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Posts posted by sirineou

  1. 6 minutes ago, susanlea said:

    Coffee is good for you. Hating on Trump is bad for your health as it raises stress levels. :coffee1:

    Well we can't all be as loving as Chicken Don's followers, their love and kindness  for the . Hussein Obama.  Biden ,  Harris , Pesoli  etc. is a thing we alls should emulate. :laugh:

    But I notice that you again failed to dispute what I originally posted, So I guess you must agree with me. 

    Please enjoy your coffee in good health.  

  2. From the Washington Post article. 

    "Within months of learning of the withdrawal, prosecutors and FBI agents were blocked by top Justice Department officials from obtaining bank records they believed might hold critical evidence, according to interviews with people familiar with the case as well as documents and contemporaneous notes of the investigation. "


    "by the fall of 2019 as Trump’s then-attorney general, William P. Barr, raised doubts about whether there was sufficient evidence to continue the probe of Trump. "


    "In June 2020, the prosecutor Barr appointed to take over the office leading the case closed the probe, citing “a lack of sufficient evidence to prove this case beyond a reasonable doubt.” "



    According to the WP, the gathering of evidence was prevented by trump's Justice Department and then trumps AG closed the case for lack of sufficient evidence, 

    • Thanks 2
  3. 1 minute ago, thecyclist said:

    Why are there so many farang idiots in Thailand?

    we were kind of hoping you would tell us. 

    2 minutes ago, thecyclist said:

    And why do the dumbest  of these farang idiots end up on this forum starting one nonsensical thread after another?

    we are intrigued, why did you make this post?

    3 minutes ago, thecyclist said:

    Asean.com should introduce  minimal IQ requirements to weed out the chaff.

    It has! minimal enough to allow  you to post. How much lower do you want them to go? 

    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 1
  4. 4 hours ago, retarius said:

    I think you should articulate all the marvellous things she has done....I know she supported defund the police and BLM,

    A link where she supported to defund the police would be appreciated. but even if she did support that, then it would be something she supported and not something she accomplished. 

    I think you confuse things you support with things you have accomplished .

    I am sure you support higher education but ......

    4 hours ago, retarius said:

    You know she was the most "progressive senator" in the period she was senator....voted 100/100 most progressive senator

    Progressive is good, as is progress . Regressive is bad ,as conservatives wanting to go back to the good days. Wink Wink , good for white boys. 

    4 hours ago, retarius said:

    I suspect you are in your left wing bubble chamber and really no nothing about the women other than the quick wiki search you did.

    Where you have a highschool  diploma. 

    4 hours ago, retarius said:

    I read widely from both sides of the aisle to get a balanced focus including CNN, Independent, Guardian from the left amongst others;

    Then you must have a comprehension problem, because nothing else explains what you post.

    4 hours ago, retarius said:

    Most people, you included only read the left wing MSM.

    Have you been peeking through my window again? Cut it out, it's just weird. 

    • Confused 1
    • Sad 1
  5. 11 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

    Chachoengsao Provincial Court fined a Chinese-owned factory 1.8 billion baht for releasing waste water into the Jone Reservoir in the central province of Chachoengsao.

    Big woopty woop. 

    They sabe millions and have to pay 1.8m to me it sounds like a sound business decision. 

    They should have done like everyone else , pay a water tank truck guy and that way they would not know where he dompt it. 

    • Confused 1
  6. On 7/31/2024 at 3:39 AM, Social Media said:

    " However, Musk's repost stripped away this label and simply called it "amazing

    I had originally bought stock on Tesla  but sold many years ago and made a pretty good return, I thought Musk was a visionary then , now I am convinced  that he is just an A-hole who was at the right place , at the right time. 

    Unless they encode some sort of a watermark in AI creations not only would it create a deepfake problem but it would give others plausible deniability to say to any recording, "That was not me, that's deepfake".  

  7. 9 minutes ago, Presnock said:

    well after re-reading a lot or most of my notes here, I notice that my spelling appears really shaky too but it is not that I don't spell the words correctly, it is that even at this advanced age, I try to type as fast as I used to but unfortunately the fingers just don't spell as well as they used to.

    Same here.

    I find myself to now  have to look at the keyboard  otherwise I often lose my place on the keyboard and type nonsense,(wekk moe nonsense than usual) LOL  Most of the time I am missing a letter because i do not strike the key strong enough. Also I have notice on myself that being bilingual might confuse me in my choice of letters, (not sure what is going on there) The "V" in the qwerty keyboard is an (N) in Greek, and the  B  in the English keyboard is a V in the Greek ,and these letters are right next to each other so I often find myself subconsciously having made the wrong choice. ( Weird right?) .

    I also tend to be a bit controversial in my posts and consequently I get a lot of  Notifications, and I am often sparring with  two or three members here while holding conversations on FB with my sister in Italy, or my other sister in Greece, or my baby sister in the US, and some people in the FB groups I belong, and I dont have the time to proofread everything I write, but even when I do skim over it, because my brain  knows what I meant to write   often miss what it is actually written. 

       Oh the joys of getting older , but if you consider the alternative, not too bad! :laugh:


    • Love It 1
  8. 5 minutes ago, Hummin said:

    Still believes Thailand attracts a great variety of people of different reasons. Never met so many all kinds of trouble, and obviously escaped something back home. Not only people who escape cold seasons back home. 


    However I do not doubt what you saying about being adventorous and the link to more progressive people, I just find Thailand someway different when it comes to the mix of expats as said from every other countries I have lived or visited. 

    Certainly  many different people , but what is the common thread that unites most ou us?  not all, but a majority of us. 

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