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Everything posted by nauseus

  1. The Republicans have suggested exactly where they want to find cuts.
  2. Yes. It's a pity the Democrats don't do more cudgeling to cap the debt too.
  3. Both parties are guilty - not just one: https://www.nytimes.com/2023/01/22/business/economy/federal-debt-history.html
  4. What is quite remarkable (but sadly expected) is that remainers refuse to concede that the British Parliament lost absolute sovereignty once the Treaty of Rome was signed and that sovereignty was significantly further eroded with each new treaty, regulation, directive and decision.
  5. Article 50 was triggered in March 2017. The rest was a cluster.
  6. Perhaps then, if we were allowed to leave fully and completely, that indictor might be more easily identifiable and clear?
  7. From your own link: The UK has been in a losing minority more often over the past few years In recent years the UK has been more often on the losing side of these votes. Research by Dr Hagemann and Professor Hix shows that between 2009 and 2015 the UK voted against the majority 12.3% of the time, compared to 2.6% of the time between 2004 and 2009. Why not admit that since QMV came into use and since the UK lost most of its vetoes, then the trend has been that UK interests were increasingly overridden?
  8. All these things are ready to go anyway. Scapegoating in advance?
  9. Yes....and now we can see the detritus. There was no referendum before Heath signed us in and there's a good reason for that.
  10. Bypassed more and more in recent years by QMV. Why not dig up something useful?
  11. The usual erroneous pomposity of the arch remainer. From: https://hum.port.ac.uk/europeanstudieshub/learning/module-3-governance-in-a-multi-level-europe/direct-effect-and-direct-applicability/#:~:text=Direct applicability talks about whether,EU regulations are directly applicable. EU treaties and EU regulations are directly applicable. They do not need any other acts of parliament in the member state to make them into law. Therefore, once a treaty is signed or a regulation is passed in Brussels by the Council of Ministers, it instantly becomes applicable in all member states.
  12. These hundreds/thousands of EU laws basically bypassed the British Government on the way in - so why not on the way out?
  13. A no vote could mean anything. But one thing that it does mean is that that voter didn't care enough to be moaning about it now.
  14. Wrong decision. Brexit meant leaving the EU in all respects.
  15. What I have got is a record of you misquoting me. I said the CBO was hopeless, not biased.
  16. Picking out your 'jokes' is impossible. They only become so when it suits you.
  17. The CBO says? Just another federal department likely to be as hopeless as the rest seem to be now. These extra 87,000 agents are likely to cost at least as much as the 120 billion over 10 years anyway.
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