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Posts posted by JimGant

  1. 44 minutes ago, Danderman123 said:

    To be clear, you are suggesting that tax residents simply "hide" income such as US Social Security from a Thai tax return rather than documenting on the return that a DTA shields that US income from Thai taxation.

    Exactly where on the return would you put this information? Per the DTA, this income does not exist for any Thai taxation purpose. Are you suggesting the TRD wants footnotes of all non assessable income not being reported?

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  2. 6 hours ago, Mike Lister said:

    Your statement that "there will and must come more clarification from the TRD" is interesting....I'm betting not, why would there be

    Yeah, why, indeed, would there be any clarification needed. Thus, as there's nothing in the Thai tax code about accounting convention for remittances -- you're then free to choose whatever convention best suits your bottom line. For me, that's FIFO.

  3. 1 hour ago, Mike Teavee said:

    So If you switch Thailand for the UK then I am using an overseas credit card (from UK) in Thailand & authorising the overseas/UK credit card company to pay the bill for the goods or service & if I pay that using cash in the UK would be taxable remittance in Thailand IF they applied the same rules. 

    Interesting -- kinda turns a credit card into a debit card -- and seemingly at odds with their statement I provided. Anyway, hard for me to get my head around this UK carve-out for taxing remittances, just for folks who are "non domiciled residents." Huh?


    But, re Thailand -- I guess the operative word in your statement, above, is: IF

    And if they don't use the UK example in any definitive guidance -- I'd be comfortable in equating a credit card loan to a loan for a condo. Certainly, this would be a logical argument -- in the unlikely event there would ever be a discussion with TRD on my credit card charges, on which they'd have little to no data.

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  4. 6 minutes ago, TroubleandGrumpy said:

     if a USA citizen living in Thailand receives a lump sum termination payment in USA, will they be liable to pay income taxes on that amount to Thailand. My understanding is that USA Citizens only pay income taxes to USA on money earned in USA

    I've already quoted the Thai-US DTA, giving primary taxation rights to Thailand on certain kinds of pensions, to include periodic payment pensions, and lump sum pensions. Believe I answered this question in my previous post.

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  5. 1 hour ago, Mike Teavee said:

    Other guys opinion is that a Credit Card purchase is a short term loan & loans are not considered to be assessable income, I originally thought the same but found out that the UK treats any Credit Card purchase as remitted income & as that's the only country I'm familiar with that taxes on a remittance basis changed my opinion. 

    Nope. For those UK folks subject to remittance tax, here's what is said about using a UK issued credit card to make purchases, either in the UK, or abroad.



    If a taxpayer who is chargeable on the remittance basis uses a UK credit card to pay for goods or services, either in the UK or overseas and he or she subsequently settles their credit card bill using foreign income or gains, the payment is a taxable remittance.


    So, only if you pay off your UK credit card bill with foreign source income or gains, will it be considered a taxable remittance. Pay it off from your UK bank -- no remittance tax.


    Thus, only if I pay off my US credit card bill with, say, a check from my Bangkok Bank account -- or any other foreign source money, will the credit card charges being paid off be considered the equivalent of remitted foreign source income (using the UK example, which is the only one I can find).


    So, when I purchase something in Thailand with my US credit card -- and pay it off from my US checking account -- this is not the equivalent of treating the purchase value as a marker for foreign source remitted income. Even if the money I pay it off with would be considered assessable foreign source income -- had it been remitted to Thailand to make that purchase in lieu of my credit card.


    Thus, a credit card loan to buy a hamburger in Bangkok is treated the same as a bank loan to buy a condo in Bangkok. Both are loans, and both are paid back from a US source -- and are thus not treated as the equivalent of foreign source remitted income.

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  6. 3 hours ago, sqwakvfr said:

    Would it be a blanket or all encompassing exemption regardless of the income?  I only used 50K but some have pension that are much higher. Some have pension that are not taxed by the US Governemnt because some have been declared disabled up to 100% and are not subject to US Income Taxes.

    All pensions paid for prior govt service are EXCLUSIVELY taxable only by the US. Period. Makes no difference the amount of the pension, or whether or not it is exempt from US taxation. Social Security also exclusively taxable by the US.

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  7. 5 hours ago, Mike Lister said:

    Ask yourself, does the way in which the funds are delivered make any difference, TT or cash via ATM

    Actually, I think you nailed it in an earlier post, where you said ATM transactions could not be tracked, thus no data for TRD to make any tax evasion case -- unlike for transfers into your bank account, which, of course, would have data for TRD to ask about, "why no tax return?" Thus, just nonsensical to pursue ATM transactions.

  8. 1 hour ago, Neeranam said:

    I don't know if I have to declare this to the tax man, anyone?

    Not according to a tax professional from MTG associates, whose video was referenced here. Hey, when interpretations of all this new tax stuff is in such a state of flux -- pick the answer that best suits you, and your bottom line (and hope the matter is not later redefined, to your disadvantage). And, of course, record this source's bonafides, for possible use at a later chat with TRD.

  9. 1 hour ago, lordgrinz said:

    Yes, because B6 million will go unnoticed by RD? I'm waiting to see how people fair when they try that theory.

    I've already sent 5M baht this year to Thailand, in four installments via Wise. Wise taps my savings account, which on Dec 31, 2023, was well north of 5M baht. And, for future wires, I'll have my IRA RMDs (or more, if needed) sent to my savings account -- up to the amount my IRA was valued at on Dec 31, 2023. I guess I could even have my Air Force pension (non assessable via DTA) direct deposited to my savings account. Thus, I'll have a savings account that could never run out of tax exempt remittances, at least in my lifetime.


    I guess if I sent many years' worth of large remittances -- and hadn't filed any tax returns 'cause remittances were non assessable income -- TRD might call me in for a chat. But, so what. I'll show them my bank statements and Wise transfer statements. Completely covered.


    That I keep good records is just my nature, and not for any deep worry about TRD inquests -- since plan A is my LTR visa. Good records, tho', would be there if plan B is needed.

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