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Posts posted by featography

  1. 3 hours ago, topt said:

    Do you have a reference for this as I don't remember reading anything ?

    Shouldn't be a surprise. The wife told me some time ago that in the news it was reported that Thailand has borrowed so much money from China, they cant even pay the interest on that money. She said,  ''Watch, they will tax us all to pay the loan''. 

  2. 7 hours ago, Matzzon said:

    He managed to run 260 metres in handcuffs, quicker than the police. That only states they have to get harder on the "pom puis" at physical tests. 

    Its not that hard to do. In this country police cuff suspects in front. Don't know about European countries, but in the US everyone is cuffed behind the back, harder to run. I always thought it dumb when I see them cuffed in front, here. One can still climb fences. 


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  3. 1 hour ago, Baerboxer said:


    Your view of the NRA is your opinion, to which you are fully entitled.


    However, this is a matter of legal terminology and if the now amended NY rules are sufficiently clear and do not impinge on citizens rights under the second amendment.

    That is clearly a matter for the highest court. If they decide there is sufficient clarity and the changes align with the second amendment rights then they can dismiss the case. 

    Keith and Baerboxer, what countries are you from?


  4. Cyril, I am one of those ''low lifes'' you mention about AA. You have yet to offer an excuse for not getting real help that's original. They have all been used before. You're an alcoholic. You wont cure yourself. You cant cure yourself.  You can replace one drug with another and the addiction continues. AA is not a cult. Full of lonely people?!? I spit coffee when I read sentence. That is pure Bullsh...t, <deleted> I you prefer. Lonely addicts wind up there sooner or later, because they have lost all their friends/family, if death doesn't take them before, and they develop friendships that go farther and deeper than they ever had prior to going in to AA. There is where the real family is. You haven't met your real best friend yet, but then,you aren't ready for AA yet. You still have that inflated ego, and you HAVEN'T hit bottom yet. That bottom will be emotional. While you sit here spewing all the worn out excuses, remember one line from the AA big book; ''Some will die so others will live''. By the example of others dying from addiction, others may find the courage to get help. 

    Someone once asked ''Whats the difference between a drunk and an alcoholic?" Answer; Alcoholics go to meetings.



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  5. On ‎9‎/‎27‎/‎2019 at 9:17 AM, BestB said:

    Treatment in public hospital in Thailand is just as much if not more than in the West.


    Yes, care is much better than in the West but it is still just as expansive .


    Not sure which Arab countries , but know some treatment is paid by the government. 


    Would one have to provide extensive medical history and treatment plan to get the visa ?

    that's a croc

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  6. 18 pages and still going strong. Has anyone actually wasted the time to read all 18?

    U.N.'s WHO, for those that forgot, (World Health Organization), states in Thailand, 1% of the sex workers' customer base are foreigners. 99% of the customers are Thai men. 3% of the native female population are in the sex industry. Could be why AIDS and other STDs are rampant here. The other 97%, all ages inclusive, are rather conservative by world standards, if not down right prudish. 


  7. A trivia mention'

    Some years ago I read a book on Thailand snakes. I cant remember what book it was so I cant go back and reread it. What stuck in my mind was the number 70. There are either 70 varieties of snakes here, or 70% of Thai snakes are poisonous. Since then, I treat them all as poisonous for caution sake. If anyone knows the 70 rule let us know. 

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