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Posts posted by featography

  1. 7 hours ago, noise said:

    jINGTHING is correct, it is premature to wonder.   On 10 December, I received an email from the SSA office in Manila stating:  "As of this moment we can only process Bangkok Bank direct deposit accounts in Thailand."

    Noise, I have been trying to get in touch with Manila SSA to no avail. Do you have a current phone number for them? Some claim SSA has been closed down in Manila. I called SSA in the States and got more ignorant answers. No one seems to know anything. After receiving a warning that my once a year questionnaire from SSA was not received in June, another was sent stating I had 45 days to mail the 2nd one back to Pa. I sent it with tracking. Tracking showed it delivered to of all places, GENERAL DELIVERY, in spite the address on the envelope being correct with zip code and PO Box number. 

  2. 4 hours ago, pr9spk said:

    I went out for a jog the other day, after about 2 minutes it became a fast walk, but still felt good. Wish I had taken a green sponsor though, because I climbed up the local mountain to see the phra yai.

    After reading all the comments so far, I will say I have the same thing on the back of my leg. It is exactly what was described, living in the city, I was, and am still convinced mine is from a spider bite. Mind you, mine is about a year old, and went from the red color described, to tannish shade of color. Its still there, so whatever it is, it leaves a scar. All the family has ever seen in our house are mosquitos, spiders and the geckos that eat them. 

  3. 3 hours ago, simoh1490 said:

    A correspondent bank is a bank used by another financial institution that doesn't have the ability to complete the transfer to the required destination, it is chosen by the bank, not by the customer.

    Agreed, and that correspondent bank, chosen by your bank also charges a fee that in my experience, is hidden. My credit union used Citibank in NY, and I was charged $30 by my bank, 200TBT to receive it by Bangkok Bank with Citibank taking their cut, which took 3 days. By using NY BKB routing number, I eliminated one charge and get it in 2 days. 

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  4. Even with Geckos, there is too much of a good thing. Every nook and cranny we look in that doesn't get opened or used regularly, i.e. purses, shoes, cupboards, storage boxes etc., contain Gecko eggs. They have over run the house, inside and out. With all due respect, no amount of Geckos can reduce enough of the mosquito population. 

  5. 3 hours ago, BEVUP said:

    There's more experienced people then me here but if I recall she may be able to wait 1 yr & go for Abandement 

    He stays in home, supporting the household expenses, he is not guilty of abandonment.  He would have to dessert her, make no payments to her before she could file on that, and it is a year at least. I read somewhere that its 3 yrs. Like the advice, check with a lawyer.


  6. 8 hours ago, jaltsc said:

    "They have been told in no uncertain terms by police - show your breasts and we will fine you up to 5,000 baht..."


    Of course, as per police policy, they will have to re-enact the crime 30 or 40 times in front of the entire police department. It will be interesting to see what the police point to during those re-enactments.

    Why don,t you make that  threat to motorists that jump the red lights 3 seconds before the green, accelerate to beat the yellow lights before turning red, riding without helmets, traveling on the wrong side of the road, riding on sidewalks, and all other common sense rules to keep people alive??

  7. Typical to shift the  responsibility on to manufacturers, rather than man up and enforce existing laws. The last year I lived back home, there were 200 deaths of children falling off their bicycles due to head injuries. None of those children were wearing bike helmets. Point being at any speed you can die when your bare head hits pavement. It doesn,t take a genius to drop the number of deaths by motorcycle in this country; Enforce helmet law, fine heavily those that jump red lights 3 seconds before changing to green, as well as the vehicles that accelerate to beat the yellow light before turning red. Enforce a new law that no more than 3 on a motorbike and all must wear helmets. No passengers in motorcycle side carts, enforce the law that all lights, turn signals and horns work, when they are stopped for any reason, if operators have no license or proof of insurance, impound the bike and put a 5000 baht fine to get it back. Start there and see where it goes in a year. Of course to enforce all that, Thailand will need to force all traffic police to actually do their jobs.

  8. To be fair one has to realize both are negligent, and equally at fault. The biker could see the truck was crossing the intersection and probably not going to slow or stop to give way. The biker, had he been driving defensively, would have seen this when he got to the lamp post, and adjusted his speed, but both chose to exercise ''right of way''.  Both are guilty of being selfish and exercising ''me first'' attitude. It matters not who has right of way. Too many with this attitude may be right, but wind up dead right.

  9. On 2/16/2017 at 6:49 PM, jcb2001 said:

    Interesting!  Do you have the scientific name for Makyang pa?  Are you saying they are two different species?

    My Thai wife says we.re talking 2 different fruits. Of course she doesnt know the name of either one in English, and I can only find loquat in english, wikipedia. Scientific name is Eriobotrya japonica

  10. On 2/12/2017 at 5:22 AM, katana said:

    Looks like it might be หมากยางป่า (บักยางป่า in Isan dialect).
    See eg http://oknation.nationtv.tv/blog/t-vee/2010/09/17/entry-1, where there's a photo of the yellow fruits halfway down the page.
    There are also some pics here: https://board.postjung.com/637148.html


    This is Makyang pa because of the white sticky part. The Mak yang chid with the seeds is different.



  11. There are 2 right ways to do this. Everyone is covering one way, adopting together, but that will take the process up to 5 yrs to complete. It is a slow hair pulling process when it involves any foreigner. The easiest, which takes about 1 year, is for your wife to apply for the adoption alone. That can be done locally. All you will be required to do is sign a paper stating that you are aware of her intent to adopt and youre ok with it. Once she has adoption finalized, you can if you choose to, apply to adopt your wifes (new) daughter, which means you deal with the ''Foundation'' in Bangkok, the only agency in Thailand that deals with foreigner adoptions. The point here is you get the insurance for her much sooner and she gets full responsibility for the child sooner than if you both apply at the same time for adoption. The wife and I are 5 yrs into the process of adopting together and we aren.t done yet.

  12. Never concern myself with this behavior for a few reasons';

    The wife is better at putting them in their places, extracting humble apologies from them than I could ever accomplish.

    They wont attack her, but if I attempted the macho maneuver, men could come out of the wood work like cockroaches and put me in the hospital or morgue.

    We don.t go where this behavior is more likely to happen, i.e. bars, walking streets, and such.

    We never stay in venues late at night when the drinkers are most likely in mode of poor behavior and loose morals.

    I might add, not braggin, my wife has a better shape than most teenagers and women in their 20's (mine being over 45), so I do see the discreet looks that men give, but that comes with the turf.

    Advice; Let her handle it every time. Your duty is only to get physical if they put a hand on your wife.

  13. 26 per cent of road accidents were caused by drunk driving.

    17 per cent speeding.

    And the remaining 57 per cent ???

    Fatalities, injuries and accidents were ""significantly"" higher than during the same period last year.

    Government Spokesman Maj-General Sansern Kaewkamnerd praised the campaign of seizing vehicles of drunk drivers, as it had been ""successful"".

    300 people killed in the 5 days ??

    These statistics have no accuracy.

    The average road-deaths per day is 72.

    3,046 vehicles were seized and 30,152 people were charged with drink driving since December 25 ??

    That's 10 drivers charged per vehicle.

    This entire article is nonsense !!

    I'm telling you, Thailand has adopted Common Core Math.

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