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Everything posted by paddypower

  1. I am pretty sure this wont make it through the senzors. but it's worth a try. when I imagine Srettha's invitation to Putin, why am I reminded of that episode in ''From Dusk Till Dawn'' 'Come on over to Phuket - you'll love it. It's a (deleted) blowout. 'we got white (deleted), black (deleted), Spanish (deleted) yellow (deleted. We got hot (deleted), cold (deleted. We got wet (deleted). .
  2. C'est la vie ???? his name wasn't Lorenze, by any chance?. I was somewhere on social media, and that name came up as the insurance company _ Lorenze or Lorenzeth or similar)...Capital, I think.
  3. easy come easy go seems to be your philosophy. I will GUARANTEE you that whoever is the actual insurer will not accept a claim for a pre-existing condition. my wife disclosed a pre existing condition of ''floaters'' (black dots in your eyes) to the insurance company, 30+ years ago. She had 2 operations in 2022 at Bangkok Intl - one of Lasik surgery (which the insurer paid for) and the other for the removal of the 'floaters'. The claim for that was denied. Every year, on the policy renewal notice, it says there, in black and white: ''excludes coverage for pre-existing condition - of floaters. start shopping around for 'real' insurance' and i suggests you choose an insurer that is registered in Thailand.
  4. I think they meant to write ''don't you know who I am?'' ???? Unbeievable.
  5. there are many excellent brokers based on Phuket. 2 rules of due diligence, especially if you are taking out health insurance: 1. NEVER pay your premiums to the brokers bank account. The risk to avoid is, should the broker gets into financial difficulty (like during the Covid outbreak) it is tempting to use client premiums to save him/herself. The last thing you need in life is to be faced with hospital bills and find that your insurance has lapsed. 2. if you're a new arrival - get a face to face referral to another customer (not your drinking buddy ???? . Eric's office has always been located 'kitty corner' to Lotuss' on the bypass road. specifically A & I Insurance Co Ltd. 96/240 Moo1 (Royal Place) Praphuketkaew Rd. Tambon Kathu, Amper Kathu Phuket 83120 Mobile 089-649-3012
  6. all these medical condition reports being published reminds me pf the (purported) stone memorial over Spike Milligan's grave, in Northern Ireland: ''I told you I wasn't felling well''. You really do have to have a sense of humour to live here.
  7. one thing we can all agree on, is that this is great therapy. I feel so much better, reading all these posts. better than a happy ending (which would mean Thaskin goes back to jail, does not pass GO and does not collect 2 billion baht). thanks guys.
  8. So, Mr. Sakhakan the acting Director-General of the Corrections Department's medical staff conducted both the CT scan and MRI on Mr. Thaksin earlier today, I had MRI scans. I never had the Director General of the hospital holding my hand and running the machine. Its ''take a deep breath and hold it'' then ''release your breath''. A no-brainer. He further explained that 'the medical team diligently oversees the health of ALL (prisoner) patients''.When is someone going to nail these people for their outright lies?
  9. Just to update this thread: we have been with Eric Dohlan's brokerage business since the late 90's. Our accident insurance got cancelled last year (due to age, I believe). Eric found me a replacement insurer - AIG. Just after signing up for that contract, coincidentally, I was attacked by a Thai owned dog, here in Khanom Beach - twice. Eric and his staff have been very helpful, once again, as always, in advising me how to submit the claims. That is an invaluable service, at any age, but especially when you are close to 80. My advice is - make it a life time commitment to which ever broker you choose. and remember, brokers will work for your interests. Not sure if I got this right, but agents tend to be ''tied in'' to one insurance company (probably the one that pays the highest commission) and will try to steer you in that direction.
  10. What a joke, wasting police time, to keep those protestors in line. ''Don't they know who I am?'' ????
  11. what a waste of words and time. First, please try to stick to the topic. the OP was about the upskirt guy, It went into detail about sexual deviance/predators, whom I said should be named and shamed. The photos displaying the Senator's ignorance and the reason WHY was published on at least one medium I saw. Hence, I took the liberty of using that as an example. Although you have a million upticks, try taking a course in public debating.
  12. One More, you're usually smarter than your post implies. I am still trying to connect the dots between perverts who make mistakes and speeding (which I do, between the speed cameras ???? on a separate issue Pornthip is highly educated - which gives her no licence for being ignorant.
  13. Confused? or am I swimming out of my depth? is there any news coming out of Pattaya, or Bangkok for that matter? we expats are stuck with the fact that there is no real news to read, in Thailand. That is why it is called an oxymoron: a figure of speech that combines contradictory words with opposing meanings, like ''you are clearly confused“ “deafening silence,” or “organized chaos.” cheers
  14. when is Thailand going to realize that publicizing the face of pervs like this (and the really worst of the worst) is in the public interest?. A perfect example of name and shame being effective is the publication of photos showing Senator Pornthip rolling around endangered moss on here Icelandic trip (https://www.government.is/topics/environment-climate-and-nature-protection/national-parks-and-protected-areas/) Any credibility she once had is gone, girl, gone. 555
  15. Darn, I knew I made a huuuuge mistake settling in a village in NST.
  16. Pattaya News - similar to '' The Bangkok Post - current news'' :you will find both in the thesaurus, right under ''oxymoron''.
  17. hahaha...sponsored by the cotton mills of America, due to their fear that hemp would take over the industry. today, my guess is that it is the pharma anti-depression drug industry versus ganja.
  18. i guess you only recently arrived? as I wrote on another thread recently, logic is not not on the Thai school curriculum, never was since i came in '92 and never will be. add to that - the belief that whatever happens to you is preordained fate. When it happens that you die, you will come back again. I have never figured out the part where, when you come back again, will you have learned anything new?
  19. Great news. There's NOT enough of this kind of thing. Let's have more embarrassing publicity like this for Thailand, please. They hate losing face - even if it's a snake's face.
  20. try checking the reports in the media. if you want to split hairs - its half way between avoidance and evasion. One land deal going through 12 nominees? and it is non-transparent, assuming you're with me on what that means. aka ''the smell test'' .
  21. yep - a visit to my village Post Office yesterday saw the entire staff glued to the TV coverage of BJ at various Buddhist ceremonies. Did you know that visiting the temple is like getting a ''get out of jail free'' card?
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