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Everything posted by MikeandDow

  1. 100% correct people need to read the history of Israel and The Balfour Declaration nothing to do with the US
  2. You are a Hamas suporter Israelis are the effect, not the cause.
  3. The Palestinian should give up Hamas then there would be no reason for the bombing, but this will not happen as the Palestinians just hate Israeli, I have no sympathy for the Palestinian they voted in Hamas as there representives
  4. Hope people realise the evacusees have to pay the cost before they get on, i know this as a fact, during the covid was evacuated from kazakhstan on a repatriation flight cost 400 us to thailand
  5. you need to stop posting rubbish !!!!! 3000 lives check your facts before posting
  6. 100% correct The headline should read THAILAND CONDONE'S THE BEHEADING OF BABYS
  7. What a load of rubbish !! try and get your fact right, the quote we shall fight was winston churchill the 2nd world war nothing to do with saxons of northern Germany plus saxons are norwegen you need to read the history of the formation of israli quote "The late 19th century saw the widespread consolidation of a Jewish nationalist movement known as Zionism, as part of which aliyah (Jewish return to the Land of Israel from the diaspora) increased. During World War I, the Sinai and Palestine campaign of the Allies led to the partitioning of the Ottoman Empire. Britain was granted control of the region by League of Nations mandate, in what became known as Mandatory Palestine. The British government publicly committed itself to the creation of a Jewish homeland. Arab nationalism opposed this design, asserting Arab rights over the former Ottoman territories and seeking to prevent Jewish migration. As a result, Arab–Jewish tensions grew in the succeeding decades of British administration. In 1948, the Israeli Declaration of Independence sparked the 1948 Arab–Israeli War, which resulted in the 1948 Palestinian expulsion and flight and subsequently led to waves of Jewish emigration from other parts of the Middle East.
  8. so its ok for Hamas to cut off heads of babys, that is an act of barbarism, because They are frustrated !! you need to think before u post this rubbish
  9. A restaurant is NOT a public place, They are private premises where the public are invited to visit on the understanding they will pay to eat a meal and follow the rules of the establishment. A private business can restrict access to almost anyone the owner or manager chooses for almost any reason.
  10. do thai's know what Nepotism means very much doubt it. to big a word, should be ashamed
  11. Thailand should be ashamed of him, how the thai people can say a convicted drug smuggler is part of there goverment !!!
  12. Best read the 2017 constution When the senate time runs out they will still be there as a caretaker senate untill the new senat is apponted by committee and those on the committee are military no mps or civilians so i can not see the point in waiting 10 months
  13. If you look at the 2017 constution it tells you who is on the committies to elect the next senators and guess what its army generals No civilians or politicians. The senators Should Not have an opinion there are there to serve the will of the people but that will not happen they are there to serve themselves, Power in Thailand isn't given, it is taken. If Pita and the Pro-Democracy side want to govern, they need to start fighting back, and quickly. Political power is an ephemeral thing as it is rarely measured, The vast majority of time, political power exists simply because people think you have it. Conversely, if people don't think you have it, you don't have it. MFP won a mandate to reform. Pheu Thai also won a mandate to reform. If they don't deliver, they are toast.
  14. Ha Ha you are funny because of your lack of understanding so according to you there is No coalition where do you get this from
  15. Off is the same as Deet (N,N-diethyl-m-toluamide) or metofluthrin Deet is getting banned in the US due to side effects
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