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Posts posted by Gonsalviz

  1. We have decided on a divorce. She went to the US 3 years ago, works and stays there except for a return one time a year.

    All is on the up and up. We have agreed on how things will be divided. She comes out way ahead.

    I stay in Thailand based on marriage extentions..

    I am wondering if there is a way to complete a divorce without her being in the country. I would not expect her return until 1 year from now, give or take.

  2. Does anyone know of a decent lawyer around Kalasin area? Doesn't have to be high profile or anything, just honest.

    What I need to do should be fairly simple but I have no idea about the legalities.

  3. My low class Ford 2.2 L (new) gets 16.5 KM/Lon the highway. I can't really check anything else because I live in the boonies and have a lot of super slow driving.

    Hey ... that sounds good. But at what sort of speed.

    A while back I did some steady driving at basically a constant speed of 80 kms/hr and got six and a bit l/100kms indicated. 3.2 EV

    As someone else said Isuzu 3L is quite economical when new...mine was anyway...but I think fuel consumption got worse after 30000kms or so ... I was surprised

    90 kph.

  4. My daughter (29) is half Thai from her mother. Is she still able to get citizenship from her birth certificate stating her mother is Thai. Mother recently passed away.

    On a secondary note, she has 2 daughters. Once she has her citizenship, could they not apply for citizenship based on their mother being Thai?

  5. What is temporary? I have O non imm visa. Is that temporary?

    In the last 7 years I have never done the TM 30. When my visa was issued my address is given to them on the Tabien Bahn. I thought this wold be sufficient. Last time I got Residency proof, immigration at Udon never said a word. I last entered a week ago so already I am late. What happens in this case?

    One other question. How do I go to about getting one from the US Consulate if I am in BFE Isan? Travel to BKK?

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