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Everything posted by paddypower

  1. I made a transfer last week, using SCB EASY. I noticed 2 changes to the info. I used to receive: .1. (this is a repeat) I did not get a text message on my mobile, advising me of the transfer details (account# and amount) and to contact the bank if the details were wrong ; 2. I did not get an email Alert - it used to look like this '' Re: Alert from SCB Easy Net: Automatic notice of transaction - account # of transferee and amount''. In my opinion, SCB Internet banking services have gone to hell.
  2. imagine you are 82+; you forgot to have kids; you are not computer/mobile literate and your husband has passed on....that is the scenario I have planned for.
  3. But - seriously experienced Cisco programmer couple, who are friends have advised me to never use a hotspot for financial work. I'd rather be safe than sorry.
  4. You can sign up with PEA to have automatic debits go thru' your bank. Plus, there is a safety feature - as PEA will send you a text message to your mobile, telling you how much is payable. This allows you to check that your bank balance is sufficient to cover the debit. I do this for my PEA accounts for 2 properties. PM me if you want to know how to set up the auto debit.
  5. I put it badly. I travel in NST, Surathani, Phuket and I work when I am in restaurants, or at a hotel, where the internet is NOT secure. . So I am not at home 50% of the time. also I only print hard copy when absolutely necessary (eg international banking, crypto). otherwise I save the screen capture as a picture on Win 11. I've been a tree hugger since when i lived in BC Canada in the 1970's/80's early 90's - one of the worse governments for granting licences to clear cut forests. Don't shoot from the lip, please ????
  6. I'll call the Internet Service centre and ask, as I am in the process of switching from SCB to Bankkok Bank (aka (Bualuang).
  7. you will, one day - as sure as Gd made little green apples. ????
  8. me too, age wise. yes, my mobile is in use all the time - especially when i use my private hotspot option, in public places (i do a lot of banking and investing). here's the thing - I like a big tablet screen at home, to do my online banking. solution such as screen capturing your bank transactions on your phone and then sending it to yourself so that you can print a hard copy at home......... whatever happened to the KISS principle (Keep it simple, stupid) ? That's not a personal remark, btw.
  9. this is in jest, ok? yours is very imaginative - thanks. Isn't that that a bit like the tail wagging the dog.? . (i) no way I will shove my Surface tablet into a drawer and lug a monitor and keyboard around, when travelling? 555 (ii) I do not want to spend my money unnecessarily - just because those bunts at SCB decided to cut costs. ????
  10. no worries - Skynet (Terminator) is coming and will take care of all our technological concerns ????
  11. exactly !! thank you for summarizing the screwe you, scb clusterfrack
  12. about as zenophobiac as any Thai - even more so because he was leading the country. YOuve forgotten some of his great sayings? ''the UN is not my uncle'' or - rejecting any offers of foreign aid after the 2004 tsunami? whilst we fools raised donations abroad? egotistical mf'er.
  13. I will try to post a more easy to understand version of my OP. STEP 1: I transferred money from my SCB account. I had to use SBC EASY on my mobile. The transfer went to my account at Bangkok Bank. STEP 2: I then logged on to Bangkok Bank, on my tablet (Win 11). I then made a transfer to a 3rd party bank, successfully, using my PC. Excuse the original confusing way I posted this.
  14. would appreciate it if you would go into more details ......what is still available?????
  15. Thanks for clarifying that. One way or the other - I am happy as a pig in $hit to be able to bank online with my Surface Pro. btw, I used SCB EASY to make a transfer 2 days ago. For the first time in 10+ years, I did not receive a text message, on my mobile, asking me to confirm the transfer. Ain't that weird and a real security flaw?
  16. I disagree. Assuming that PT is giving the shaft to MFP, I refer to the results of the election, at wilki, which translate into a country, roughly split down the middle. %'s of those casting votes (Ignoring the really small parties' %'s ) PT: 28.86 UTN 12.55 BT 3.00 44.41 MFP 38.01 as far as the number of MP's elected, I don't quite understand how the ''List MP's '' system works. It sure screws up the results, when comparing the %'s of votes a party receives, v.v. the number of MP's elected. For example - BT got 3% of the votes and 14% of the 500 MP's elected. who cares, I guess - most political systems stink
  17. I assume you meant to write '' . If we DON'T want things to stay the same, things will have to change'' ????
  18. I said that (i) i would report back on my success at using an alternative online app. I just did that, now. also, (ii) that I would start a new thread, with the subject matter Bangkok Bank online banking. I have done that, also. . so give a rest, will ya? ????
  19. spoken with the forked tongue of a snake. ???? PT is so power hungry that they will cosy up to any other snakes - including the coup makers' related parties. This character does not seem to recognize the fact that the coup makers moved the goalposts, when they designed and put in place the 'new' non-democratic Senate. Thailand could be going down the road of the US - one half of the population at loggerheads against the other half. there will be blood.
  20. I just completed some tests yesterday - a transfer from my SCB mobile app to my Bualuang Banking (Bangkok Bank). I then opened the app on my tablet (Win 11) where I have their ibanking app. The good news is that they have retained this app (in addition to their mobile app). You can use it on your computer/tablet. they don't have a branch in my village. but if all works well - I am moving. I'll keep one of my 3 SCB accounts, because of how well the staff treat my wife and I, over the past 17 years. and ..... the girls are so pretty ???? 555
  21. You do - Bualuang Banking (Bangkok Bank) has dropped an new app for mobiles AND they have retained their app which you can use on your computer/tablet. they don't have a branch in my village. but if all works well - I am moving. I'll keep one of my 3 SCB accounts, because the girls at my branch are so pretty ???? 555
  22. I have ibanking on my PC. please allow me to test sending a transfer, in the next few days. I will report back. and yes, I will start a new thread -b/c I refuse to use a mobile banking app. period.
  23. So, lets move on to what options are available. I googled ''online banking'' with several names of Thai banks. I'll focus on Bualuang (Bangkok Bank) - because the results look very promising. They offer 2 apps - mbanking and ibanking. I had installed ibanking in 2022 on my Surface. Altho' it does not show my account # and password today, - it does appear to work. which is the solution I am looking for - an app which will work on my tablet. Has anyone else discovered other banks which offer an app which will work on a PC or iOS app ? thanks.
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