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Posts posted by Gonsalviz

  1. Very strange to see how Farangs, outside their home country are narrow-minded and against democracy.

    The results are what they are. No need to cry, lament or cheer. Just accept.

    Yes. I've seen some quite shocking comments, including even to express the hope that the military commits another coup.

    And these are allegedly educated foreigners. Good to keep this in mind in future discussions here, the number of loose wing-nuts out there!

    And.. they have keyboards!


    It's ok though. The incoming party will hand out 'Tablet PC's to all students. First they need to be educated on how to use them. That is not going to happen. The PC's or the education. It wasn't going to happen with the losers either.

  2. With PTP 313, Dem's 152, all other parties seem to have been more than decimated. BJT, CPPP, CTP had 89 seats, but go down to less than 35? Ah well, maybe the quality of polls hasn't improved yet ;)

    What's interesting about those numbers is, that BJT seems to have gotten decimated, because its charasmatic leader is under suspension and played no part in these elections. What's interesting about PTP is their leader is also under suspension but we see his influence in every media, both domestic and international. Now we're going to see what the Thai judiciary is made of.

    I have been hoping that they are above the rest. And I continue to hope.

  3. This is not the military's choice, this is not the elites' choice, this is not the falang's choice. It is the Thai people's choice and that makes it the right choice. Up the Kingdom!

    I will not doubt it is the peoples choice. BUT, thaksin will not do anything for the poor that he pretends to promote. There simply is no money in it. If you keep the masses happy (with paltry handouts) and keep them uneducated it is not real democracy.

    Before you think I am disagreeing, I have to say the alternative was not better.

    As we say in the States, the choice is of the lesser evil. In this case, the lesser evil is not so obvious.

    The lower case in the name is intentional.

  4. Shows how out of touch the Thai Visa news section regulars are with the opinions of the majority of Thai people IMO.

    Great day for Thailand - putting the military and elite firmly in their places once and for all.

    Spot on!!

    Spot on? I'm sorry but that's just laughable. Do you know anything about Thailand or its history? Please tell me what basis you can support that?

    Typical response of a Thai Visa bully. Yes I do. Do you????

    Vanhuesden, get a clue. anyone in the government, no matter which party they are with (god knows they change like some people do underwear) are the elite. The military support the King, not the ruling dynasty. Thaksin is only in power to get more for himself. If others get some too, it only fodder for him. Thai society is so sycophantic (kiss a$$, so you don't have to look it up) it is phenomenal.

  5. We have had Thaksin before and it was not a bad thing by 3rd world standards.

    He was strict on crime and drugs. progressive for business and in many ways a more western style leader. His methods , on the other hand, were over zealous but is that, dare I say it, the only way to genuinely shake up the embedded attitudes . The Chinese autocracy/democrats dont want progress they want the ants to stay ants and the foreigners kept out of any situation that allows them to compete. Are those days over will they move over and let some new faces be given opportunities, will the radical wing become left centre as in developed countries?

    If I went against Thaksin I would be afraid. Amnesty may need redefinition just as Clinton and Bush redefined certain words.

    All in all a new power with a new broom but I cant really see any difference filtering down to the masses apart from a police force with a clearer mandate. The masses have been here before and strangely thought Thaksin the first time round made a difference to their lives. He didnt. Global growth did the work for him. This time its a far more difficult climate and it is going to be hard work achieving anything for them unless borrowings are increased on a massive scale. Of course large amounts of money mean corruption..........

    for the expat I think things can only get better

    The only reason Thaksin was tough on drugs and crime is that he wasn't getting his cut. He redefined the word democracy. Amnesty will need a complete rework.

    Thailand will be better for expats. I am hoping his redefinitions will send some of the riff raff packing.

    Ain't Asia amazing?

