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Felt 35

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Posts posted by Felt 35

  1. On 6/17/2021 at 11:26 PM, YorkshireTyke said:


    So why do you swim for over 1 km everytime for the last 6 years if under current is so bad and how do you know about the rest of the year when you are only here for 2-3 months a year?



    Visits have been on different times of the year. I have as said no reason to deter OP from moving to Hua Hin nor have I any reasons to promote Hua Hin. However what got my attention and gave my opinion on was swimming in the ocean and the quality of the water outside Hua Hin beach due to my general interests in swimming and especially in the relatively freedom and natural feeling of a ocean swim. This compared to swimming in many other areas of Thailand. Many retires swim here but many do so in the few clubs who offer a swimming pool due to Jellyfish and general low quality of the seawater. 

    Felt 35

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  2. 6 hours ago, YorkshireTyke said:

     So 2-3 months in HH and the water was only dirty for a couple of weeks at the end of April in the 6 years you have been swimming here. 

    Sorry to say but rest of the year is worse with added undercurrent. I you count swimmers, not they who jump in the water to cool down or children playing you will over time see that very few swim and I guarantee you that they who love ocean swimming have their reason to not swim.  Btw, I think you most likely can see better how the water are when actually in the water than you can from walking on the beach.????


  3. 1 hour ago, YorkshireTyke said:

    Felt who comes for 2 months a year. Maybe Felt was swimming in a bad area or after a storm


    Only a small correction. 2-3 months here and 2-3 months where my permanent residence is in South Thailand so 4-6 months a year more precisely, and have kept doing so since the better half started in here current job in 2015. Swimming for me is straight down from Soi 85 and I usually swim 1-2.5km each time and mostly swim South along the beach and return. Last year the water in March-May was good, depends where you compare to in Thailand. This year was ok in March and first half of April but later on the water was turbid and dirty and as said I come often up from the water with black streaks of dirt all over the body. I have actually never experienced that anywhere before.


  4. 27 minutes ago, Keith5588 said:

    Hi @Felt 35 I have learnt a few things, that swimming in the sea at Hua Hin is not so good as I thought and that the True Arena was a public place as the one in KK is public and free or cheap to use. Also there being no public swimming pool surprises me a bit. For me it makes little difference as I intend to stay in a condo building that has a large pool but it does suggest that Hua Hin does not cater for the local people. 

    One running club is the Hash House Harriers - it has groups all over the world, there is a group in Hua Hin, the other group is the Hua Hin Trail Runners. You think you can easily find these by a Google Search. 




    Thanks, will do a search.


  5. I would certainly not discourage you from move to Hua Hin. Personally I don't live here permanent but my better half work and live here so I'm here 2-3 month and if a "normal year" heading back down South in Thailand for some months and reply. However and as said when it comes to swimming in the sea here which can be done but this year I gave up because I looked as a mud wrestler coming up of the water more often than not in April/May. That the possibility to go to a public swimming pool is no existent disappoint me because its actually says who the place is for and that's not the people keeping the wheels turning. The same with a sports stadium. Not impressed because most major cities, even with less influx of tourist money and property business, usually have this in Thailand. 
    What's good here IMO is less traffic if you do not live in the middle of Hua Hin and a more adult audience and generally a milder(less rain) rainy season, but at the same time it can IMO be relatively cool here from November to February at least if you enjoy hot weather 365 days a year.

    Btw, you mentioned running/walking clubs here and if you have a link to post that would be great because I never have heard about it.


    • Like 1
  6. 19 hours ago, bolt said:

    you can booking anything you like on AGODA or Booking  or Any other website, you can also book flights right now today, no problem.


    But if you want an COE you'll need to have a SHAPLUSBA ????


    So SHA is not enough? Btw, what is "BA" not like the slang "ba" I hope?


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  7. On 6/14/2021 at 9:35 AM, NCC1701A said:

    not be swimming in the ocean here, to polluted.


    NCC1701A is unfortunately spot on.


    22 hours ago, Keith5588 said:

    I live very close to the Sports Stadium


    Hua Hin don't have a public sports stadium neither a public swimming pool and IMO and with my small experience from Hua Hin. Made for the Bangkok elite not the general Thai/ Foreign residents.




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  8. 5 hours ago, kingofthemountain said:

    Maybe you are not really well aware of the situation on the ground?


