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Felt 35

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Posts posted by Felt 35

  1. Thanks for the replies. Accommodation is already in box pr. today (no prepayment needed)....but when the landlord mentioned that they was ready but not so sure if he could enter Thailand my eyebrows raise and got me to check this https://thaiembdc.org/2021/04/29/regulatory-updates-on-the-quarantine-period-for-travelers-entering-thailand-since-1-may-2021/ and I should be but are not surprised that the "Sandbox" package not are mentioned there at all, Phuket are after all a separate Country in the Kingdom???? Well will inform my friend and then he will have to take it from there and most likely start over again. I know he can change his flights but for sure he will be disappointed.




  2. US friend ready to go first week of July with all documentations and fully vaccinated and only in need of a confirmed hotel booking. Previously lived in Phuket so he already have in mind where to stay....but have the local Government said "go gates open" and are hotels, condos, ready for customers and bookings and the people in hotel business/accommodation rentals informed and ready to welcome tourist from overseas?




  3. 6 hours ago, BritManToo said:

    And yet a white guy walking around Hang Dong without a mask is a bigger news story.

    Thai(?) infects a 100 Burmese slave labourers at factory ........ nobody really cares.

    Thai freelance prostitute infects all of 'Warm Up' and Chiang Mai subsequently closed .... nobody cares. 

    White foreigner walks around without a mask .......... end of the world, deport all white folk.


    Is it just me seeing this, or am I being totally paranoid?


    No, and not paranoid, but as the saying goes "there's none so blind as those who will not see"


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  4. On 4/28/2021 at 8:19 AM, ThailandRyan said:

    Have made an inquiry and I am waiting to hear back.  Originally, the policies covered covid for you, if you tested positive and were put in a hospital. Not sure if there is a new rider attached saying only hospitals and not field hospitals.

    I asked them myself and maybe you already have seen their reply to me which I posted here in a quote to Sheryl yesterday. I dont know what their reply to you was but I dont feel confident with the reply they sent me but maybe you know what hospital network have to do with field hospitals? Isnt the field hospitals just opened directly from the Government due to congested hospitals so how can field hospitals be in a network?


  5. 4 hours ago, Sheryl said:


    no idea, you had best ask them. And please post what you find out. Are you referring to a COVID-only policy or a general health policy?


    This was the reply. "If you were to fall ill from Covid-19,  and end up admitted to a field hospital connected to a hospital within our network, that hospital will contact us and direct billing can be arranged in normal circumstances. However, in the case where the field hospital is not within our hospital network, then the arrangement may have to be on a pay and claim basis. 

    I understand their network of hospitals, but isnt the field hospital's a addition directly from the Government and where do that fit into their network is unclear for me.????



  6. 1 hour ago, Pattaya Spotter said:

    The meeting was for/with FOREIGN consuls and representatives on the island so of course the Thai officials would remind them to pass along the word to their nationals and other constituents. Did you happen to read that the THAI Prime Minister was fined for not wearing a mask in public? It has nothing to do with targeting any particular group of people...it's to get everyone on the same page. Even after over 20 years, I don't understand the reflexive defensiveness of so many T-V members. If you hate Thailand...leave!


    I happen to read that but Im also able to demonstrate for "my children" what can happen to them if they dont listen to their school teacher.????

  7. 12 hours ago, Susco said:

    Nobody will be forced to take the vaccine, as you are free not to extend your current permission to stay, and leave Thailand.


    I have foreign passport and are foreign citizen and will take the vaccine(s) approved in my country of birth. Residence permit here can be restored, but not my health and /or my life. 


    • Thanks 1
  8. 2 hours ago, SomchaiCNX said:

    Did you ever noticed that those who are afraid are mostly the ones who get bitten. I agree a dog in a cage will only make him more aggressive.  Those people afraid of dog should learn a little more about the dog language, the dog is showing his mood to you most of the time.

    Hmm.. who is afraid

    Psychological Characteristics of Owners of Aggressive Dog Breeds | Psychology Today

    Personality and Behavioral Characteristics of Owners of Vicious Breeds of Dog (dogbitelaw.com)

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