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Everything posted by wensiensheng

  1. I don’t know anything about Governors orders, but I can personally attest to the fact that in the area of Phuket in which I live, few people have been wearing masks when outside. Of course it’s required to get into banks, supermarkets, 7-11 etc, but outside, nope, it basically stopped months ago.
  2. I wonder what plans have to be mAde to treat it as endemic. Just don’t make any special arrangements and treat it as you would any other illness, seems to cover most bases. on the other hand, getting all the bleep bleep machines out of 7-11 will be a significant challenge ????
  3. Who can really know what has gone on in the background but I will say this, the reason given for releasing him is not credible.
  4. I’m currently traveling in Lithuania, flew her via Helsinki on Finn Air. had to wear a mask while the plane was on the ground in Thailand, one take off completed and seatbelt sign was off, the mask could be taken off. Requested to wear them while moving around. on landing in Helsinki, transiting through airport, no masks required, just a few people wearing them out of choice, mostly airport workers I thought. in Lithuania, no requirement to wear, very few wearing them. Again mainly workers in constant contact with people, but very few. I had to visit a hospital for our patient treatment and it’s a requirement to wear a mask while in the hospital. i can’t say that I have felt at risk at all. whilst at home in Phuket, I basically wear a mask when required to do so when entering a building. Like 7-11, lotus’s etc. i don’t wear it while riding a motorbike, at the beach or basically anywhere outside. Maybe 50% of people doing what I am doing more or less I would say. Many of those with masks while outside have round their chin or slipped down over mouth only. not sayings what’s right, just observing what is actually happening on the ground around me.
  5. Muay Thai isn’t really soft power. Quite the opposite really. And why the fascination with mango sticky rice? Surely Thai food in general has far more depth to it from a marketing perspective, than one simple dish. at least tat seems to acknowledge they are up against some stiff competition for tourists. Indeed they are.
  6. I’ve read lots about what has to be done when entering Thailand. without wishing to digress too far from the original topic, does anyone know if there is a requirement to have a PCR test within 72 hours of LEAVING Thailand, if the destination country doesn’t require it? in other words, have the Thai’s taken it into their heads to impose a blanket requirement for a PCR test before being able to board an aircraft out of the country? I’ve heard conflicting stories.
  7. Having health insurance for needed medical care isn’t the issue though. It’s the requirement to have insurance to cover medical costs when feeling perfectly healthy, but covid positive.
  8. I think the thing to remember is that it is a marriage extension and not a living together extension. If you are legally married, there is still at least a moral obligation to provide some element of financial support to your wife, so I really can’t see a problem so long as your wife is amenable. I’m not a lawyer, but for practical purposes, how do immigration know whether your wife lives with you or not? Only if she tells them.
  9. Using that logic, the world will never ever get back to normal because there will always be the possibility of a mutation, and another novel virus for that matter. Sensible precautions, yes. But restrictions based on a theoretical possibility, would mean living in fear for eternity.
  10. Well, misunderstanding what your insurance policy covers and blindly thinking that it will cover what you want it to cover, seems foolish to me. the terminology you used of a “get out” clause immediately places your post into the context of bashing insurance companies, (whom I personally dislike with a passion btw). The term “get out clause” implies a slightly underhand way to avoid responsibility. It isn’t a “get out” clause, it’s simply that the policy doesn’t cover care that isn’t medically required. The fact that people may not understand that is immaterial to the implication of the terminology used in your post.
  11. Personally, I don’t think admission to a hospital being “medically necessary” is really a get out clause. It sounds perfect common sense to me. If a policy is for medical coverage, why should it cover something that is not medically necessary? not often I get to say this, if indeed I have ever said it before, but I am with the insurance company on this one.
  12. The pre departure test was the only part of test and go that made sense to me. But then, it didn’t generate any revenue in Thailand, did it? So it’s expendable then.
  13. My daughter in law and her 75 year old mother escaped from Kiev and are currently in Poland with my son waiting for the mothers UK visa to arrive. Previously the mother was evacuated from the family home in Mariupol to Kiev. I do indeed see the dire situation Ukraine suffers now.
  14. In a way, Russia has already lost. Anything that they gain from a stalemate or win militarily, is more that wiped out by the long term degradation of their economy and ability to improve their military in the future, by sanctions. so Ukraine may lose in terms of its major cities being reduced to rubble, but long term Russia will be weaker.
  15. So isn’t it true that all foreign press have correspondents based in Thailand, at least some of whom will be Thai although by no means all. Put more plainly, isn’t Johnathon head of the BBC based in Thailand and therefore “Thai based media”. put another way, not all media based in Thailand represent Thai media companies, foreign media are based here as well. not sure how many other ways I can try and demonstrate that foreign media companies can be based in Thailand and therefore qualify as Thai based media, which is who the press conference is meant to be for.
  16. You must be joking. Laws on keeping such kinds of dogs? Packs of dogs of all varieties roam wild in Northern villages with scant food and zero attention paid to them by owners, if indeed they have owners. i never run in Isaan countryside without carrying some kind of stick with me and even then I don’t feel 100% safe. expecting some kind of law to be passed to resolve the issue of dogs attacking people seems hopeful at best and hopeless at worst.
  17. Funny you should say that. Because I did exactly that. Not so much because of the invasion of Iraq, that was just a mistake based on faulty/doctored intelligence and mistakes DO happen. But the fact that the serving British PM did not resign over over a mistake that cost British servicemen their lives (and of course Iraqi citizens) made me take the plunge and renounce my British citizenship. To get back to the topic, Russian troops should desert if they have any conscience. Yes they would be betraying their country, but what sort of country do they want to be a part of? By staying and fighting they support Putin.
  18. Who are the Russian individuals currently committing war crimes in Ukraine then? The privates, corporals and sergeants. Aren’t they normal Russian people? are they going to say that they were only following orders? Because that excuse rings a bell from another era dominated by Hitlers thugs. not saying the Russian people as a whole aren’t decent folk, just that it isn’t Putin pulling the triggers on rifles in Ukraine or aiming artillery at apartment buildings and hospitals. Normal Russian people in uniforms are doing it and they should stop.
  19. Your first sentence is presumably in response to the posters statement that Russian tourists can’t afford a flight home because the ruble has fallen. he is correct, and your statement superfluous because, yes, prior to arrival in Thailand the tourists will have a flight home booked. But as you then go on to point out in your second paragraph, those flights are pretty much all being cancelled. Hence the need to buy a second return ticket and hence the problem of their rubles being worth much less, even assuming they can access their funds.
  20. The China system was set up quite some time ago. It is not a specific reaction to the current rounds of sanctions on Russia. Hence it does not exist to circumvent these specific sanctions. sure, Russia will seek to maximize payment systems that are unaffected by western sanctions. What else could one expect the, to do. And sure, there are countries who will opportunistically help the Russians in their endeavor to avoid western sanctions. China is one and what does the west think of China in general? So are you saying that it’s ok for Thailand to join a club of two or three countries? Russia, China, N Korea, Belarus, Eritrea………..Thailand.
  21. HK was given back because there was a signed bit of paper that constituted a lease and the lease expired. I get your point, all countries have ripped up treaties when it suits their purpose, Russia with the treaty on Ukraine when it gave back nuclear weapons, USA when it had a new president that didn’t like a treaty with Iran signed by a previous president, the UK with those bits of Brexit that it doesn’t like. But HK is a poor example because UK actually abided by the conditions contained in a bit of paper.
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