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Posts posted by featography

  1. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>


    Late reporting is not an overstay. Overstay is being here without a valid permit to stay.

    You can do your report anywhere as long as you have a local address to put on your permit to stay, You may need to prove that address.

    But I do not know if they will do it if you are late. All you can do is try and if not do it when you go back to Chiang Mai since you are already late.

    Not correct anylonger.


    After the coup the millitary try to make immigration rules the same all over the country ( clap2.gif )


    You can now only report back (tm47) in the district where you have a registrated address.

     (I got rejected in BKK 3 weeks ago because I an registred as living in udon)





    clap2.gif  correct answer.

  2. Janie divorce goes public as she flees to US

    By Coconuts Bangkok


    BANGKOK: -- A top lakorn actress and object of much speculation after she appeared badly beaten in images online has indeed divorced from the husband suspected by many to have been responsible for the abuse.

    Photos of Janie Asavahame holding divorce papers were posted by online by a celebrity gossip publication this evening, but without any indication of when they were taken or who leaked them.

    Less than one year ago Janie married Chonsawat Asavahame under some controversy, as he was believed happily married up until that point.

    Several days ago rumors spread the couple had split as much as four months earlier after someone leaked images of a badly bruised woman appearing to be Janie and holding the same distinctive phone cover. [read more...]

    Full story: http://bangkok.coconuts.co//2014/07/29/janie-divorce-goes-public-she-flees-us


    -- Coconuts Bangkok 2014-07-30

    I'm not saying she wasn't abused but anyone with those kind of bruises has a serious vitamin 'C' deficiency. If you know anyone who bruises easily, please have them take vitamin 'C'. My mother used to get terrible bruises and my father was always kind to her. I put her on vitamin 'C' and she never bruised again.

    Another kind soul giving medical advice without a license to practice. You need a work permit just the same.

    • Like 1
  3. Why the USA doesn't send a nuclear missile to North Korea to take them out of their misery?


    But again, saying that, why should the innocent, people suffer for the stupidity of a few?


    I wish, this planet of ours was a better place to live, but seems to go downhill by the day.


    answer to your first question in one word;'



  4. The Brown Recluse isn't in Thailand, is it?

    There are no Brown Recluse in Thailand, nor are there any Black Widows, but there are Brown Back Widows, twice as poisonous as the Black Widow. There is also a very poisonous Thai tarantula, small enough to be mistaken for any dark spider, docile looking, doesnt move much until agitated, then it is damn fast. The Brown Back Widow has an orange hour glass on its underside. The tarantula can be identified by its hairy legs. The Brown Back Widow originates in South Africa but has been probably accidentally transported in freight and luggage to all continents.

  5. I learned to like the bum gun so well I brought 3 back to the US for my bathrooms. I was doing remodeling anyway so I made a second half inch connection by each toilet. The Thai threads work fine on US half inch pipe. Saving a lot on toilet paper now. If I time it right I can skip the paper and step right into the shower. My laundry is cleaner and I hate to use the toilet any place but my house now. I recall my lovely Thai-school-teacher-wife's wrinkled nose when she first saw my daughter's underwear (teenage girl refuses to adapt). Daughter has to do her own laundry now as Waan Jai refuses to touch the "dirty girl's" clothes. (Wasted hours cleaning underwear by hand only to have all her hard work crapped on again next week).

    I heard a Doctor once ask "If you fell down and your hand landed in dog sh*t would you wipe your hands off with a paper towel and call it good? Heck no! You would use water at the very least and probably soap as well! So why is your ass different?" I had to agree with his logic.

    Yeah, when I was a kid in the states, I always heard how dirty foreign girls were, especially Asians. Well, the first girl l had in Asia washed both of us before and after sex, when the last girl I had sex with in the states just pulled up her panties and pulled down her dress and we went back to the dance. I know who the dirty girls are.

