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Everything posted by wensiensheng

  1. Likely from well to do ish families don’t you think? Kids of poor people in rural areas barely make it to age 14 at school. But they can ride a motorbike at age 8.
  2. According to the BBC the passenger who died did so from a heart attack. which has the better quality reporting? This site or the BBC?
  3. I suspect this may be one of those things that varies Amphur by Amphur. Well worth trying without the translation. If you then need it, oh well. btw, I recently found out for other purposes that a certified copy of my passport by my country’s embassy in Bangkok, could then be translated into Thai by a local translation office in Udon, and then that translation office can arrange to have the thai translation certified by the Thai ministry of Foreign Affairs in Bangkok. you have to pay for the MOF certification of course, but it’s cheaper than going to Bangkok yourself. Good Luck!
  4. The nationality is irrelevant. The facts are relevant. viz: drunk driver kills people on motorbike by speeding into them from behind. Vehicular manslaughter every day of the week.
  5. I often wonder how the police identify suspects via cctv. CCTV doesn’t show the names of people depicted, so is it that the police have prior knowledge of the individuals and recognize them when they see them on cctv, or do they wander the streets after the incident and look at peoples faces until they recognize them?
  6. If a free vaccination program run by the government was in place, I would probably get vaccinated again. I shan’t bother if I have to pay, just as I don’t for influenza. having said that, I don’t have any underlying health conditions and exercise each day, so am not over weight. It’s not bullet proof, but it’s better than nothing.
  7. I don’t think it’s an issue of blame. Clearly stabbing someone isn’t a blameless act even if provoked. It’s a question of common sense. Thailand in the early hours of the morning can be a lawless and dangerous place. There are locals who have no sense of restraint or civilized behavior. Getting into arguments with them can and often does lead to a farang bleeding on the floor. So stopping arguing with locals is good advice. i’m not blaming Thais specifically by the way, most large cities have areas where such stuff happens. Patong is hardly a big city, but farang arguing with locals at early morning hours is asking for trouble.
  8. It’s taken a week to report his death. Don’t rush them.
  9. I think you mean EVENTUALLY taken action to prevent …..
  10. The flow of entertainment for all those high class tourists just never stops.
  11. Who has said that Thailand is a civilized society, in the western sense of the term? Certainly not me.
  12. I guess she got clean by going cold turkey while in prison. So the jail time probably saved her life.
  13. A number of farang volunteer with Charity organizations that do prison visits. not saying it’s the case here, but it exists
  14. Yup. And the Japanese tourists are entitled to moan online about their experience and then maybe future tourists will not use tuk tuk at all because they will be aware. Hows your free market then?
  15. “This incident serves as a stern reminder to all tuk-tuk driversabout adhering to fair pricing and maintaining professionalstandards, as authorities continue to crack down on suchexploitative practices.” the only stern reminder here is for tuk tuk drivers to make sure they charge enough to cover the fine AND make a fat profit. As this one did.
  16. Don’t think the issue at hand is whether drugs do more damage than alcohol. The issue is whether drugs do damage. Lots of opinions on both sides of that one.
  17. I think the answer to your question is yes. He is suggesting simply that.
  18. The problem with cannabis is the same as alcohol. Some people can’t take it in moderation. in my village in Isaan the norm for locals is to drink until falling down drunk. There is no few drinks or one drink. I only have anecdotal evidence, ie the few people I know, but I see the same thing happening with cannabis. Tobacco is slightly different. Yes it causes significant long term health risks and is addictive, but it doesn’t alter the state of mind while being consumed. At least not to the same degree.
  19. Singapore has an ongoing case involving several billion SGD worth of assets seized from around a dozen people of Chinese origin, holding passports from several countries. All accused of money laundering illegal proceeds from online gambling. If squeaky clean Singapore can find that much in its system, imagine how much there really is in opaque Thailand
  20. I have to confess that I opened a mule account only recently. My daughter is 16 but couldn’t open a bank account in her name because her Thai ID card was a juvenile variety rather than adult. So I opened it in my name, using her phone number, and I put a bit of money in it for her each month. Now she can use her phone to pay for grab orders or to scan at shops. No difficult questions were asked, took longer to queue than open the account. she has her adult ID card now, but we haven’t got round to opening an account in her name. Guess we’d better do that before we get swept up in the new stringent crackdown 😂
  21. I appreciate your taking the time to make a suggestion, but I can’t help think that you are making a problem where one doesn’t exist. Or if there IS a problem, you’re using a sledgehammer to crack a nut. A few random farang struggle to open a bank account here when they first arrive because they don’t know which bank has less strict requirements. And for that you propose forcing every farang in Thailand who makes use of a long term visa, to open an account with a specific bank. You are having a laugh, surely?
  22. Some say that, others don’t. Have to pick the right colour
  23. In terms of compliance, how about doing something about the rampant mis selling by banks that goes on. A major bank bundles accident insurance with the purchase of an atm card. If you want the card, you MUST buy the accident insurance, paid for with an all inclusive fee. Funny thing is, I actually already have accident insurance, not only that, accident insurance FROM THAT BANK. British banks paid out billions to customers who were mis sold insurance they didn’t need when applying for loans. The practice of forcing customers to buy insurance along with an atm card is no different. So comply that!
  24. Oh I think there are plenty of farang owning weed shops.A Dutch guy around here has three outlets and one more being readied for opening as we speak. TBH, in my area of Phuket I’d go so far as to say it’s MOSTLY farang who own shops. Quite why weed sold by farang is harmful and that sold by Thai’s is not, I don’t know. Anutin has me beat on that one.
  25. A true statement that causes “harm” to a business or individual is still regarded as defamatory in Thailand. The issue at point according to Thai law is not whether a statement is true or false, it is whether a business/individual suffered from it. so I am afraid you will need to reassess how things work.
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