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Posts posted by featography

  1. The first picture shows you well enough back to be able to stop assuming you are doing the speed limit or less. 

    2nd pictures only shows you in the middle of the intersection. The 2 pictures are proof enough you could have stopped in time. Is it illegal to go thru an intersection on a yellow light? If you make it thru before the light turns red, you most likely would be left along, although my understanding is it is illegal, UNLESS you have an accident and there is a video showing the accident happened in that yellow light, then you are at fault. 

  2. 17 hours ago, sirineou said:

    You need to back off the rozete (cover ring ) that dresses the hole where the drain pipe goes in to the wall. it should slide around the pire toward the sink.Then you can see how the pipe is attached.

    I suspect the drain pipe is threaded (male) and screwed into a female fitting 

    Don't count on that Sirineou. 2 I have pulled out of wall, weren't screwed into the down pipe. they were just setting over the down pipe so the water would spill into it. No threaded elbows to screw into. Welcome to Thailand. 

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  3. On ‎8‎/‎14‎/‎2019 at 7:38 PM, josephbloggs said:

    Not a big deal - must happen dozens of times a day.


    I lost my TM6 departure card once, just asked for a new one at check in and filled it out.  Not an issue

    Probably not necessary to get another TM6 card. On one of the pages in your passport, mine being at the bottom of a page, there date of arrival and TM6 info is there. My TM6 cant even be read anymore its so old, so when they want copies of that card, I just print the page in passport that has that info. Good to  go. 


  4. That happened to me in Chiang Mai a couple of years ago. They gave mine to a guy that lives in Lamphun and has the same first name, and American passport. I caught the mistake as I was leaving, turned and went back to the counter. They were very sheepish, immediately pulled the other guy up on the computer and called his mobile phone. He never answer, probably on his way home on a motorbike. Turned out they kept his and sent me home empty handed. They sent someone to his address, swapped passports with him and mine was waiting for on my return the next day. 

    Definitely check the mug shot when you get your passport back. 

  5. On ‎8‎/‎4‎/‎2019 at 11:32 PM, fusion58 said:

    Wow! That would be good news if true.

    I just did a transfer yesterday, the 6th, and I saw no option to select ''Thailand Immigration's International Transfer rules''. Last month it came from Kasikorn and showed as SMT code. I too talked to a rep at TW in the US and basically had a word for word conversation as Handsome Gardner had. As a matter of fact too, TransferWise uses 4 banks in Thailand, Kasikorn, BBk, BBL and TMB. For possible peace of mind and hopefully not ''think too much'', if you go to the TW site, enter your password, go to your account click account history, then click on each transfer, then hit the tab, VIEW TRANSFER DETAILS, which opens and with that is a tab for putting it into a PDF. Click that and we have the option to print. I did one and lo and behold, it shows, not the details indicating origin per say original bank, but showing the amount transferred in USD then converted to THB WITH the exchange rate and charges for TW. I went back thru the history and printed PDF's for every transaction back to the beginning. With these copies I doubt very much Immigration is going to have a problem accepting them. 

  6. 19 hours ago, rjwill01 said:

    Bullshit. Follow the law. Law says landlord or his agent files tm30. Agents want moñey but don't want to do anything for it. Thailand needs all these so called agents licensed and educated 

    Im with you Brother. Go to Immigration with agents name and address and report that agent is not co operating. Hopefully Immigration will contact agent and give them an attitude adjustment with the fine. I heard it was 2000THB. 

    • Haha 1
  7. On ‎7‎/‎16‎/‎2019 at 6:44 AM, jabis said:

    You must be joking ????

    No he is not joking. We have done that before and hey do show up and remove the dog in question. They are very responsive when it comes to possible carrier of rabies. 


  8. 18 minutes ago, Skeptic7 said:

    Asian Openbill (Stork). There also is a 1 Great Egret in the photo...the slender all white bird with long S-shaped neck, 5th from the right. 



