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Posts posted by Gonsalviz

  1. Wind direction. Planes preferably land against the wind to have more air flow over the wings, maintaining stability, less chance of a stall.

    Um. No. They land against the wind to decrease landing roll. If you land down wind the roll out is greatly increased which could put one off the end of the runway.

    They take off into the wind to decrease the amount of runway required for takeoff.

    The power of the engines can easily provide the necessary wind across the wings.

  2. Blame Somtam whistling.gif

    crabs in somtam are mainly freshwater crabs, hence many times when eaten, you have an explosion in your pants, even for Thais

    Not necessarily true. Depends on where you live and type of ST. They are 2 distinctive different types of salad.

    I still stand by that the majority of the somtam stalls are freshwater crabs... blue crab is expensive, hence you find it at restaurants instead of stalls...or you find it at cities closer to the beach more often

    Wife eats sea crabs in her Somtam regularly in Isan.

  3. I am about 60 km east of KK.

    One contact is at Ubonratana about 25 km north of KK. He has a mix of PR and RIR. Both good for meat and eggs. He has left the country for a few months but his wife runs the place anyhow.

    The other is up in Phayao. A long drive for chicks. He has some specialty breeds and a great line of RIR. He can ship eggs but I think not chickens or chicks. (too hot).

    I have made an incubator for a little more than 1000 baht with a digital hygrometer and temp indicator. A digital thermostat a small lamp and a hose for adding water for humidity control. I have it made but decided I needed better control for the temperature. It will do about 15 eggs at a time. Should be about 80% hatch rate.

    Actually I am still waiting for the thermostat and a small 12v power supply. Should be in before the second week of June. Hopefully the temp will be more manageable by then.

    Let me know when you are ready.

  4. ....does the OP possess a valid Tai driver's license?

    That is paramount. If you HAVE a Tai driver's license----they know you possess a passport.


    A THAI driving licence provides no information about a person having a legitimate presence in the country.

    Only an examination of the passport will reveal the existence of a valid visa, a permission to stay or an extension of stay.


    How do you obtain a TDL without a passport? Never been asked for anything else in 37 years.

  5. he big question is why all these p;ower poles fall down and the advertising hoardings. trees you can understnd but anything put up by man should be able to stay up. But as with many things short-cuts, poor quality control and lack of maintenance is mainly to blame as is the habit of loading everything onto a power pole made for electricity cables, now holds a mutitude of everything else which weighs it down and makes it unstable.

    Where do you live. The storms in Isan can be really wicked. 7 years here.

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