    I know what you mean. Last dance I went to, the girl's parents showed up, asked her if she wanted a Slo Comfortable Screw (mixed drink), to which she replied, ''No thanks, I just had a fast <deleted> against the truck''

  6. You lean forward to seal that end off so water doesn't spray out the front then point slightly down from the top of your crack and spray away. Wipe dry with toilet paper, roll it up and throw in the garbage can. Don't throw it down the toilet because they use narrow pipes so it's not designed for that. Since many public washrooms don't have toilet paper you usually want to carry a little something. If in a restaurant you can use napkins. If you don't have anything there is always your left hand and then drip dry. That is why it's considered disrespectful or bad manners to use your left hand for anything such as eating or shaking hands. Sucks if you're a lefty.

    Spraying doesn't work so well in the western world because the ground water tends to be a LOT colder. ESPECIALLY in the winter. THAT will really wake you up in the morning!

    I am a lefty and its handy. Aside from having disenfectant with me for such occasions, I find I get the lions share of the food on the table by grabbing it with my left hand clap2.gif

  7. The local Tessabhan is the place to go as they employ all the "pruners" you see around towm clearing tres from the electric lines. They will work OT for a fee and they took out a pair of 50 footers for me a while back.

    A question out of curiosity, give me a guesstimation based on what they charged for your 2 50 footers if you dont mind. I have no idea what the cost for mine might be, but would appreciate some figure in the ball park. I pay as I go, so wondering how much to rat hole away. Thanks again.

  8. The local Tessabhan is the place to go as they employ all the "pruners" you see around towm clearing tres from the electric lines. They will work OT for a fee and they took out a pair of 50 footers for me a while back.

    thank you Maejo. I.ll check into that.

  9. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    That Lifan dealer in Phuket should be praised. Not the first time they have been recomended. Maybe Lifan HQ should get the Chiang Mai dealer to pop down , to see how to service bikes and how to keep / get new customers. Poor service will / does put people off these bikes . Bikes themselves are great value.

    Count your blessings. I went into CM Lifan, talked to the owner, told him I had air in the brake lines, asked him to check the brake fluid resevoir, because I believed air may be sucking in there, no fluid leaks anywhere. He said ok, told the wanna be mechanic something in Thai, and 20 minutes later they bring the bike back up front. Nothing said to me or the wife, just handed us a bill for a couple hundred baht. There was an item the wife was purchasing, so nothing breaking the cost down in writing. I left, no air in brakes, resevoir doesn't look new. We.ll see as I suspect they only bled the brakes.

  10. Additionally, I live in Sansai, Chiang Mai. The tree isnt leaning, or giving any visual indication that its about to uproot, I have driven a screw driver in the first 8 feet of the tree, all around it and the wood is solid, with no rot. The termites are just under the bark, and the bark does separate in chunks with bare hands.

  11. I havent been able to find an existing topic so I am starting one. I have a tree, app. 30 feet high that needs to come down. The challenge is, it is 2 feet from boundary wall, less than 4 feet from neighbors first floor roof, and about 2 feet from the corner of my house roof. It sets in the corner, if we were to fall it away from the mentioned obstacles, it would take out the roof of my car port, as well as boundary wall parallel to the street. It will have to be taken down in segments and I have seen how some ''professional'' jack of all trades, climb in their sandels with a hatched or hand saw and cut limbs and let them fall, with no ropes, much less snatch blocks.

    Does anyone have a positive experience with, and can recommend a company that does this kind of close quarter work with all the tools of the trade?. The tree is infested with termites and I want it out of here before a hardy wind and rain blow it over.

    I can take the jokes and laugh with you, but really need some constructive advice to go with it. Thanks in advance for both.

  12. Thais drink very little fresh milk. Much of he milk produced is turned to powder and is used in all kinds of baby food products. When was the last time you saw a Thai drinking a glass of milk.

    thailand has had import restrictions on powdered milk from

    Australia for years trying to protect the local market. I used to make feta cheese and yogurt commercially in my company Don's Foods using powdered milk and the quota on import kept the price up and difficult to make a profit. They slowly stopped the import.

    Try to find out what is really in Thai milk and you will really be surprised.