    Rimmer also suggested White Stork, a great suggestion, but White Stork is an extremely rare species in Thailand...classified as "accidental" here, as Thailand is well out of this species range. Although it is listed in A Guide to the Birds of Thailand (Lekagul/Round, 1991)...it also mentions that there has only been 1 accepted sight record and I have not been able to find any records since. This many would be a sensational find! But alas, they are Openbills as the diagnostic clincher is that White Stork have long, sharply pointed, bright red-orange bills. The birds here clearly have grey bills. :thumbsup:


    the wife things they are all Egrets. On her family farm the come into the fields where the cattle and water buffalo are and eat the dung beetles. 


  9. On ‎6‎/‎21‎/‎2019 at 10:57 AM, missoura said:

    We live alongside the Nan River in Phitsanulok province and so we have quite a few in the area. This photo taken years ago shows the villagers with a good-sized lizard. Dead. When the chickens or duck go missing there is invariably a water monitor lizard in the area. The creatures are usually shot and then thrown back into the river. Surprisingly, this is one thing the locals don't eat...

    water monitor.jpg

    The Burmese eat them. 

  10. On ‎6‎/‎21‎/‎2019 at 4:04 PM, Just Weird said:

    "I had a Tesco delivery this week scheduled for 8-10 pm..."

    That's odd, shoponline.tescolotus.com does not offer an 8-10am delivery. Must be one of those specials for imaginative Thaivisa posters.

    Whose confused here? AM=morning   PM= after noon

  11. On ‎6‎/‎15‎/‎2019 at 9:23 AM, Chang_paarp said:

    This is not the first of this type of death this week. Is it a new fad? Or a new way for the police to fob off the press?

    Not a new fad. Been around for decades. Wesley Snipes and Sean Connery did a murder mystery movie where the practice was performed with 2 consenting adults. Been so long ago I don't remember the name of that movie. They call it Autoerotic Asphyxiation Game. In theory for both man and woman, it generates a more powerful climax. Go figure.

  12. On ‎6‎/‎15‎/‎2019 at 12:49 AM, Issannative said:

    It makes it easier for getting driving licence ect that needs proof of residence, rather than going to imm every time for a proof of res letter.

    Sent from my LDN-LX2 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

    It also pays for itself when a copy of the yellow book is presented to venues that double price. Every time I use it I pay the same entrance fee as Thai, with only 1 exception, Doi Inthinon who wont accept any proof that we live here. 

  13. 11 hours ago, blackcab said:

    Immigration may well ask to see your son's Thai birth certificate. Also take the divorce/custody documents.


    Perhaps you might want to get his Thai ID card and possibly his Thai passport made before he leaves, and retain a copy of his house book entry. You also want to keep his Thai birth certificate.


    If he ever comes back to Thailand this will help him no end; especially his Thai ID card.

    I agree and add all Thai Documents, have Star Visa (close to US consolute) make English copies just to CYA at both ends. 

  14. On ‎6‎/‎11‎/‎2019 at 1:31 PM, Chrisdoc said:

    I think you can't own the company. You can get a work permit because it could not be your company. You can only own 49%. There is another very informative thread on this running at the moment. Someone has even put a cash breakdown for the expenses for his work permit.

    Sent from my Lenovo TB-8304F1 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

    Americans can own up to and including 100% of a business if they register under the Thai-American Treaty of Amity. Still cant own the land, but can own the business. 



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  15. On ‎5‎/‎13‎/‎2019 at 5:01 AM, otherstuff1957 said:

    While school uniforms are rare in the US, a few schools require them, particularly in inner city areas.  


    In addition to the very valid points made by the posters above, uniforms keep gang members from wearing their "colors".  As Thailand has a violent gang problem at many Tech schools, they should keep their uniforms.

    Evidence in the past shows the school colors become the gang colors. I agree the uniforms should be dropped. 

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