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Everything posted by nauseus

  1. Bah humbug. The only massive increase was due to Covid year 1 (2020) up 4 trillion.
  2. This is getting tiresome. I'm talking about your link here: https://www.propublica.org/article/national-debt-trump 1/ Donald Trump Built a National Debt So Big (Even Before the Pandemic) - false. It was little changed annually from Obama until Covid. See below and (4). 2/ The national debt has risen by almost $7.8 trillion during Trump’s time in office - false - it was up about 6.2 trillion with at least 3T of that due to Covid. See chart. 3/ And unlike George W. Bush and Abraham Lincoln, who oversaw the larger relative increases in deficits, Trump did not launch two foreign conflicts or have to pay for a civil war - true - but he did reinvest heavily in the military. 4/ The chart seems to reflect the real data and show there was no particular increase in debt before 2020 (Covid).
  3. It is your linked story that contains the false and obtuse claims. You did a search but not so much research.
  4. False and obtuse claims that completely avoid factoring in Covid but easy to cut and paste, I suppose.
  5. If you slap a trend line through the noise then. yes, really. Why not see how it's done against gold? https://goldbroker.com/news/gold-bull-market-comparisons-1970-2000-1812
  6. A rather narrow view. The AUD is also declining. https://au.investing.com/currencies/aud-usd
  7. It would be difficult to achieve now but most of the USD decline has occurred since the end of Bretton Woods.
  8. I don't think that much could have stopped China's rise in terms of manufacturing power.
  9. Disagree (not about the acting). Nixon removed the gold backing for the USD and that was the start of the decline.
  10. You can get the girl out of the bar, but can she make you leave too? ????
  11. Well, given that the world seems to be led by the insane to a large degree, we had better watch out! The USD is already being bypassed as a form of payment by some countries and this trend is likely to continue. The BRICS alliance, plus recent partners, seem to be interested in an alternate form of digital currency. Whatever happens, it needs to be remembered that all previous dominant fiat currencies eventually failed and lost their status. https://blockchain.news/news/brics-alliance-considers-creating-new-currency
  12. What is false is Joe Biden's administration blaming the chaotic Afghan pull-out on Trump. It's down to Joe Co.
  13. And I said "the topic problem still concerns the actual withdrawal and how badly it was managed", which amounts to the same thing. Unfortunately, Biden was the C-in-C and the responsibility is all his.
  14. The plan required a few things to work out but most of them didn't. The Taliban failed to open any meaningful talks for a separate agreement with the Afghan government as intended by the Doha agreement. So the plan couldn't work. The topic problem still concerns the actual withdrawal and how badly it was managed.
  15. I'm not sure how anybody can say that. Even a noted nobody.
  16. Who cares what the true value of kit is? That is deflection. The important issue here is how badly the pull-out was handled.
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