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Everything posted by wensiensheng

  1. In Phuket town, often it’s the shop that you park in front of, that dobs you in to the police. The cynical part of me says that there is a kick back to the shop for tipping off police, who of course collect on the fine.
  2. Although the cutter cost more than the parking fine, superficially it’s a cost effective alternative because the cutter can be used again in the future, so he need never pay a parking fine again. of course there is the damage to government property thing to consider 🙄 actually, his problem may have been that he didn’t know where to go to pay the fine. I was clamped in Phuket town many years ago and it took ages to find out what I was supposed to do to get unclamped. The ticket is all in Thai, as you would reasonably expect.
  3. 7,000 quid for two nights. Not credible. The whole thing makes no sense.
  4. Stationary and straddling both lanes of the road. Came to a halt no doubt because he belatedly looked up and saw a bike coming in the opposite direction. Should have looked before turning and only turned if there was time to do so, yes? but in any case, would YOU check out your car damage before attending to an injured person?
  5. I believe that the thai netizen outrage isn’t over who’s fault it is, but that the farang checked out the damage to their car before checking out injuries to the moterbike rider. i’m with the outraged netizens on this one. Who ever is at fault, human life ranks above a freaking car.
  6. What? That is just down the road from my place. What you don’t see in the video is the bend in the road. A guy turns in front of a bike without signaling and you blame the bike? What happened to only turning across traffic when the road is clear? SMH
  7. It’s not a new policy, so one that should have been factored into their decision making in terms of where they should retire. Also, if they lived in the UK, even though they might get an increased pension, their cost of living would be far far higher. Overall They would be far worse off than they are now. anyway, I can’t see much point bleating about it to foreign press. Make whatever decisions you need to make to continue retirement and get on.
  8. I guess if she hasn’t got over it 3 years later, she isn’t ever going to get over it.
  9. Quite clearly SOME are dying. Your statement that “most” are dying; ie 50% or more, is simply a falsehood. so maybe correct your own statements before you correct those of others others and make yourself look stupid
  10. It’s a good point. Any chance the cops will follow up on who is supplying firearms illegally? Nope, didn’t think so.
  11. Why call him a business man. So he owns a restaurant, he’s still clearly just another Russian gangster.
  12. I hope that there won’t subsequently be any whining from the Thai populace about badly behaved Russians. Thai people reap what their government sows.
  13. A lot of things were ok 50 years ago. They aren’t now. Or do you intend to own slaves because that was ok in the past? jeez, get a grip won’t you.
  14. Kick someone in the back and you become a national figure of hate, rather than just an arrogant idiot. Threaten a taxi driver with a knife…..nothing happens. is there a disconnect here?
  15. To be fair, how many of these people would have been unable to afford, or would have been refused, a visa? I think they would all have got a visa and would be here even if there were no free visa scheme. of course, had the Thai government decided to reduce the number of Russians by making a visa very hard to obtain, that would be a different matter.
  16. “and occasional reports of scams or incidents targeting foreigners. “ how do they define “occasional”? A daily occurrence?
  17. I think you misread the article, as I did at first. he was not talking about apprehending “influential people” in the sense of hiso thai people. He is talking about, well, criminals in the conventional sense. Although he termed it as people of bad influence who habitually offend. He goes on to list a number of crimes but focuses on drug crime. bad headline really. The article, as far as I can see, is simply talking about crime in general
  18. “Policeannounced their intention to summon Mai’s parents and relativesfor questioning at a later time.” first things first. They will interview the poor girls family…….when they get round to it. Sad state of affairs, no one is going to care about a 10 year old girl because she comes from a poor family. Why aren’t netizens up in arms? Because there is no video to drool over and the victim is a nobody. SMH. Get our Daily Newsletter - Click HERE to subscribe
  19. Is that “related news”.
  20. Why is it scary? It’s an internet news site and chat forum. It’s not like it’s an integral part of anyone’s life
  21. And so it’s ok to beat them up because they honked their horn? Stop being a Thai apologist, it is totally out of order to beat up people, much less stab them, who honk their horn at you, whether the honk is warranted or not. As the journalist wryly pointed out, although the assailants claimed they could not move in the traffic, they were able to make a getaway. But, as I just said, able to move in traffic or not, physical assault with a deadly weapon because of a horn honk, is unacceptable.
  22. Guess it was just his lucky day
  23. Technically 6 vs 2. Phi and Shi.
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