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Posts posted by samuibeachcomber

  1. I have just spent the last five days in Ao Nang,in fact am still here and cannot get over how good it is here.

    Dont get me wrong i love Samui and have been on the island these past 16 months.

    What i have noticed is(apart from Ao Nang not being an island) that Krabi as a district is so much cleaner than Samui.The beaches are almost rubbish free,and along the main road of Ao Nang there are wheelie bins and rubbish bins everywhere to help keep the place clean.The roads in many cases are made of asphalt and not concrete...........no pot holes either.The local people are so friendly too.No yobo tourists either.Just a pleasure to be on Krabi.Am seriously thinking of making a move here.Would like to hear if anyone else has had similar experience to me.

    forgot to say..............why cant samui be like this?

  2. I have just spent the last five days in Ao Nang,in fact am still here and cannot get over how good it is here.

    Dont get me wrong i love Samui and have been on the island these past 16 months.

    What i have noticed is(apart from Ao Nang not being an island) that Krabi as a district is so much cleaner than Samui.The beaches are almost rubbish free,and along the main road of Ao Nang there are wheelie bins and rubbish bins everywhere to help keep the place clean.The roads in many cases are made of asphalt and not concrete...........no pot holes either.The local people are so friendly too.No yobo tourists either.Just a pleasure to be on Krabi.Am seriously thinking of making a move here.Would like to hear if anyone else has had similar experience to me.

  3. That did'nt take long for the "racist" word to crop up did it????!!!! :o

    No, just telling it the way i see it. Simple. (ask a Thai what they think...i just did) Same Same.

    Are you a little racist??

    Well in that case, most business people in KS are racists :D If we hear or see the word "Israel", we say "fully booked", try KPG.

    It is a sad fact that 50 % of the Israeli's cause problems, from which 25 % quite serious ones. Has nothing to do with racism, we just try to protect our business and other customers.

    I don't understand very well this attitude against Israeli people. After that we'll start to complain about russian, italians, arabs, etc.? Which country do you prefere?? Only white people? From some country only? Do you write outside your business "Israeli not Welcome"?

    I simply think there is some bad apple everywhere. But not for this you can generalize a whole country is not welcome.

    And, Marcus, "f we hear or see the word "Israel", we say "fully booked", try KPG. ", I think better talk for yourself and not for the whole community.

    I repeat, it sounds to me like racism.

    It is simple : let's say Scandinavians, Germans, French, Americans, Australians, Hong Kong, South Africa and the rest of the world - almost never problems, Israeli's : many problems. No, we don't have a sign "Israeli not welcome". But, with limited rooms in my hotel, I prefer to give the room to everyone except an Israeli - sorry, but that's a pure business decision. And if I say "we", this means I can not even provide a decent service to Israeli customers.... The car rental company we use refuses Israeli's, same same for the motorbikes and several tours.

    I really feel sorry that it has to be like this : there are a lot of Israeli's visiting Thailand, but they have really to many rotten apples, like the OP found out. I also want to mention that over the years I met many very nice people from Israel, but due to the behavior of some idiots, we have to take these drastic measures.

    GOOD FOR YOU(there's not a person on thai visa who is not a little racsist in some way if they are honest with themselves)

  4. No Israeli bashing - I just try to understand:

    Israelis are not only surrounded by their muslim enemies but they also have a very though time at the army. While coming here for holidays after army service some of them might have no experience on how to deal nicely with locals or with other farangs because they are still aggressive and suspicious against foreigners.

    DO ME A FAVOUR!................these poor israeli army guys,come on jerks are jerks whoever they are

  5. I have lived and worked in Thailand for close to 12 years. I am horrified to see all the negative and infantile repsonses to the postings on Thai Visa. Why can't respondents be more respectfiul and positive about the country/town where they choose to live. Everybody let's get a life and show more respect for this country

    well i for one love Samui,have been here about 15 months.Yes i could moan about the bad roads,the dirty beaches(some),the rubbish everywhere,and the pollution from all the bulding going on,but i wont.Thai people are so friendly,hospitable(all over thailand)its a pleasure to be living here.The worst complainers in my experience are the brits(poms) whatever and people from the good old USA.............THERE IVE SAID MY PIECE!

  6. I read the letter the op posted and the related one also quoted by someone from the newest Pattaya Mail. While some of the points they make are certainly valid, I think many are also beyond the point. First off, Pattaya is many things to many people. For many, it is and will always be, a holiday destination for "R&R" and nothing more. For others, it's a holiday destination for great and inexpensive courses. It is also a scuba diving destination. Operators have told me that the total takings for dive operators in Pattaya rival the total takings of Phuket! For others, it is a "family" holiday destination, with a healthy dose of Thai spices thrown in...they observe the going's on with amusement. It is also an inexpensive retirement option for many Westerners. The trouble is these disparate groups of visitors/residents often don't notice the other...so their perspectives are skewed. Those who are here for mongering probably don't really realize (and there is no reason they should) that there is a large and vibrant expatriate community here with families and businesses, and hobbies who have no interest in the nitelife. Their dollars support lots of other restaurants, bars [legit], and businesses the monger wouldn't even know about, let alone patronize. So the monger/punter may see a drop in business in the places he frequents...but be totally unawares of the other business that are thriving on the non-monger spending and conclude that Pattaya is in a bad way and that his monger spending is more important than it really is.

