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Posts posted by sirineou

  1. 36 minutes ago, villageidiotY2K said:

    who should i ask, korean embassy inthailand or the airline? 

    I agree with NOW NOW.  shout an Email to the Korean embassy explaining your situation and ask for advice, It could be that you don't need a visa,  but some other authorization, best to be prepared. 

  2. 2 minutes ago, villageidiotY2K said:

    im planning a trip to taiwan but cheap ticket i found got a layover in korea for 24 hrs.

    So i might as well make a sightseeing around korea instead of staying at the over priced shops at the airport.


    ive got omanian passport, no visa required for both taiwan for korea during my short stay for a week.

    So i can freely roam around the city of korea?

    I think you can , (of course ask the local immigration authorities) but you will have to go through immigration in Korea to exit the airport.  

  3. 2 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    As before you have obnoxiously distorted Shapiro's position on the conflict. He's in the mainstream of democratic politicians on that yet you again obsess about his ethnicity. He does not support apartheid or genocide



    Your style in this instance is trampesque  and requires an apology.

    .  I am not going to make value judgments one way or another,I don't know the man ,a few weeks ago I had never heard of the man, I only know what has been reported.

    ,   The fact remains that it has been reported that in the past he has opposed  a two state solution and right or wrong the perception out there is that he  is pro Israeli to the detriment of the Palestinians, and it will hurt to the affects that some who would had otherwise voted for Hattis would not with a shapiro ticket. 

    2 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    "A dangerous and destructive force"

    "One of the worst leaders of all time"

    Shapiro about Netanyahu

    Of course now that he has national inspirations would walk back past positions , all politicians do. Perhaps he is sincere perhaps he is not, I don't know what is in the heart of the man, but I do know this, 

    You can bet the republicand will jump all over it, and beat him up over the head with it. 

    First Principles. What id the input? IMO is to prevent trump from getting in power. 




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  4. 42 minutes ago, Cryingdick said:


    i just heard for whatever reason Shapiro is all but out of the running. I  noticed today the head of the UAW said he didn't want him. Made me think he might have issues,

    He also has a problem with the teacher's unions because of his support for school vouchers, which would defund poor school districts. 

  5.    Kelly would be my choice but he is a Senator and would have to give up his seat, another Democratic Senator will be appointed by the Democratic governor (Polis) , but whoever is appointed  will be up for reelection during the mid-terms that would favor the opposition party, and the Democrats can't afford to lose a seat in the Senate. 

        Shapiro seems to be the sweetheart of the Media, he  would help with Ohio, but he would hurt for three reasons.

     He is Jewish and there  those who will not vote for the ticket because of that, as unfortunate as it is, its true. .

    He is a strong supporter of Israel's policy toward the Palestinian, and there are many , including the youth vote who will not vote for someone who supports the genocide,and apartheid policies.  

    And he is a strong supporter of school vouchers , that will put him at odds with the NEA (National teachers Union)

    IMO , if she picks Shapira, say hello to another four years of president trump.

       Tim Walz brings Minnesota to the table, has no negatives that I know of, He is very likable in a down to earth kind of way. 

      Pete Buttigieg is Intelligent, articulate, and likable, other than that I am not sure what else he brings to the table as far as enhancing Harris'  electability  . I think he would be outstanding for a major cabinet appointment to build up his CV  and a shot at the presidency in the future. 

     I don't know enough about the rest to have an opinion.   

    • Thumbs Up 1
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  6. 1 minute ago, morrobay said:

    This is what democratic policies have brought to the Western world 

    The most prosperous time in human history,

    The longest lifespans.

    Lowest child mortality.

    Highest education rate,

    As a percentage of population the least people getting killed in wars.

    The list goes on and on. 



  7. On 8/3/2024 at 12:39 PM, Jingthing said:

    He's been insane for a long time, so if you mean will his sanity last, of course not.

    Physically, yeah probably.

    But anything can happen. 

    IF it comes to pass that the polls are so devastating that it points to a blow out landslide for the democrats for the presidency, house, and senate and he feels there is zero chance to win or be close, then I think he might try to flee the country to dodge prison.

    If he thinks it will be close (which is probably still the most likely result) he'll stay and try to incite a civil war to take power if he loses narrowly. 

    He is a sociopath and completely transactional. 

    He will try to get the best possible deal he can. If it looks like he cant possibly win, he as you said" will try to leverage what support he has to  extort some sort of a deal under the threat that if a deal is not made he would cause trouble.

    As disappointing as it is to many, including me, trump will never see a day of jail. As unfair as it is, Jail is not for the rich and powerful.  

