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Everything posted by paddypower

  1. i still get confused - red, yellow; amazing Thailand - again and again..
  2. strikes me that things are getting worse. has happened to me with my car, in Patong, years ago. (no violence, as I paid a ''fee'' after getting threatened) . things appear to be getting out of control when its Thai on Thai. Every time something, anything happens to tourists, the British scandal mags report it - and another knockout blow for the tourist industry.
  3. with the IO we had for years and years - it would have been ''let's go outside'' 🙂
  4. you misunderstood my attempt at humor - or I must have been obtuse. I was assuming the seller uses so much weed that he cannot calculate a multiple of his per unit selling price.
  5. speaking of Shopee/Lazada, can you buy a classic (glass) bong online?
  6. I guess 'annual payment derived from any other juristic act' means pension and just about anything. will not hold my breath. One of the great traditions of Thailand is - inertia.
  7. absolutely correct. as anyone going through the application of any Thai laws will find out, precedent is not considered relevant.
  8. correct, but do you mean 120k annually, after personal deductions etc? right?
  9. Ive found clones, locally. they were just hidden behind the drapes, in my suppliers shop. Something that still amazes me - he has an official government certificate that he is is registered to sell something (in Thai) posted on his entrance.Only in Thailand. 555
  10. judging by his questionable ability to do his sums, I'd guess he just might have some great product. 🙂
  11. you do know, (seriously) some men find their gf's that way? 555
  12. I was deported from Canada - for making anti- Justin Trudeau remarks. That's my excuse for living in Thailand.
  13. Has anyone noticed how similar the term 'New Order' is - to 'New World Order'. 😉
  14. Thanks - I will try to read that publication. But, a quick question? is there a broad definition of 'income from work/business/property' . If pension income is not specified in the definition, then why are we discussing it?
  15. you've raised an interest topic - if you live in Thailand for more than 180 days in a given year - are there regulations describing what your tax status is ? (never mind the Immigration rules).
  16. come on guys and gals - you will never understand 'Thainesss'. I've been told this by Thais for the past 28 years. quote: ''we will never work with the coup leaders'' Liar, Liar, pants on fire remember: Thais and lies rhyme 🙂
  17. Future Forward planning here: does anyone know where I can I buy a couple of ganja clones and courier them to my home? thanks.
  18. I'm seriously searching for a source who can sell me a couple of ganja clones, assuming you can courier them around Thailand ''legally''
  19. my problem is, I cannot remember the middle bit of anything I read about what was originally marketed as ''Reefer Madness'' (great movie). the powers that be have been flogging this ''story'' for going on 90 years.
  20. More BS from the smoke and mirrors government. the answer is probably 'no' meaning many of these investors were setting up robotic plants. plus - you don't empoly a lot of regular Thais to work on oil & gas rigs.
  21. it would help to know (vaguely) where you are able to travel to buy. Ive been advised to not buy online. photos of big buds can look great but its often krappy product. what I am interested in, though is can you have a clone delivered, using a Thai delivery service. I understand clones are available for sale in the Chiang Mai/Rai areas .
  22. interesting question - I must check with an Irish friend who has a flat for sale in London. The extra problem is security - do you trust bringing a large sum of money into Thailand? where do you invest it? I lost 5 mill on a legal theft - but I made up for that by being fortunate enough to buy 2 beachfront lots. It's all relative, isn't it. ?
  23. Great story, full of the truths about how wrong westerners can be, thinking that if you move to SE Asia, you will get away from all the rules and regulations and have it easy. In many ways, as you described, yes - it is a great region to move to. But,in the end, you have to be happy with your life, wherever you are and that's the philosophy my wife and I follow.
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