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Posts posted by featography

  1. How about confiscating the vehicles, reselling them, using the funds for drug and alchohol clinics. Too harsh?

    Not too harsh, better to resell them and use the money to get more traffic police, train them, nab the drunk and dangerous drivers.

    then start all over again.

    Keep doing it, more and more trained traffic police, road fatalities will soon lower.

    We all know that nothing like this will ever happen though.

    Another option; Confiscated vehicles could be repainted white and brown, given to police officers to ride in and get them off those useless motorbikes. Seeing your confiscated car being driven by cops with a new paint job would add insult, shame and more punishment for your drinking and driving. That might do more to ''cure the dog from sucking eggs''

  2. How do you know its your kid? She kept a secret about the others for 4 yrs? What else is she holding back? Personally I would commit to nothing until the kid is born, then I would have a DNA test done. If it proved to be mine, then and only then, concern myself with options.

  3. How can a Thai men use a Credit Card with the name of - for example - "Wolfgang Muller", do I miss something?

    Yes, you miss the idea that there are also corrupt vendors willing to accept cards to make a big sale.

    9 yrs here and I have never seen a cashier flip the card over and look at the signature. Also they usually have a woman use the cards and claim to be the owner's wife/gf and that is never questioned.

  4. From what I have read, you can inherit the land, but are given 1 year to sell it. I would assume the government would want to know who they have to deal with if your wife dies and leaves the land to you.

    This is correct, plus the fact that the husband's signature is where it assures that none of his money is being used to purchase the land. Only she can pay for it with her money. Previous poster is also correct in farang husbands will become owners in the event of wife's death, but must sell within a year. If husband can show honest effort to sell, to no avail, the govt can extend it 6 more months. Also in the event of the divorce, he is entitled 50% of everything acquired during their marriage.

  5. I.m not going to bore myself to sleep reading all the wild and wooly answers you got, so if I repeat what someone has instructed, my apologies. I have drilled many holes in tile and this is how its done;

    Put a once inch square piece of Duct tape on the tile where holes are to be drilled. Use a regular concrete drill bit.

    Start with a small bit (pilot bit), drill thru tape and tile with drill set on NONVIBRATING, NON HAMMER mode until you feel the bit hit the concrete. Switch to hammer mode and complete the drilling through the concrete.

    repeat this process with the size bit you need.

    Pull the tape off and you will have perfect clean holes with no tile chipping. I strongly recommend duct tape because its thicker and peels off easy.

  6. I ran out of old French grapevines that were marketed in Dordogne especially for bbqing and smoking. Amazing fragrance. Now have run out and find all local wood ( Chiang Mai) produces acrid, unacceptable smoke- really obnoxious smoke no matter how it is controlled.

    use wood from fruit trees.

  7. Built my cold smoker with block-as the heat source is external no stress on the block.

    Use charcoal to start the fire then soaked litchi or lamyai along with some wet coconut husk (I soak the wood and husk overnight)

    For me cold smoke is ideal,don't have direct heat on the meat to contend with so you can smoke as long as you want to get the flavor your after

    Perfect for honey glazed ham-smokey bacon and smoked fish

    Pictures -smoker and interior racks and external fire pit

    rule of thumb about cold smoking; the longer it smokes the longer the meat will last before spoiling.

  8. I do believe that a special kind of brick are required .

    edit - bricks that will not explode in the heat

    yes, if youre building a metal smoker one would want to put fire bricks under the heat source, although I.ve seen many do all concrete which takes an extended period of time before cracking occurs, but have never heard of concrete exploding. Have seen rocks as well as standard bricks explode. Rocks make like a grenade.

  9. Mr Somporn had parked the governor’s black Toyota Camry in a red-and-white no-parking zone

    Hope he gets a ticket for that, should know better !

    It is permitted to be next to a red/white curb as long as driver is behind the wheel, waiting to drop off or pick someone up. The ticket is earned when not behind the wheel. Before anyone says I am wrong, I have been there a dozen times. A foot cop will trot up to my car, see I am sitting there, and wave, walk away and leave me alone. Hard to see me behind tinted windows until you get close.

  10. Would have done the same thing myself, next time the Nissan driver will not be so inconsiderate,

    but i would have made sure there was no CCTV around.

    regards worgeordie

    Some of the newer cars are total electronic/computerized, not letting owner park the car in neutral with hand brake off. I have one such car. I can turn off engine, but all the lights int and ext stay on as well as the ''idiot'' warning buzzer to let you know the transmission is not in park. if i cant find parking in a stall, I leave the complex and go elsewhere.

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