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Everything posted by wensiensheng

  1. HK was given back because there was a signed bit of paper that constituted a lease and the lease expired. I get your point, all countries have ripped up treaties when it suits their purpose, Russia with the treaty on Ukraine when it gave back nuclear weapons, USA when it had a new president that didn’t like a treaty with Iran signed by a previous president, the UK with those bits of Brexit that it doesn’t like. But HK is a poor example because UK actually abided by the conditions contained in a bit of paper.
  2. Please do feel free to take your next holiday in Ukraine. You didn’t take sides and are neutral, so you should be fine.
  3. So Thailand wants to help Russians circumvent western sanctions, huh. they were put in place for a reason and that reason is readily available to be seen in the images of war shown in every available media source….outside of Russia. i guess Thailand stands with Russia, not Ukraine. Serves the country right if it gets slapped with secondary sanctions
  4. You mean by giving Putin what he wanted? Three areas that are part of Ukraine, a declaration of neutrality which means Russia has the opportunity to install its government of choice over a period of time and Ukraine stops fighting which allows the Russians plenty of opportunity to keep rolling. No, Russia sought to use military might to achieve its aims. it must fail, totally. Anything else and it’s an invitation to do it again. Having now mobilized economically, the West should see it through to the end or risk having to do a similar exercise again, which will be even more painful than resolving the issue once and for all now.
  5. When this assassination hit the news, it did make me wonder how, with all the hoops that foreigners have to jump through, a publicly denounced gangland figure in Canada who was deported for that reason, simply waltzed into Thailand. By all accounts, he was hardly unknown to police authorities around the world.
  6. If the Thai government is unwilling to denounce an invasion, let alone enact sanctions, I don’t have a shred of sympathy for them. They get what they deserve as far as I am concerned. Yes, it is Thai citizens who will suffer not “the government”, but it’s up to those citizens to vote to oust their government in sufficient numbers that the result cannot be manipulated.
  7. I see that the Russian ambassador to Thailand was in Phuket yesterday to dicuss setting up a sister city in Russia for Phuket, the setting up of a Muay Thai boxing camp for Russians and to give assurances that many Russians still wanted to travel to Thailand. The Phuket officials meantime were fawning over him and assured the phuket public that there was no need to worry because Russian tourists would still come. Tone deaf doesn’t begin to describe the self serving posture adopted by Thailand.
  8. The case figures comparison between locals and abroad is misleading. 100% of people from abroad are tested….twice. A very small proportion of the resident population is tested.
  9. Sorry to treat you as a font of all knowledge @ubonjoe, but you seem to be a font of all knowledge, haha. I’m just wondering if you have any information on the special flights that have to be taken when arriving at suvarnabhumi and immediately transferring to Phuket? There’s mention on the test and go registration site (at least the first page that I can access) that it has to be a special flight with a red 4 digit flight code. Just wondering how one is supposed to find out what these special flights are and how one goes about booking them? do you have any info on that?
  10. Actually that’s very useful information for me. I am booked to go to Europe in May and wondered how long a period my insurance needed to cover as I live in Thailand. So you answered that question for me. I have a further question and I wonder if you can help there as well. at the moment I can’t register on test and go because the site only goes up the the end of March on its trip calendar. So I can’t check the process for loading my flight, hotel and insurance details. Just how easy is that process? Do I need specific types of files to load or can I just take screenshots of the required information and load those? I’ a dinosaur tech wise and worried I might find it difficult to complete the upload of information. any observations on the above would be very welcome
  11. Correction, the paperwork, testing and risk of quarantine is what’s keeping people away. for example, the USA and UK have far higher cases numbers such that people more or less ignore Covid and in the UK that will soon be official government policy. So why would people from those countries be put off coming to Thailand on holiday? No, it’s the hassle and quarantine which puts people off. just my opinion of course.
  12. Ecause tourists catch it during their first 5 days in Thailand? And if they brought it with them, they have had 5 days to spread it anyway. can you really explain any real. benefit wrt the second test?
  13. Only 6 kids in my daughters class yesterday due to others isolating and year 10 and year 11 are learning remotely.
  14. I assume it’s good news for people going to Europe. But shouldn’t Thailand be making it easier for people to come here? I tried to register in test and go because I am going to Europe in May and need to return, but the drop down schedule only goes up to end March! So I can’t register for another couple of months.
  15. In all seriousness, why is a doctor opining on what Covid measures the country’s politicians might take? He is a doctor, maybe knows about medical stuff, he has no idea what the government might decide to do. They barely know themselves from one day to another.
  16. This recommendation to give three options came from the Thai Public Health Ministry. Where do medical experts and medical science come into it? They are making it up as they go along.
  17. How about following the manufacturers recommendations on the basis that they are resolved following testing during trials? I mean, just a thought. alternatively make up your own ideas based on, well, nothing really. total nonsense being spouted.
  18. What a ridiculous notion. Thai drivers know only too well what a red traffic light means. They just choose to ignore them. think again Air Marshall
  19. This is another aspect of Phuket that will never, ever, change. just look at the recent case of the taxi passenger who kicked up a fuss about being charged 600 baht for a taxi ride when grab would have been 160 or something similar. That taxi driver was fined 2000 baht. BUT, the elephant in the room that nobody to my knowledge commented on or raised any eyebrows, was that the passenger only took a taxi in the first place because grab and another ride app refused to pick him up from the hotel because it wasn’t “allowed”. Allowed being the threat of physical intimidation from the taxi mafia. the taxi mafia in Phuket is a law unto itself deciding what fares will be charged, to whom and by what means. It will always be so and it’s an absolute disgrace.
  20. Yup. Covid is rife in phuket. My daughter had it a couple of weeks ago. No idea where she caught it, assume her school, no attempt at test and trace of contacts. She just isolated at home, but there was nothing to stop her going out and about other than her own responsibility. We only discovered she had it by accident because I gave her a rapid test so that we could prove she was Covid free for her gym club. Otherwise she would have been roaming around infecting others
  21. I don’t think the cameras will help. If “caught” on one, then there is no system or procedure to enforce a penalty on the individual “caught”. Same as all the unpaid speeding fines for people “caught” by speed cameras
  22. I was recently advised that the company insuring my car had ceased trading. I had to take out a new policy with a new company. Fortunately there was only a couple of months left on the old one
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