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Everything posted by MikeandDow

  1. Thaskin apologising for all the trouble he started !! This is a PR exercise, it will not be accepted the people down south have a long memory !!
  2. And the RTP are Doing there Job !! NOT !
  3. And as i said that is your opinion which i belive is very limited!! end of discussion
  4. so you are now being a dictator, telling thais how to think !! how to run there culture !! another trump !!
  5. as been posted before there are lots of Definition of corruption
  6. mabye in your eyes, but not in a thai eyes, but as a typically westerner not intrested put your blinkers on !!
  7. Oh! there are lots of Definition of corruption There is not any single widely accepted definition of corruption and the term has been used in variable contexts. The most prominent definitions emphasize the abuse of public power or position for personal benefit. This definition out-rules private-to-private corruption. It can be argued that leaving the private-to-private sector out is artificial, because the effects on the economy are very much the same in spite of the actual process where corruption is taking place. Courruption is wide spread in Thailand as is accepted as the norm the western attitude is shock and disbelieve
  8. in the eyes of western culture yes !!! but Thais see it different , In traditional Thai value system merit is derived from power and in this way forms a basis for patron- client relationship in the political society. There is also a tradition of presenting gifts to high officials. In this context you see that some things used to be legitimate under the traditional patronage system but are clearly to be considered problematic in modern legal system. A survey concerning people’s attitudes towards corruption. This study showed that many Thais still accept paying fees to officials as sin nam jai, the 'gifts of good will' and do not see that as a form of corruption. Much more they see taking things, even small ones like pencils, home from office corrupt. An other thing they found out was that there is a growing group of middle class people who oppose the corruption in its all forms. Still people expected the corruption even grow rather than disappear. Corruption in Thailand is entreched in The culture of the place ! so its not so simple in saying That is Corrupt by give a IO money it goes deeper !!
  9. True biometric data" generally refers to high-quality, accurate biometric data collected using advanced technology, ensuring a reliable and secure identification process, while "biometric data" simply means any data related to a person's unique physical or behavioral characteristics like fingerprints, facial features, or voice patterns, which can vary in quality depending on the collection method and technology used; essentially, "true biometric data" implies a higher standard of accuracy and reliability within the broader category of biometric data.
  10. if you know what you are doing go the the land office if not you need a good lawyer i left all of this to the wife she was on the ball when we built the house
  11. What you are talking about is Aor. 6 but this is only for controlled buildings condominium, commercial building, educational building, etc. not for a home you have built there is nothing to say your home is built and complys to a standard
  12. I dont see how you get "all blacks" out of that statement !! all i see is foreign national. lot of assumptions
  13. Yes agree, Most accidents can be preventive if Safety protocols and Standard are applied, Thailand has a plethora of standards but nobody cares no inspections nothing !! who cares if RCDs are installed just more expense so the accidents will carry on . lives are cheap in Asia
  14. well you should have made your point in your post
  15. That is not the Point !! there is NO enforcement of standards
  16. have you ever seen the Requirments to get into the UK USA or Oz Thailand is a breeze, also if you look into the History of Thailand you will see how the commies did
  17. if they want to go, Go nobody is stopping them !! all the crap about banks and visa should be easier but this is Thailand accept it or go !!
  18. You are expecting the RTP to do there job !! good luck with That !
  19. If you have learnt anything about Thai culture you should no its not about right or wrong !!
  20. Another one with no idea about Thai culture
  21. Its the Thai way Flip flop goverment
  22. it is called sin nam jai to westerners it may look like corruption but to Thais its normal part of its culture lot to learn !!
  23. The IO has Discretion to grant a extension with or without money and thats how agents can get a extension
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