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Posts posted by featography

  1. You see poop on the beach? I never saw any when I was there but I've only been a couple times. The beach is a lot nicer than I expected to be honest, seems like the poop would contrast with the sand. Perhaps they pick it up?

    He said he saw horses and ASSUMED there was poop. As far as the heading goes, ''....unavoidable?'' I.d say common sense, very uncommon in thailand, Watch where you.re walking. You should be more concerned with broken glass from fishing boats that wash up onto shore, and any sharp or broken things dropped by people.

  2. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    The women is 33 and the man is 66. She is half his age of course there will be a troubled relationship. I don't know what the hell is wrong with people thinking this kind of a relationship can work.

    Only shows how ignorant you are, many relationships work with an age difference - get out a little more

    You keep on believe that if you want, but it not me who the ignorant one here. Facts are the facts, it's doesn't work out. You look around you here in Thailand all the fail relationship with some 60 something guy courting a 30 something female. Actually more suicides than murders.

    There are quite a few murders of age gap relations. Anyone who denies that is not reading the news well. For the people who say it can work.. sure sometimes it does.. more often then not your just a meal ticket. But I have seen exceptions so it is possible.. just does not happen that much and you cant all win the lottery.

    the trouble with facts being facts;

    10 people read about one story like this, then tell 10 others, who tell 10 more. Soon 1000 people believe the story and the story morphs into a 100 versions. Read a few more stories like this and it grows into a rule of thumb, then the majority of the people are categorized or stereotyped. Compound this habit of sensationalism spreading, and the fact that no one writes up those in the stereotype that are quite happy with cross culture relationships with decades between their ages and you get the majority silently refered to as the minority. These I refer to as the silent majority. The larger number that are living decent happy lives together. You all keep up with that or do I need to draw a picture?

  3. The pharmacy and medical supply shop opposite Suan Dok hospital in Suthep road rents out O2 cylinders.

    You need to buy your own mask and regulator.

    In the order of

    3kbht deposit and around 150bht/day rental, mask and regulator 2kbht.

    Thank you so much for advice that I can use.

    They also have a machine to suck the oxygen out of the air it comes with 50 feet of hose for moving around. Price start at 30,000 baht maybe more now. when you figure in the cost of your tanks and gauges plus the constant refilling of them and the transportation to do that the machine doesn't look to bad. I use mine all night when I sleep 7 liters a minute. I was told the large tanks would be good for about a night and a half.

    I agree. I bought a machine a few months ago when I had bronchitis and Pneumonia. I.m using it this week for all the smoke in the air. Wife and I priced those rental tanks and the machine was the better deal, and best for convenience. Also to consider when out doors, wear a painters mask with filter. The thin paper masks are useless and so are the cloth ones used in hospitals.

  4. My wife of 9 yrs was born and raised in Phet. We lived in Samutsakorn between there and Bkk. Her family is still in Phet. We spent a lot of time down there with family before moving to Chiang Mai. After reading all the comments, I would suggest following up on possible opportunities Cha Am. I would never live in Phet. but did have a long standing desire to live in or around Cha Am. Beaches are very decent Mondays thru Thursday, but pack out Fri. thru Sunday night with native weekenders. Phet has Big C, Tesco, and Macro. There really isn.t much to do after the local sightseeing trips are out of the way. I wouldn.t go as far as Hua Hin too. That city is a small Pattaya, and I believe will become as decadent, large, and populated as Pattaya in 5 to 10 yrs. Another complaint I might share in my opinion, is Phet. is hot and humid 2 out of the 3 seasons. The cool season is only cool in the mornings as well. For those that think Phet isnt that far a drive to and from Bkk, haven.t made a habit of driving back and forth. It gets old in a year or 2 even at 4 trips per year. Farther south there is Prathcuap Kiri Kan (spelling is wrong) Province and that is very beautiful. Ban Krut, spelled 5 different ways on their signs, is an awesome fishing village the tourism trade have not paid much attention to so far. It makes for a great weekend or vacation getaway if you live in Phet, or Cha Am. From Phet. going the other way is Ratchaburi province and city. There are lots sightseeing drives for exploring. One thing to consider, Phet. has virtually NO farang food eateries. When we lived down there, the highlight of my life was, after having to enter Bkk at all was to find the farang food for the change of pace. Another consideration is there is only 1 main road, highway if you will, and it packed with heavy trucks 7 days a week. That is the only road going through Samutsakon, Petchaburi Provinces for commercial vehicles from Bkk to Southern Thailand. I hope that helps, without discouraging you. My advice, take several trips down and look around a lot. -