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  8. 1 hour ago, fredwiggy said:

    It's easy. Women are partners and not slaves. 50/50 means just that. A normal woman appreciates everything a man does, if he does them. If you cleaned the kitchen, she wouldn't have to show you she cleaned it. If you picked up "your" clothes from the floor, which is a place they don't belong, she wouldn't have to complain.

    Good advice. I will think about it. 

    • Thumbs Up 1
  9. 25 minutes ago, fredwiggy said:

    Are you helping her around the house? Cooking some meals, doing the wash , not leaving your clothes on the floor for her to pick up, taking her out to eat, letting her watch some of her shows on TV, etc etc?

    All these and more

    , As I said but don't hurt repeating  , I am a terrific guy and a wonderful person.

    She just loves to annoy me.Right before I go in the kitchen she always shows me how clean it is. Like I am blind. 

    and always complains about my cloths on the floor, like it is my fault gravity is a thing on this planet. :mad: 


    • Haha 1
  10. My wife works diligently at annoying me 

    When we lives in the US , she worked , and annoyed me remotely from her job most of the day. , 

    but now that I am retired  and we are living in Thailand full-time, she stays at home so she can annoy me full time. 

    I don't know why she does this , because I am terrific guy and a wonderful person. 

  11. 10 minutes ago, Presnock said:

    I am 77. Like you I walk 6 kms 7 days a week, lift weights every 3rd day (light with lots of reps to avoid injury), do core exercises for 1 hour on the days I don't lift weights - my BP has remained the same except my resting heart rate has increased about 6 points over the years.  I used to be a runner for 50 years and heart rate used to be lower and during physicals doctor always asked if I was a runner.  As for your juicing - reasearchers indicate that will lower the fiber from those veggies but some people still have great blood work that are juicers.  You might thinks about adding some garlic or garlic supplements to a daily meal.  Some people have found this does help lower BP.  Proper breathing can also lower BP so maybe try some deep breathing exercises - helps the heart to relax more too.  Good luck and don't slow down too much - we need to keep an active lifestyle and healthy eating as long as we can.

    Thank you. 

    I also adhere to the "Use it or lose it"  thinking, and as we get older it gets so easy to lose it, and so hard to get it back. 

    But as the saying goes "I got nothing against old age, I hope to die of old age " :laugh:

  12. 16 hours ago, fredwiggy said:

    Measure the pickup bed. This is Thailand, you can fit 2 cows, 8 men, 3 ladies, 55 cases of water, two trees worth of mangoes, lumber for a sala, 12 bags of rice and a dog on top to monitor things.

    What kind of dog?

    • Haha 2
  13. 1 minute ago, Presnock said:

    Actually, researchers of note, especially Dr. William Li, doctor of medicine, heart specialist and researcher says that diseases of all types that cause deaths of people before their time (what ever that is defined as) and he mentions the 5 leading causes of early deaths, can be prevented and in some cases cured by diet and healthy habits (exercise, cleanliness, sleep, etc.).  But, look at society today, developed countries have so many fast  and unhealthy foods while healthy foods are available yet overweight and obese people are the norm today and the big pharmas love it as they continue to reap record profits from those sick people.  Manufacturers of unhealthy foods use artificial coloring and taste without care of the negative health effect caused by those ultraprocessed "foods".  We have been told by experts in laboratories that smoking and drugs of all kinds can destroy our bodies yet people still spend $$$ on both.  People eat unhealthy foods because they say it tastes good even though they are constantly told that those foods are bad for their health.  My feelings anyway sorry if one doesn't agree with me.

    Again no doubt that lifestyle changes can positively affect health outcomes.

    I am 67 walk several KM 4-5 times a week or ride my bike , work out in the gym, and do laps in the pool.  I enjoy a mostly Mediterranean diet, and take supplements. No Processed foods.   For breakfast I am Juicing it ( Tomato, beets, carot, celery.and a dash of tabasco. 

    Yet I have elevated BP. 

    I am highly offended offended when someone calls me lazy .

    These are some of the question one needs to ask when thinking about the issue. 

    Does cholesterol affect BP? Do stress hormones affect BP? Does physiology affect BP? Do any of these things have a big genetic  component? Can diet and exercise eliminate them?

    Does aging affect BP, can diet eliminate aging? 

  14. I no longer even watch the games or pay attention to them. A huge commercial enterprise IMO.

    Their should be returned to the country of their origin, and should be partly financed by a fee paid by each participating country. The fee should be means tested and based on national GDP.  There should also be a section for independent athletes that should be free, except for a small administrative fee. 

    And end all these nonsense. 

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