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Everything posted by nauseus

  1. He rarely says anything clearly. Therefore he should be more cautious in this case.
  2. Great answer, you should apply for WH Press Secretary. ????
  3. All these wonder acts involve spending trillions that the US has to borrow to pay for, during an era of the highest interest rates for decades. Brilliant! Why do you think Biden's approval keeps dropping?
  4. You are perfectly free to attack Trump but I think that it would be very difficult for you (or anyone else ) to demonstrate that Trump has been a proponent of lowering standards of education or culling critical thinking. And sex changes for nine-year old kids? Not a chance.
  5. Much worse. The EU President select is just the result of back room bartering, then given some apparent validity with yet another "vote yes" instruction to the EU Parliament.
  6. I suppose if it had just been a slip of the tongue there might not have been any complaint.
  7. Yep, over. We're out... and it'll cost far too much to rejoin.
  8. Yes, there are many stories out there. For months and years the most popular theme seems to have been anything which concerns the seemingly relentless political mission to vaporize Trump. The "incitement" word has been used far too frequently and improperly since J6 as far as I can see. Several recent house hearings seem to raise the question of actions of the DOJ and the FBI under the Biden Administration. But there seems very little news about that.
  9. Lobbying is lobbying. Ads are ads. Your link, your post, your 200M.
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