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Everything posted by wensiensheng

  1. You are hoisted by your own petard. Your statement about the defamation laws in Australia is correct. But in Thailand you can be sued for defamation EVEN IF, your statement is true. Perhaps it is the case in other countries, but I personally don’t know any.
  2. “Despite benefiting from the restaurant offering a convenient access passage, Alexander was asked to stop using it …” in what universe does this make sense? If he was asked to stop using it, how could he benefit? sometimes it just pointless to read any news article posted here. There are so many contradictory statements, none can be trusted. SMH.
  3. Participating in Songkran festivities and it’s only being reported NOW? On the ball these journalists are not. And they see fit to include in the articlewhat they themselves term an “unrelated” incident that happened just yesterday. its gobbledygook
  4. Ain’t no way some random poor person is going to make good in Thailand if there is a chance for the authorities to snaffle it. There are plenty of influential people who think they are far more deserving
  5. That barely move thing. Not such a good thing when people are driving or riding a motorbike
  6. I’m not bothered if people want to smoke cannabis, but it’s more anti social than normal smoking because of the smell. Indoors only and at dedicated cannabis shops would help protect other people who are eating, drinking, socializing and don’t want the stink around them. imho if people want to use cannabis, it’s because it alters their state of mind, much as alcohol does. So driving whilst high should also be out of the question. its not the people who use cannabis that are the problem, its the impact that it has on people near them. At the moment its out of control.
  7. What’s required is some mobile phone footage filmed by a concerned citizen, followed by some moral outrage by outraged netizens. They police this country these days because without that the police don’t care.
  8. How could the police test a hit and run driver for alcohol and/or drugs? The refusal to look at nearby cctv footage is a strange one. It would be interesting to know the thinking of BIB on that one. Traffic light cctv not working…..par for the course.
  9. I don’t think he was working illegally online. He was working illegally. He solicited business online for his illegal activities. A slight difference.
  10. I don’t believe that to be an accurate statement. Assuming he didn’t commit any crimes in Singapore, he would not be punished there. He would be extradited, just as is happening in Thailand. So no caning.
  11. If he was bleeding in a ditch, he probably would have been found and his family informed. He was on holiday so probably is in a tourist area. Check his hotel room as it’s much more likely to be where he is if he has encountered some problem. A heart attack or stroke or some other illness is more likely than the bleeding in a ditch scenario. Or, he could just be ok and not have been in touch.
  12. He didn’t. The child was from her previous marriage
  13. Gotta give Adrian credit. Wasn’t even his kid but he did the right thing instead of walking away
  14. I doubt he hid it in his passport. Probably FORGOT it was in his passport more like.
  15. Phuket has its issues, traffic congestion being one of the main ones. but in what universe is being punished for breaking the law an issue? I spend quite a bit of time in Phuket and Udon Thani. Quite different places in many respects. I don’t feel the need to change my behavior between the two places, one iota. Then again, I am (reasonably) law abiding. I also haven’t noticed any changes in Phuket from two months ago. It’s a little quieter now that high season is over and we approach the low season, but that’s about it. It’s seems you don’t live here yourself, so ether you have friends who live here and are dumber than dumb, feeding you (false) information, or you’re just making stuff up in order to jump on a currently popular bandwagon. anyway, enjoy your current place of abode and if it’s ok for you to break the law there with impunity, so much the better……..I guess.
  16. It wasn’t. He’s just a troll making stuff up.
  17. Well, jail and fines are pretty standard punishment all around the world and, indeed, in Thailand also. So it would be surprising if either or both of those were not utilized as an immediate consequence in this case, although the routine usually consists of a court hearing first. Deportation and blacklist are more Thai specific for foreigners, whether either or both will be utilized in this case remains to be seen. A court case is not necessary, but even with these punishments, before the immediate consequence is meted out, there is usually some kind of hearing.
  18. Well there are a lot more thai people here than any other nationality, or indeed all other nationalities put together. Statistically it would be an amazing fact if Thais DIDNT make the top of the list for just about anything and everything, good and bad.
  19. Yeah, it’s the sort of thing that makes it onto the BBC website and then is a worldwide story.
  20. Doesn’t most the stuff come via private companies? Lazada, Kerry etc. maybe the post office does some but I don’t think that they do most of them
  21. True. Thailand is so good at setting up integrated IT solutions.
  22. Pretty sure that the threshold for VAT was increased from 1k baht to 1.5k baht, because below that amount the cost of collection was more than the revenue gained. Now the exemption limit is going from 1.5k baht to nothing. sounds like it’s going to be a lot of work for not a lot of reward. I guess it might create some jobs in the Revenue dept as they hire workers to process all the tax collections
  23. Yup. Good for the day. Letting riders ride off without a helmet after paying a fine is a sure sign that road blocks are for money and nothing to do with enforcing the law or road safety
  24. Well that’s this week. But next week……
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