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Posts posted by Gonsalviz

  1. Reversing into car parks makes perfect sense to me. When you arrive and stop at a carpark, it's you that's now dictating the flow of traffic around it. When you try to get out of a carpark, it's the traffic that's now dictating your movements. Seems logical to do the manoeuvre with the lowest visibility when you're in control of the traffic wink.png

    Except that Thais can't drive or park. Parking is wherever they happen to stop.

  2. 16th amendment to the Constitution made it legal.

    Ratification (by the requisite 36 states) was completed on February 3, 1913. The amendment was subsequently ratified by forty-two of the forty-eight then existing:

    Taxation on income is unfair. Everyone knows it is. What makes it illegal is an illegal law. This is why Americans are getting fed up with the system. Trump all the way.

  3. my missus does not work.

    On the first of every month I transfer to her account 80k. From this she pays all the household bills (rent/electric/water/internet/cable tv etc etc) and makes sure there is always fresh bread, milk, beer in the fridge and ciggies in my office and covers any other miscellaneous expenditure (this month we had all the AC's serviced).

    What ever is not spent is hers.

    80 K? That is my entire monthly retirement pay. I live in Isan. I could easily do 30K.

  4. When my house was built they installed threaded (amazing) water taps but for 5/8 inch hose. Well, everything I have needs 1/2 inch hose. (not Thai 1/2 inch which is 3/8 inch in the rest of the world). I went to the local hardware store and found valves that I could take apart and make 1/2 inch taps so I didn't have to start cutting PVC.

    I borrowed tools from them, got the valves, split them and converted the taps to 1/2 inch. All the while they are telling me it can't be done. When I finished, They said, "Good idea".

    Funny buggars.

    • Like 2
  5. Yes it is becoming clear after hearing reports from bar-owners who witnessed 1st-hand the attack on the two 72 yr old folk in Hua Hin that it was

    a gang whose aim was to attack tourists.

    The old lady was seemingly shouting at a Thai man after he'd beaten her son to the ground when another Thai man stepped in & repeatedly punched her in the face!

    Her husband was knocked to the ground & kicked by the same men.

    When asked why they were out so late, they said they'd waited till the vast crowd had thinned-out so they could walk back to their hotel easier. The 2 elderly couple & their son are still in hospital.

    Takes a really big man to attack a 65 yo lady.

  6. Songkran is unislamic.

    Yet iPhones and Coca Cola are not.

    Curiosity compels me to ask... Why should they be?

    I believe that Coke is halal, by definition... And iPhones are perhaps modern, but not embrassing technology is more an Armish thing, isn't it?

    I do believe you meant Amish and no, Radical Islam supposedly shuns modern technology except for the internet of course.

  7. Bent blades will cause wobble. If you are not careful cleaning them and a blade gets bent up or down, wobble sets in. Capacitors are in the fans from what I have been told.

    Crossy is the expert.

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