    They do have McDonaldssick.gif.pagespeed.ce.tVTSNn-2vrJpEP3T5-

    I dont know if Phet. has, but seem to think there is also A&W and KFC. Yes, 3rd cup of coffee kicked in. They do have both, but I found odd that if youre a root beer fan, you can only get A&W at their stores. None is sold in cans anywhere in Phet, or Samutsakon Provinces. Big surprise to me upon moving to Chiang Mai was the root beer in cans are sold everywhere, but there are no A&W restaurants.

  5. My wife of 9 yrs was born and raised in Phet. We lived in Samutsakorn between there and Bkk. Her family is still in Phet. We spent a lot of time down there with family before moving to Chiang Mai. After reading all the comments, I would suggest following up on possible opportunities Cha Am. I would never live in Phet. but did have a long standing desire to live in or around Cha Am. Beaches are very decent Mondays thru Thursday, but pack out Fri. thru Sunday night with native weekenders. Phet has Big C, Tesco, and Macro. There really isn.t much to do after the local sightseeing trips are out of the way. I wouldn.t go as far as Hua Hin too. That city is a small Pattaya, and I believe will become as decadent, large, and populated as Pattaya in 5 to 10 yrs. Another complaint I might share in my opinion, is Phet. is hot and humid 2 out of the 3 seasons. The cool season is only cool in the mornings as well. For those that think Phet isnt that far a drive to and from Bkk, haven.t made a habit of driving back and forth. It gets old in a year or 2 even at 4 trips per year. Farther south there is Prathcuap Kiri Kan (spelling is wrong) Province and that is very beautiful. Ban Krut, spelled 5 different ways on their signs, is an awesome fishing village the tourism trade have not paid much attention to so far. It makes for a great weekend or vacation getaway if you live in Phet, or Cha Am. From Phet. going the other way is Ratchaburi province and city. There are lots sightseeing drives for exploring. One thing to consider, Phet. has virtually NO farang food eateries. When we lived down there, the highlight of my life was, after having to enter Bkk at all was to find the farang food for the change of pace. Another consideration is there is only 1 main road, highway if you will, and it packed with heavy trucks 7 days a week. That is the only road going through Samutsakon, Petchaburi Provinces for commercial vehicles from Bkk to Southern Thailand. I hope that helps, without discouraging you. My advice, take several trips down and look around a lot. -

  6. Why is this thread even still open? It's been hijacked by rabid British America bashers. What's the point? Don't they have bars to go to? Yes, I've heard them. You don't have a culture. You don't have any history. You don't have a cuisine ... this coming from the British, that is rich! Pathetic. They have a complex. Hilariously, Americans don't care to bash the Brits. Figure that one out ... psychologically.

    There is a lot of History between the USA and England which can't be learned over night,often referred to in the Media as : "The Special Relationship" which continued from one President/PM from WW1 through WW2 and up to present times! Interesting reading!


    PS.Take no notice of the American and the English knockers,it's simply a basic case of: Jealousy their own country has been sitting back and doing nothing but throw insults,at more successful nations, or doing the Classic: "Biting the hand that feeds them" and there is plenty of them in Thailand !

    See my other Posts on this Topic,I personally as an Englishman do not have any issues with Americans,in general they are invariably,good company,well spoken,

    and friendly!

    Thank you Majic

  7. Really, big surprise Americans are complaining.

    All these years all the advantages over other European Nationalities.

    At least you could and can still open your business 100% owned by you.

    ALL OTHERS CAN NOT, 51%Thai - 49%Me

    Typical American, always complain, let me guess Republican and loves FOX

    Give it a rest, The GREAT USA, is slowly going down, economically, why, they do NOT understand real democracy.

    WHOM ever has money gets to be in charged (puppet presidentS).

    The BIG CORPS control the USA and sponsor both parties, so they (no need to explain who they are, if so BUSH, HUBBY, OBAMA and all next ones) OWE them.

    If all those senators would for a changed work together for a better USA and WORLD, instead for themselves?

