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Posts posted by chickenslegs

  1. 2 hours ago, GroveHillWanderer said:

    The names of four of the five men charged have been released. They are Adam Cech, Jan Dudi, and Norbert Pulko, who are from Slovakia and live in London, were in the dock with Afghan-national Jabar Paktia. The name of the fifth man (the father) has still not been released.


    The religion(s) of the four named men have not been disclosed as far as I am aware, although Adam, Jan and Norbert don't sound like Muslim names to me. Jabar sounds more like it could be a Muslim name - but not necessarily.


    Looks like it may be egg-on-face-time for a lot of posters in this topic.


    Not many Muslims in Slovakia, and not a "Muhammed, Abdul, or Rasheed" among the suspects in this disgusting crime.

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  2. 4 hours ago, RT555 said:

    Yes, The Thai government does not make it easier for it's people. While the front page of The Bangkok Post lists the richest people in Thailand.... Brothers Cousins, Spouses, Spouses Kin, Friends... Etc.. The Thai people are getting the shaft... When is something going to be done? 


    Nothing until the Red Bull Heir is Charged and do time... That about sums it up. 


    7 minutes ago, oldrunner said:

    So sad to see so many sad and destitute Thais. Every day, it seems, a Thai or Farang either commits suicide or "walks" into traffic. No quick answer but feel sorry for those so desperate.

    Have you guys posted in the wrong topic?


    This one is about a 46 year old lorry driver who dropped dead while his lorry was stationary at a gas station - presumably a heart attack or stroke.

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