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Everything posted by paddypower

  1. MUCH appreciated. especially the reminder of the rules at 6.2. there are those who argue that using the piggy-back option when one's wife is not a Thai national, is unwise. That is, if it is granted by the IO you are dealing with, as it seems to be at their discretion.
  2. old is a state of mind. one my buddies (who retired here 3 years ago at the age of 72), keeps fit, (despite a lot of back problems); speaks no Thai but seems to have a very successful social (short time) life. no bars.
  3. Fear.........fear of getting old alone. 🙂 I used to do weddings, celebrants vows the lot. favourite bit of advice was - 'it's not choosing the right partner, it's being the right partner'. that works for us, for 51 years. but don't forget - fear.
  4. agree, absolutely. You do have to be 100% careful. Some IO's, like mine, treat you like you're a potential criminal. I had a difficult time with the IO, showing her my 800k term deposit bank book. You would think that's a non- brainer, right? I presented the original book, updated with a deposit the day before the extension application date; together with the certification letter from the bank. Immediately got accused of possibly cashing the deposit in and then re-depositing it. Was not aware a certified detailed statement of the deposit account was also required. Fortunately, I was able to go to a local bank and get the statement. The bank said they could only update it to the date of the term deposit renewal - Sept 30, 2023. But that was 4 1/2 months prior to the application date. That left the IO in a quandary (which is like Purgatory for Catholics, a temporary place of suffering, while you wait to go to Heaven). Very fortunately, the SCB officer was really helpful and gave me her business card of the SCB branch and suggested I tell the IO to call her. Problem solved.
  5. that reminds me of a couple of similar questions from bar girls I've chatted with, over the years.
  6. You're right. Also, having been married for a long time, we both notice that some western couples, out socializing (especially middle aged, so with no babies to distract them) who have the same problem. Sit there silently, b/c they have nothing to talk about any more. Sad. even worse, (imo) are the expat/Thai couples who sit in a cafe/whatever and the wife just obsesses herself with the photos in her mobile. I'd be up on a murder charge, likely. (later, of course) 🙂 🙂
  7. and sleep is the last thing on your mind, right? there was a great post a few years back from a fella who said he used to get the most amazing massages from this wonderful lady. Then he married her. That was the last time he ever got a massage from her.
  8. that explains why there are so many happy married men I've met, who have never bothered to learn any Thai. 😉
  9. are there 2 Dr Jacks? '' I quote your first response' 'Ditto. I would take it up to the 800k 4 months prior to application. Note not expiry' which is it, 2 month or 4 months.? thanks.
  10. as we say in the home country ''brilliant'' thanks.
  11. It seems to be a trade off. you get to live in a country where there are a lot of rules which no self-respecting Thai follows expect us sheeple 🙂 Think the ongoing circus over the Thaksin family. It's not far removed from Life With the Kardashians ( I am so not into that kind of thing that I had to ck the spelling 😉
  12. Any chance any one can refer me to the police Order # ,, describing how many days the 800k much be topped up by, before the next extension date., please? another contributor said 4 months. My IO, this past Feb. said I needed to have the 800k for 2 months. prior to the date of extension. Thanks in advance. this advice allows me to invest in a fund which will pay me 5.5% pre-tax, for the 6 months.
  13. that is a very interesting opinion: my extension date was stamped Feb 5. whereas the previous year's extension expired Feb 11. to be 100% safe, I should re-calculate, starting with the 2024 expiry date.
  14. Edited: thanks. if only this Gord Darn country would remove the exception to the Immigration regulations where it is ''subject to the interpretation of the local IO'' ...or what ever words they use to make like more difficult than it need be. No other civilized country makes up laws and rules where they can be interpreted in any number of ways,, depending on the mood of the person you are dealing Sorry to say this, but some Thai government officials can be real snakes, when it comes to exercising their authority. so, Rant over. in my case. Following your suggestion, (this is a bit of a wrinkle.... visa extension stamped on Feb 5, 2024 expires on Feb 11, 2025. ) I will start calculating on Feb 6 -29 = 23days + march 1-31 = 31days April 1-30 = 30days May 1-13 = 13 days Total ; 97 days. EDIT: 2024 expiry date Feb 11, 2024 - add Feb 12-29 = 18+31+30+ May 1-16 = 16 = total 95 days. I think that May 16 should be safe for a new date for draw-down of 400k. thanks for spending time on my situation.
  15. Thanks...I will be sure to do that. That leaves the question of what date can I draw down 400k?
  16. I believe those scholars devoted years to their studies. I imagine it will be the same with the refinement and implementation of regulations governing Thai taxation of foreigners. We forget 'This is Thailand', where Inertia rules the land.
  17. would they not look at your visa stamp? if you are retired, you're resident (unless you have the travel stamps to show otherwise).
  18. not sure I follow your interaction with the tax dept. Is it correct to assume that your capital cost of your home/property (is it defined, as in other tax jurisdictions?) is not taxed, if brought into Thailand. Is it correct that your capital gain is taxed? that does not make much sense, since I bought and sold one property here and claimed it as my principal residence. The gain on the house and contents were not taxed. The gain on the land (which we cooked the books as to sale proceeds for) was taxed. I'm a retired international tax consultant (EU & Canada). I suspect these new taxation regulations are written on toilet paper. I am also of the opinion that anyone planning to sell their home in another country consider setting up a crypto channel to move funds here tax free.
  19. your source is good. tks for the ref., will add him to my references.
  20. You express your opinions well. But I'll try to nail you down on this one, Brain. 'First job is to get rid of Hamas'. how would you do that, any differently than Israel is doing? would you bomb 10k, 20k 30k. would it include indiscriminate killing of women, children and (lately) international aid workers? To be even more precise, let us borrow on the reality that exists - if there is a suspected Hamas fighter who looks like he is standing behind what appears to be a a hostage (doesn't matter Israeli or Palestinian) would you shoot him, through the 'hostage' because that is what you describe as 'your 'job' ?
  21. Like you, I'm in the process of switching from 800k term deposit to income method. I have used the 800k method for extending my retirement visa, like, forever years. This next year, (Feb 2025) I will be retroactively switching to the income method (65k months X 12 months). I need to withdraw the 400k as soon as is allowed. My question is what is the earliest date, I can do so, exactly? My current visa was extended on Feb 12, 2024. The IO said 3 months - is that defined as 90 days or 3 calendar months or, as usual, is it not clearly defined in the regulations?. Obviously, I'll top up the 400k to 800k according to the rules. I am gun shy, from using this office. The same office 2 years ago refused my extension request because it included the month of February, which,the IO said 'was a short month so they didn't count it, when calculating the 90 days from the date the 400k had been topped up.' don't knock yourself out on that oddity - he's been moved to an inactive post., due to other complaints.
  22. I am a student of Eastern and western European history, ancient and contempory, (coincidentally, as I was born and educated in western Europe). When I got to your words ''that's true'' I stopped. No amount of 'whatevery' after Germany's WW 1 defeat justifies the evil that Hitler initiated. His book 'My Struggle' (1925) (some of the philosophy of which he later abandoned) imagined the eradication of the weak, the helpless, 'for the common good and for the strengthening of the ''superior race''. He described gassing them. It is hard to miss the blowback to your remark that 'the trains ran on time', considering their eventual use during the Holocast.
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