  6. It will be too late. Total power will be solidified. Democracy is DEAD in Thailand, starting today.

    And this is a little puzzling. If you mean it (don't know) then that's really quite out of touch. Democracy was always dead in Thailand, as proven by the 2006 coup. It wasn't a democracy before, it wasn't then and it certainly hasn't magically become one today.

    Something that isn't alive can't die. So you can take some comfort in that, JT: The people who always ruled Thailand STILL rule Thailand. The sherade that goes on in government and parliament is just the bickering over scraps, and some clever window dressing. Not all that much to either get sad about, or be overly happy about no matter who 'wins'.

    It is amazing that you have said in such a simplistic manner, the absolute truth. Thank you, and maybe the Bi*****s will go home.:jap:

  7. They may not realize it now, but they will eventually.

    It is a sad day for Thailand.

    If you don't like it then go home. It's called democracy. Deal with it.

    Simplistic response, and no sense of Thai history at all.

    My thoughts exactly. The sad part is, most of Asia thinks the same, until after 30+, they tire of the policies. ie, Tunisia, Egypt, Syria,Yemen,etc.
  8. i don't give a sh*t who's in power, just don't start protesting again and kill tourism.

    In reality, I don't give a sh*t if there is protesting. It won't be near me and Thailand will stay more like Thailand.

    But you're right and it will not be good for those that have invested in the tourist industry.

    My girls will get educated and hopefully escape the B***S*** that the latest elitist elected will inflict on them.

  9. They may not realize it now, but they will eventually.

    It is a sad day for Thailand.

    There was a general election and the winner was voted in by a large majority of the population.

    That is Democracy at work. Most Thais would say it's a great momentous occasion!

    As long as vote buying continues and the elite keep the masses uneducated, there is no real democracy.

    Do you think people want to be uneducated?

  10. A visa, even if one year, only allows a stay of 90 days so is not the same as a one year extension of stay from Immigration.

    Believe under Thai law wife/children would get account funds but not sure how involved it might be. Most people would make sure wife knew where the ATM card was I suspect. Not sure if banks have a 'pay on death' type paper as in US (only have a joint account).

    Previously Immigration understood the desire for joint account and fully accepted them for marriage and if in doubt of money origin checked account for transfer information. Believe they may be returning to that but not enough reporting to be sure yet.

    Please do not use the word VISA. You and I know what we speak about but there is no visa as most people know it.

    I just was not aware of the new police order and now I am. Thanks to all for the clarification.

  11. I had always thought in the case of a marriage visa required bank account had to be in the name of the foreigner. But in PO 606/2549 it states either or both.

    Is there something I am missing here or is it that the requirement for a retirement visa can only be in the foreigners name?

  12. Excuse me but I wasn't arguing that the democrats were pro foreigner either! I was and still do argue there is nothing pro foreigner about Thaksin and the reds. Expect irrational xenophobia from ANY and ALL Thai governments.

    BTW, regarding 30 day stamps by air. Nationalities getting 30 day stamps by air may currently fly out and into Thailand every 30 days for LIFE, under the current rules. No limits on that whatsoever, but you'll need to have a lot of pages in your passport or change passports often.

    Next ...

    And a lot of cash for the air fare.

  13. I wonder how this will affect married couples. The authorities know that when a foreigner marries a poor Thai woman, and they buy a house together, which is put in her name, that the money came from the foreigner. I suppose we all have to find ways to make it look like the money came from her. The silly consequence is that if the land is confiscated, the Thai wife will lose both her home and husband. .....

    If a Foreigner marries a Thai girl and they buy land/house in the Thai Wifes name, the foreigner has to sign a document at the Land Office (when the House / Land is transferred from 1 owner to another) that states, that the money to buy the house/land was from the Wife before they got married. So I don't see a problem there.

    I did better than that. I built the house on land the wife already owned.

    If she kicks you out, you can't pack your house into your suitcase either

    I suggest you read about usufruct.

  14. I did better than that. I built the house on land the wife already owned.

    I did something stupid'r than that, I bought land that my girlfriend's family already owned. Of coarse I didn't find out 'till after we broke up.