    For years now, we have all read these letters to the local rags about residents upping, or threatening to, up and leave and of visitors saying they're never coming back. Never seems to happen, or if it does, they seem to be quickly replaced by others. I was out late last nite taking in the WS scene and most places were doing a good trade late into the nite. There were Ruskies and groups of wayward Arab youths (talking-up every ladyboy they could find) a plenty. And the condo and hotel construction boom is still going gangbusters. There is smart money still investing so they must continue to see a bright future for Pattaya. As to one letter's complaint about the lessening of nitelife in Pattaya, there are many clubs, discos, gogos, beer-bars still open till dawn if you know where to look (some of the BBs are 24/7) if that is what you're looking for.

    One problem with these letter writers and posters here on TV is that it is mostly a Western perspective, and more specifically, an English reading and writing perspective. Exactly the countries (USA and England) who economies and currencies are taking a pounding. They certainly have reason to complain about "high" prices when they do the conversions with their "weak" currencies. However, we don't get the perspective of the those Arabs, Ruskies, even Chinese, who come here from booming regions with strong currencies. Maybe hotels, food, nitelife seems incredibly cheap for them...that's why they keep coming in droves, while the relatively "poor" English speakers take their shrunken pounds and dollars and go back home or vacation close to home.

    So in short, I think the negativity of most of these responses is mostly unjustified. It may be your perspective and true from your vantage point, but it is not the whole story. Pattaya will continue to grow and hopefully thrive whether you choose to stay and enjoy it or return to Blimy.

    a very good post.pattaya is a very inexpensive place to live,its basically a sex city for sex tourists and its great,has great restaurants,bars ,live music scene is good too.ok its polluted,poor infrastructure and a lousy beach.I dont really know why families would want to go there,but for single guys wanting to get laid.............wow what a place.real estate booming,prices from 2million baht upwards,something for everyone.I really hate some of these prissy holier than though comments.

  7. Probably when Farangs start having respect for Thailand, Probably start in Pattaya. I've seen on many occasions farangs speak to Thai's like there a peice of shit and because they are asian they better listen. Makes me want to kickbox them to the head. Also when it happens the other way around

    agree so many falangs have no respect for thai people................blow torh pattaya!

  8. Getting a straight answer to a question from a lady here in Thailand :o

    I second that!

    also trying to understand the thai way of thinking when it comes to relationships and family,i like many other falangs have gone through a couple of bad years but have come out ok and still with same lady.just knew it would come good and just hung in there,cost many $$$$$$$$$$ but now im being taken care of to a certain degree,i.e.we go 50/50 in living expenses and am happy with that.Sorry if i got off topic

  9. my gf and i took a bus the other way with no problems. it included the ferry as well so i'm sure you can get a bus from the pier there to krabi town because we saw big buses leaving samui back to mainland. can't recommend any places to stay in krabi, i forgot where we stayed... i'm sure the buses will stop close to many options once you get there.

    hope this helps! good luck!


    many thanks.

  10. Am thinking of going to Krabi next week.Can anyone tell me if i can get a bus direct to Krabi from Donsak or do i have to get to Suratthani first and get a bus from there?

    Also can anyone recommend a hotel/guest house in Krabi for under 1000 baht per night,must have a/c and be walking distance to bars/nightlife.Any help appreciated.

    I did the opposite route - Krabi - Surat - by public bus. About 4 hours, not a bad journey. Not sure whether buses go from the pier or not.

    A good guesthouse in Krabi is PK Mansion. You should get a room much cheaper than on their website - I paid 450 a night this time last year. Ask for a room on the upper floor, on the left hand side, as they have great sea views. It is in Ao Nang btw - don't stay in Krabi town as it's crap. There are plenty of other guesthouses on that soi and the songthaew from Krabi bus station (50 baht) terminates about 50 yards away. It's a piece of piss.


    super hans

    thanks reply.............for night life bars etc.............krabi town or Ao Nang

  11. Am thinking of going to Krabi next week.Can anyone tell me if i can get a bus direct to Krabi from Donsak or do i have to get to Suratthani first and get a bus from there?

    Also can anyone recommend a hotel/guest house in Krabi for under 1000 baht per night,must have a/c and be walking distance to bars/nightlife.Any help appreciated.

    I did the opposite route - Krabi - Surat - by public bus. About 4 hours, not a bad journey. Not sure whether buses go from the pier or not.

    A good guesthouse in Krabi is PK Mansion. You should get a room much cheaper than on their website - I paid 450 a night this time last year. Ask for a room on the upper floor, on the left hand side, as they have great sea views. It is in Ao Nang btw - don't stay in Krabi town as it's crap. There are plenty of other guesthouses on that soi and the songthaew from Krabi bus station (50 baht) terminates about 50 yards away. It's a piece of piss.