    You dont see people drinking milk because they all have alcohol. Go to the schools and you see a ton of milk in the little cartons for the students.

    All powdered milk is brought into Thailand, there are no facilities to make it here. I went to Yok on hwy 11 and saw powdered milk sold there. I may or may not remember in the last 18 mos, seeing it at Rimping as well.

  13. I drink an average 2-4 0.5l bottles of beer per week. Had a few in Germany and as said, the condition improved. Had none since my return and condition got worse - for sure it is not the booze.

    Would be grateful if somebody can decrypt what is written on the Meji bottle (with the dark blue cap). The only word in English is pasteurized, but as per previous comment, must be homogenized, too as it usually lasts 10 days.

    Page 2 and no one has touched on a couple of things yet;

    What hours do you eat dinner? Late, theres your stomach problems

    Drink alcohol late at night? Again......

    Have you tried the other Thai brands of milk? Any difference?

    I shake my head at all the bar stool pharmacists that prescribe medicine to you. I always thought that was the Doctors job

    I would avoid soy milk because all soy products have adverse effect on thyroid gland, and at our ages, take no chances. There is a reason why Thai have high frequency of thyroidism.

    If the other brands of milk give the same reactions, try instead Almond milk.

    My theory as to why Thai milk tastes different from the milk back home is in the old adage; ''you are what you eat''. Cattle here eat wild grasses, weeds, and some plant leaves, unlike the hay and pasture grass that is fed cattle in the West. Note the beef is leaner here than back home, no hormones, or additives to the feed. I got used to the different taste, went back home one year for a visit, and thought the whole milk at home was tasting watered down and off. Came back to Thailand and thought ''wow, nice to get real milk again''.

    • Like 1
  14. Neither the tarantula nor the black widow spiders are considered deadly. Tarantula venom has very low toxicity and it's rare for anyone to even get seriously ill from it or the black widow.

    This is going to be a case of secondary infection.

    Tell that to the zoo keepers at the Bronx zoo that found the dead adult camel, whose autopsy revealed a black widow sting on the lower lip.

    The saving grace to us is the black widow, using its venom to kill its food, is slow to make and stock up more venom. Most bites to animals and humans are due to low quantity of venom in the spider. The venom itself is high on the toxic list.

  15. Tarantulas are about ten times the size of black widows. They are completely disimilar and the chance of finding a black widow in Thailand must be astronomically low. But I guess the reporter searched Google for poisonous spider and went with the first thing that popped up.

    The guy is sick from the infection, not the bite.

    The Thai Brown tarantula measures about 3 inches. By tarantula stats, these are small.

  16. Nice if she were caught and named and shamed. And if found guilty, she should be forbidden to change her name (so she can't hide her identity), and her ID card stamped with a big red "S" (for scumbag) which would prevent her from being employed anywhere in the entertainment industry and make her eligible for instant jail if found guilty of even a parking ticket.

    Sorry, that baby is just too cute. I'm venting.

    And if it were an ugly baby?

    Rhetorical question, and a S.A. question

  17. don't think I've ever seen a coffee shop open at the time of the morning the OP is referring to. i'm only up at that time maybe 2X per year but have never seen a coffee shop open so early. mcdonalds is probably the best bet. i got coffee at mcdonalds the other day for the first time. not bad. 115 Baht for cafe late. little high price wise and was surprised to see so many students in there drinking such expensive coffee.

    Or find a 7 11 that has someplace to sit outside. That is my only option in Sansai. I.m up and at em just before day break so its nice to sit alone, quiet and watch the sun come up and the clouds settle on Doi Suthep mountain

  18. ''A total athiest non believer'' You dont believe in Athiests.

    ''I don't believe in ghosts, God, spirits, karma, a giant boat that can save all the earths animals ...I just don't believe!!''

    I can see why you would confused, after accepting that possession is possible, and still not believing in God and ghosts.

    Do you believe in Split Personality disorder, or Dissociation Identity Disorder, more commonly known by its old term Multiple Personality Disorder? I find it easier to accept there is a Supreme Being AND people suffering from D.I.D. No confusion in my mind.