    Your method is probably one of the safest ways to build a house. I believe a Thai woman looses her right to own property once she marries a falang (at least that used to be the case), but I'm not sure if that is proactive. Maybe some of our lawyer friends on the forum can clear that up.

    Yeah, that's a good one alright. But there are good and bad everywhere.

    Used to be she lost the right to own land.but not anymore.

  15. I have no sympathy for foreigner investors who get screwed here in Thailand. Everybody knows the deal here. Even if this news break is 'tongue in cheek' foreigners have always been banned from owning land/ property . Try and and make it all legal through fancy names,accountants,lawyers and companies and this is what could happen. This is not the generous west ,This is Thailand.<BR>Thaksin is about to be re-elected by proxy and you can bet he will demand 46 billion baht be returned pronto! This country belongs to the rich Chinese- Thais. not us farangs. The only thing a western man can do legally in Thailand is marry a poor Isan girl and the government will gladly give you a worthless marriage certificate and her a Thai passport for passage to Europe. Take a useless isan wife to Europe and get her to send money back to Thailand every month. Farangs are considered a joke here .

    Apparently you are dense. The issue at hand is that they are talking about making businesses that are legitimate, illegitimate by re writing the law.

    All is for naught though. This is just another ill thought out diversion.

  16. It is still too early to tell and there is point in worrying about what's not even a law yet. More will surface (or not) in the coming months. But if the house is in your Thai Wifes / gf's name there is no reason to worry.

    Quote: But if the house is in your Thai Wifes / gf's name there is no reason to worry.

    .... no reason to worry. ??

    This is a very good reason to worry. Because with no legal rights to anything, you are 100% at the mercy of a woman and her extended family, who have money as their mantra. There is no such this as to have and to hold, ... for richer or poorer etc. The cash flow falters and you are compost.

    And that's a risk I'm already taking, but that's just me and I'm happy with it :wai:

    I took that risk also 7 years ago and it is not only you and I am happy with it too :jap:


  17. I wonder how this will affect married couples. The authorities know that when a foreigner marries a poor Thai woman, and they buy a house together, which is put in her name, that the money came from the foreigner. I suppose we all have to find ways to make it look like the money came from her. The silly consequence is that if the land is confiscated, the Thai wife will lose both her home and husband. .....

    If a Foreigner marries a Thai girl and they buy land/house in the Thai Wifes name, the foreigner has to sign a document at the Land Office (when the House / Land is transferred from 1 owner to another) that states, that the money to buy the house/land was from the Wife before they got married. So I don't see a problem there.

    I did better than that. I built the house on land the wife already owned.

  18. the day before the general election blame it all not on the local ruling class, but on those pesky foreigners - so confused voters would cast their vote on the status quo and "social order" parties.

    nationalistic frenzy is the best way to divert an attention from the real (and not an imaginary) social issues, like poverty and lack of justice.

    kun sriracha is a good lapdog of the army, that's why he was appointed a member of Constitution Drafting Committee back in 2007, why he got a cushy job in the one of the most corrupted governmental departments and why he has spoken now about the foreigners

    What if it isn't big talk, but reallity?

    All those companies with so called partners ?

    I think only the poorest under the farangs gave it to their lady (so they have notting to begin with),

    de rest is stuck with his company and ........is going to loose it and deported .

    Airplanes will be full !

    Economy in the costal sides will schrink to ........lets say 1%? Or are the cheap charlies worth more ?

    The rest will be deported..........

    Ones they have their land back .....the land is worth notting ,becouse the people with money are not longer here !

    Back to stone age .......thats what the mighty people really want.......much easier to control the poor masses !

    Why do you think the coastal economies.economies will shrink. If the land grubbers get the land at a bargain price,

    things will go on. Just the money will be flowing into the hands of the ones that already have more than GOD.

    But I really think this is an election diversion issue as was said before.

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