    Well guess that is where the American DREAM started, hundreds of years ago.

    We all know they lost their way, but I am still happy the USA is there to PROTECT,

    because how f ...ed UP all is, I do believe the USA controls the peace on earth, not perfectly, but we need them.

    Any 3 letter word agencies, not CIA or NSA, the secret ones of which we do not know the letters ...

    I am harmless, just very opinionated

    I.m American and I don.t complain about my life in Thailand. I.m quite content here, with a good Thai wife and our 4 yr. old daughter. Life is good.

    I am a Conservative and watch Fox in moderation, but not a Republican. I agree with everything else you say though. For the record, we DON.T need another Bush or Clinton in the White House.

  8. Buy a high volume bicycle pump(~500 baht) and invest 10 minutes to learn how to use the nozzle etc.

    Next week or month the nozzle isn't going to change.

    You can take your time in your own garage or carport. No burning sun. No people behind you. Get the pressure correct.

    A lot of these stupid accidents that have vaulted Thailand up to the second most fatal country to drive in are caused by improper tire pressure. It hurts the gas mileage, wears out the tires, and makes loss of control much more likely.


    I see SUV and truck drivers all the time one handing the wheel while talking on the phone and one or more tires are nowhere near the right pressure.

    If you walk out and find a flat that is not able to be driven often times pumping it up will give you enough pressure to drive to a service station and save the hassle and cost of getting a mechanic to visit. And the big plus is you will not be endangering yourself or others by driving a bike with a really low tire.

    If your too feeble to actually pump for a minute then pay your neighbor kid or security guard 10 baht to pump it.

    If you have a bigger budget and no arm strength then buy a little air compressor like this.


    works well IF you have a car to plug it into

  9. your terminology is different from mine. Can you post a pic from the internet so I can learn a new phrase? Im an avid gardner but American, so its fun to compare British words with American ones. What direction might you be coming into CM to shop?

  10. Nah, Sansai is absolutely bigger, I'm certain of that.

    This will get interesting. I live a stones throw from the new one on 121, and have been to the one in Hang Dong. I consistently find things offered in Hang Dong not found in any of the other stores, including Sansai. If, and I question that, Sansai is bigger, its only by sq.m. Hang Dong has a lot more in products. Another poster mentioned Thaiwatsadu, which was my favorite place until the last 3 visits over 6 mos. It seems the stock is dwindling, not as many customers, more idle employees. I got the impression they might be going out of business. Global House, being far from Sansai, is my first choice if looking for western tools not found or higher priced in the other stores, or if I'm going to do a large purchase. Don't take me wrong. I love the new HomePro in Sansai. I love to stop by, get a coffee and sip while I stroll the aisles ''inventorying'' their stock. Call me the male version of the mall crawler. There are not enough ''Man toy stores'' around.

  11. " Many Thais reacted with fury " but how many ordinary Thais know anything about this ? They don't seem to react unless somebody winds them up or there's an incentive.

    I've never seen Thais exhibit much interest in the news, only this week I asked a friend what she thought about having to register her SIM card and she had no idea what I was talking about. She doesn't read newspapers !

    I've seen very FEW Thais read anything... well lottery winning numbers..... but anything substantial/informative ? LOL Not lately. They seem to really live in a "bubble/shell." At least that's my impression of most of the Isaan folks.

    Wife says the Thai phrase is ''frog under the coconut shell'' No interest to come out and see whats going on in the field.

  12. Yup. Go their separate ways it should be.

    And let's see what happens to all the preferential near one way trade agreements benefiting Thailand at the next round of WTO meetings.

    I should grow a pair really and say what I really think.

    Wife and I agree with you. Stop all aid to all countries. Divert money to the borders, every country that has our military on their borders protecting them, can start paying for our services or we pull out and put our forces on the US borders. Oh if I was president, I.d probably be assasinated in the first 6 mos.

  13. Amway concentrated laundry detergent.

    Thats my answer as well, Amway SA8 concentrated laundry detergent. No perfumes, or other additives. In fact you can use this to run a couple cycles thru the washer without laundry, to clean the perfume residue off the tub that has caked on over its life. If you dont do that first, the SA8 will break that old stuff down and can mix it with the first couple loads of laundry, giving the clothes an unsavory odor which would be blamed on the soap alone, which isnt the case.

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