  19. Preservatives. Majority of bread makers in CM don't use preservatives as the shelf life will normally be displayed as 3 days. Farmhouse toast has preservatives (I think)

    Not sure whole grain is all that important in bread.

    No sugar or preservatives is what I want.

    And to get that, I have to make my own.

    Not to mention, whole grain bread usually gets a wagonload of additives to make it rise.

    Some of Chiang Mai's bread products are made from refined grains. Refining helps make bread light and airy and gives it a longer shelf life.

    But it also strips away fiber, iron, and many B vitamins. "Enriched" just means that B vitamins and iron are added back after refining. But fiber may not be added back to "enriched" breads. Fiber is found in bread made with whole grains though, so that's your healthier choice.

    Which additives are commonly added by local bakeries? All bakeries?

    Let's hope some bakeries will step forward and tell us what's in their bread.

    I tend to go along with the idea that there is little to no preservatives in the bread here. 1) It goes bad within a few days 2) adding preservatives would take 1 more step and people here tend to take shortcuts, save a baht get it on the shelves fast. A personal note, I have taken a real liking to the Rice bread (60% wheat, 40% rice) which hints that there isnt any more room for preservatives. It.s tasty, always fresh, and the slices are larger than the other bread brands, it also gets old in a few days. I found that squeezing as much air out of the bag as possible and keeping it in an air tight plastic box stretches it out for closer to a week. remember the old fashioned bread boxes back home? I find it at a chain of stores whose name is a pair of initials, on the ground floor of bigger Tescos, Big C and some hospitals. Its worth the time to search out and try, at 62 baht. Bonus is it makes a large sandwich.

  20. I cook 95% of my eggs in the microwave. There are a couple of ways to do it, all require removing the egg from the shell. If you want sunny side up, or over medium, lightly oil a bowl or dish thats not flat. Crack open and deposit egg(s) on plate, ''nuke'' for a minute on high. Any longer and it starts to pop. give it 10 seconds, and do again for a minute. Wait 10 seconds, do 30-60 seconds, depending on your microwave performance. At this point you flip the egg over if desired. Then 30 seconds, and done.

    Scrambled even easier, in a bowl, lightly oiled, put eggs in for a minute on high, then stir around with a fork. Another minute, stir, finish with another 30-60 seconds, and done.

    Omelets same, in a bowl, 1 minute, 10second wait, 1 minute cook, 10 seconds wait, 1 minute cook, leave for 10 seconds (continues to cook on its own). If center is still runny, you can use a Chinese spoon to flip it and do for another 30 seconds. Ive done hundreds of these with bacon, ground pork cooked already, onions, whatever, and finished the last 30 seconds with a slice of cheese on top. Clean up is easy and no frying pan to mess with.

  21. One question. Did you stick with using B95 fuel the entire time you have had the bike?

    If not, there lies the problem with the fuel lines.

    I am sorry you are fed up with your cruiser. When running right they are reliable. Before you unload it, why not take it to Bull Cycle and have them do a full diagnostic? They were awesome on my 250B. I know how you feel too. I have had the LIfan mechanicwanna be screw things up, and had an independent shop rape me over a barrel on work they did. I.ll keep mine and keep going back to Bull until the new Harley Davidson factory gets built, and their 500cc and 750cc are sold in Thailand.

  22. Icing or castor sugar and plaster of Paris, the first thing a dying cockroach does when it has been poisoned is lay it's egg(s) which contain some extraordinary amount of offspring. The plaster of Paris solidifies in their gut preventing this and kills them, thus stopping the cycle. Even if you eradicate them now they will be back in 3 months when the new born's hatch. It takes a while but it is non toxic. Some of the big ones fly and you can't do much about it except keep them under control, but the German ones are the worse, they are disease carrying MoFo's. Once they get a hold it's VERY difficult to get rid of them, unless you can break the cycle. I think we used to use 50/50.

    Surface spray helps usually in the short term.

    Who in Chiang Mai stocks Plaster of Paris? I tried 2 chemical outlets with success.

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