    It's actually the rainy season in Phuket, so you can forget the sun bathing on the beaches

    (And the swimming also, as most of the time at this season it's too dangerous and so forbiden)


    For the hotel facilities, the swimming pools and the gyms are actualy closed

    Also are closed the bars, the massages shops and most of the shoping mails like Junceylon.


    Of course you are not allowed to travel to the small islands around


    And you have to wear a mask on your face everywhere at anytime as soon as you are out of your room


    So a genuine tourist is going to enjoy what exactly during 2 weeks ?

    Please enlighten me

     ????I'm aware that its rainy season, but June/July is with my small experience from Phuket not the wettest and if ocean swimming finally have got forbidden in the rain season then that's long overdue. In the old days it was the "old locals tale" who with their knowledge of the sea told visitors that swimming is dangerous in the rainy season. Regarding gyms and swimming pools do I have a friend and a staff at a Phuket town hotel and he tell me that both their swimming pool and gym have been allowed to reopen so is also he said, the famous hotel/sport center North on the Island so I think it must be some misunderstanding around that particular subject.

             Regarding travelling to the Islands and IMO I would think majority of tourist travelling far away from USA/Europe are in the midst of a pandemic, okay to just have a relaxed holiday on Phuket Island. Mask, well people wear one everywhere around the world and some places even demand people to exercise with a mask so to just wear one daily as a tourist should be no greater problem.

    Felt ????

    • Like 2
  9. Can hardly see a problem for a genuine tourist that he have to stay on the island for two weeks. Most tourist goes for 2-3 weeks anyway booking a flight and a good hotel, enjoy the hotel facilities, sun bathing, the beaches and some cheap shopping. Usually their holiday is for a relaxed time at one destination not a sweating backpacking tour through Thailand and South East Asia for 6 months which I think most are aware that maybe not are the best kind of travel now considering covid -19 restrictions everywhere.


  10. 11 hours ago, skatewash said:

    A subcommittee of the CCSA meeting today approved a 14-day requirement to stay in Phuket before being allowed to travel elsewhere in Thailand.  The full CCSA will meet early next week, consider the recommendations that have been made (including the 14-day requirement), discuss the issue, and vote on it.  If approved, it could be published in the Royal Gazette as early as the end of next week.  That's my understanding, at least.

    Ok, so nothing sure yet???? Anyway thank you for the info.



  11. 7 minutes ago, asiacurious said:


    Thanks for replying. So in theory and in my case, who not have been out of Thailand or to my home country in Schengen area for nearly three years I should be good to go following this "present within the following countries during the 14-day period preceding their entry or attempted entry into the United States"


  12. 17 hours ago, Alldar said:

    The important thing is - does he have COE? Without COE he cannot enter Thailand, and to obtain it currently you need to book 14-day ASQ. Unless they officially change the rules.


    Yes he have COE. Travelling under the "the sandbox" is said to be exempted from quarantine but he have to be on Phuket island for first 7  days.


  13. 1 hour ago, bolt said:

    They Key points for me are

    1.       Ability to transit in BKK or DIRECT flights only

    2.       What vaccines are on the approved list.

    3.       Which hotels are in the Sandbox program, I’ve read only 9 at this moment are approved for sandbox scheme, you can’t (shouldn’t) book any other Hotel else just now.


    My friend booked direct with his choice of place (will add that he stayed there on long stays before so the owners know him) and due to uncertainty all over the world now he did not need to pay anything in advance. He transit from overseas through Singapore and are fully vaccinated with the Pfizer jabs and pr today he have not got any messages from any Thai authority included the Thai Embassy in Los Angeles that his trip need adjustment so it seems everything steaming the correct way, so far....


    • Like 1
  14. 27 minutes ago, Liverpool Lou said:

    You're not trying to say that owners of rental properties in the west are obliged to accept any tenant that comes along and that they don't have the right to reject them, are you?

    Rejection due to race or Nationality is punishable by law in most Western countries and rightly so, likewise you cant set a add in the newspaper and say not for Asians or  vaccine appointment just for the citizens first. But this you know.


  15. 9 hours ago, Rhacsyn said:

    Good morning,


    I have kept my UAE residency active and yes, that is how I was able to book for vaccination.  There was a plan on the table for vaccinations for tourists and I will follow that up for you.


    Thanks, could be great to have an vaccine alternative and a holiday to Dubai????


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