  12. i think you can still fly from samui to krabi on bangkok airways, but only on certain days of the week. you can take a boat/bus combo (either songserm or seatran, can't remember which) too, but be careful with your valuables on that route- do not put them under the bus as they will be stolen by the thieves that work that route. as for guesthouses, depends on where you are staying- krabi is a huge province. in krabi town i recommend good dream guesthouse.

    Thanks for that,will take note re valuables(always keep them on me)...........you did n't say but do you know wether the buses go from Donsak or Suratthani?

  13. Am thinking of going to Krabi next week.Can anyone tell me if i can get a bus direct to Krabi from Donsak or do i have to get to Suratthani first and get a bus from there?

    Also can anyone recommend a hotel/guest house in Krabi for under 1000 baht per night,must have a/c and be walking distance to bars/nightlife.Any help appreciated.

  14. My bills for my new place just seem too high. 3500 last month and about 3000 this month.

    This is direct electricity, there is no middleman serviced apartment collecting a profit.

    I run 1 air whenever I'm around. Probably 15-20 hours a day. My gf watches tv with a fan in another room, I have the radio on, and I'm on the computer almost all the time.

    I had a place at Surasak with the inflated utility prices where I had a similar electricity use pattern and the price was in the 2000 range per month.

    About how much do you pay per month for electricity? And what sort of use do you have?

    minimal use of a/c in bedrom only,internet,fan24/7 have gas for cooker........about 550 pm on 3baht per kw.

    when hot weather like now use fan in bedroom 8-10hr per nite.............about 990-1100 pm.

  15. my retirement visa expires in jan.2009.I have been advised that i have to top up my thailand bank account back up to 800,000 baht 3 months prior to the expiry date of visa.Does anyone one know if this is still the case or can the account be topped up just prior to expiry date?And if the account is topped up 3 months prior to expiry date am assuming you are not expected to have the same amoun(i.e.800,000) when re applying for another year extension.Any advice appreciated.

    If you are only counting on cash in bank to extend your visa, yes the money has to be there for 3 months & yes the money has to be there intact for that period.If you are funded eg: overseas monthly income,then you only have to show that you have brought into the country the required amount.So say you have brought in 500,000.00 Bht, then you only have to top up just prior to renewal , the 3 months criteria does not apply.

    But then it depends on their mood on that particular day.

    ok Rooo many thanks reply.

  16. my retirement visa expires in jan.2009.I have been advised that i have to top up my thailand bank account back up to 800,000 baht 3 months prior to the expiry date of visa.Does anyone one know if this is still the case or can the account be topped up just prior to expiry date?And if the account is topped up 3 months prior to expiry date am assuming you are not expected to have the same amoun(i.e.800,000) when re applying for another year extension.Any advice appreciated.

  17. As the topic says I am seeking information from anyone that can help or has some experience of these matters in Samui. Wud like to build a house on land purchased recently. I have been looking at option of contacting local builders and then trying it that way and separating the job from Architect and builder or looking for a company that provides all services. I was thinking that having separate people some how will help with quality control and having different views to protect my interests. I understand also that system is such to involve a bank and lawyers to have the project payments, staged. Not too interested in paying people up front for them to run off as have heard alot of horror stories around Thailand. Does this happen often in Samui ? Not meaning buying off the plan. I will not be staying in samui for all of construction but can visit so quality management is important, not that as i normally understand it, as soon as you turn your back, something substandard happens, causing problems later.

    Would be great to hear some stories from long term residents etc on reputable companies. Or is it best to get in touch with some expat residents community for advise. Will consider all options. Just do not want to get burned..

    Understand it takes a long time to get people in court in Thailand for what its worth.

    Hows the general market over in samui ? Builders and construction busy ?

    Its not a small house I intend to build and also wondered if any idea of costs per sq meter. Looking of course as all for a quality construction and very importantly western standard finishing work in the interior for the right price.

    Again if members could recommend the best way to go about it with your experience wud be very glad to hear.

    contact Archetype in bophut,they are architects and project planners.

    tel. no.(66) 77-245-780...................employ local thai architects and french expat project managers.They currently have projects on Samui and also on Phuket.

  18. Try Chaweng Center Hotel opposite McDonalds. Just a few mins walk to Green Mango. Good clean rooms and very central. You'll pay about 1500/1700 though. Look at Sawadee.com for more details.

    try anong guest house chaweng beach road,very close to soi green mango.has a/c small swimmingpool and under 1000 baht per night.I have stayed there before and its good value.

  19. I want to teach my little daughters to swim - where can I go?

    THS for advices

    The subject of teaching kids swimming has popped up a couple of times.I don't think there is any public pools, unless you pay to use one at one of the hotels.But I'm sure if you can find a qualifed teacher,they will also have a pool.

    In fact I need a pool, I can teach them by myself. Must be a hotel/resort where I can go regulary for a certain fee.

    try smile inn fisherman village,i know a few people who pay reception 50baht to go and use pool

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