and you then replied. 

    I tried not to reply on spelling errors because " those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones"  Often my spelling is also atrocious as I get older . :smile: It is an interesting subject to me as an observer to my own  mental decline. I think I will start a thread. Ye have a lot of older members here and I wonder how they deal with it and even if they are aware of it. 


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  4. 18 minutes ago, bkk6060 said:

    I think they don't care about retirees.  Tourists spend probably 10 times in one day what retiree does. Retirees appear to be a nusiance to the government  here. If everyone left they would probably be happy. Bring in the no Visa tourists.

    Though what you say might be true within the context of the financial relationship between tourism and retirees,

    Obviously tourism creates a lot more revenue than retirees, and id retirees negatively  impacted the revenue from tourism, then the would chose tourism over retirees. 

    ,But It is not true  within the contexts of this conversation , which does not include tourism in the mix.  

     The reason given over the tax scheme, is to increase revenue from taxation , and with in that context if doing something increases revenue or decreases revenue is an important factor and unless they are stupid they care. 

  5. 30 minutes ago, GammaGlobulin said:


    Concerning the beauty of Florida before the White Man, this is a quiz question to which only someone like Howard Zinn might do justice, and I suggest reading Zinn's book: A People's History of the United States in order to answer it.  As you can see, I always remain on-Topic...



    I am a know it all ,and don't need to read any stinking books:tongue: 

  6. 1 hour ago, GammaGlobulin said:

    As with many other places in Florida, a US state, throughout it's History, it has been trashed by the white man.

    For example, Naples once was quite beautiful, and rather unique in that it was one of the quietest and most upscale villages on the Gulf coast of Florida.

    You mean it was beautiful   before the white man? I don't think there was a Naples before the white man, 

    IMO  at least as far as Nables is concerned, The white man giveth and the white man taketh away, :laugh:

  7. 21 minutes ago, sometimewoodworker said:

    PDA?Personal digital assistant?

    PDF  (a typo) , all the tax recipricity agreements I have seen are in PDF  format, obviously  I did not mean that I read the US on on a personal assistant. 

    PS: I have a degree in Aeronautical engineering, I know how to read a document, and my way around Basic, Fortran and spreadsheets. shows you how old I am, 

    Also hold a full book at the international brotherhood of Carpenters, Local 212 , but I am more of a bucher than a carpenter, since I got this because the company I worked for specialising in concrete forms was a union shop and it was nessacery for my to belong to the union that managed concrete forms.  

    • Like 1
  8. 25 minutes ago, Drumbuie said:

    And you don't know how to spell English, let alone the finer points of constitutional politics. 


    then there is this. 

    Right or wrong I  formed an opinion and stated the reasons why I formed such opinion,

    all tour side has done is counter that opinio with unsupported opinion and personal attacks.  

    Not unlike what Chicken Don does . No wonder there is such attraction between the two of you

      You know what Bucko we all have an opinion, but opinions unless you are willing to support them with argument are like that proverbial  bodily orifice we all have. 

    .  Personally I think he is playing you and in private he is laughing at you. 

    He is communicating with you, and like a savvy  conmen he uses the language you understand. 

    • Agree 2
  9. 8 hours ago, stat said:

    For US guys it might be different as it seems their pension will not be taxed by TH.

    Its now 7 months into the tax year and still we use terms like "seems" , maybe, perhaps.  TIT 

    Though I love it here, and my life here is settled with our own home , gardens , cars and such, I am kind of hoping that my pensions in the US will be taxed, because I like it better in Greece and knowing how my Thai wife is with money, would finally convince her to agree and move there, especially now that my sister is moving there , with whom my wife is very good friends.:smile:

  10. 9 hours ago, GammaGlobulin said:


    Had a house in Naples.

    Used to row from near Tin City, where I launched the Alden single-shell, then south and out through the channel to the Gulf, and then up past Port Royal, and then past and through Naples Pier, and then further north to around 7th Ave North, where I carried/portaged the shell to a waiting motorized vehicle.  That is a very long row, believe me, when done in the hot sun, starting at NOON.


    That was in 1990.

    Naples was still livable then....

    But NOT now, for sure.


    Naples, comparatively, these days is a dump.

    A shame...really.


    Don't know much about Naples. Though I have traveled extensively through  FL . for some strange reason I never ended up in Naples . I was up in Sanibel island dot too far from there though but I understand that though nice, it's not the same vibe. Most of my travels in FL were uo and down the I-95 corridor,  and east to west on the I-4.

       No rowing for me, sounds like a lot of work, but I loved going cannoning up and down the intercostal with my daughter and friends.  

  11. 15 minutes ago, sometimewoodworker said:

    The regular tax officers do not need to know anything about the individual DTAs 

    THAT is the beauty and terror of the Thai tax system! The individual tax payers have to decide, and remember and keep records, of what is assessable income and what is not, if they need to file a tax return or not.


    So if Jo Bloggs decides that the income he is receiving from his stable of personal gratification ladies is covered by the Shireland DTA (approximately 200,000,000 baht equivalent) he does not mention it in his tax form, but he does declare the much smaller, in this case 2,000,000 baht equivalent commission he receives from his freelance lady delivery chauffeurs 

    he has allowances totalling 350,000 so starts paying tax from 500,000 to 2,000,000 


    it is only if, or when he is audited that he has to justify not paying tax on his total 202,000,000 income 


    This is where the systems are totally different 


    the immigration officers apply the rules


    the TRD accepts your interpretation of the rules, until or unless they decide to audit you. Then YOU have to justify your interpretation and they may accept you have correctly decided your assessable income is 2,000,000 and your tax payment is correct or that the work of your personal gratification ladies is not covered by the Shireland DTA so you now owe 70,000,000 tax and possibly penalties as well. Then you can try to justify your reading of the Shireland DTA


    TLDR any arguments or concerns may happen as late as 2034 when the audit clock runs out.

    Thank you for that comprehensive explanation, I am learning a lot from these conversations. 

    In Thailand they have a 10 year statute of limitations to audits? so I guess you have to keep 11 years of tax records.

    In the US they usually  go  back 3 years but if they find any discrepancies they can go back an additional 3 years  , that's why we are advised to keep seven years of records. 

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