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Everything posted by nauseus

  1. Fox News? Absolutely no mention of it? Sure? ECONOMY Published April 13, 2023 8:32am EDT https://www.foxbusiness.com/economy/ppi-inflation-march-2023 Good Old infallible Fox News ...... never disappoints.
  2. Well make the most of your 10.38% - that's going to be hard to find again for a long time.
  3. Haha - you just can't help yourself from trying that left jab! You should join your local Golden Gloves club - learn a lot there.
  4. Accuse me of cherry-picking then insert your own? You chose to start just before the only two negative years for the gold price in the 1970's! And I wouldn't be so sure about what the return will be by the end of 2023 just yet! My turn next. OK? Let's have a look in 3 years' time.
  5. I didn't deny the effect either. Do you think that QE is the only reason for that effect?
  6. Disagree. Cherry-picking time windows does not help that much. All these classes have their days of glory but... "When looking at gold vs. stocks, the yellow metal has moved from $35 an ounce to almost $2,000 in 50 years, providing an average gain of 8.8% a year to long-term investors. In the same timeframe, the S&P 500 gained an average of 7.6%." https://moneyandmarkets.com/buying-gold-vs-stocks/ Most of the rises in the SP and other main indexes have occurred over the last 15 years in a crazy cycle, greatly assisted by loony low interest rates and magic money printing. Now the Fed is trapped and damage will happen whether it raises rates more (stocks) or cut them back, (with returning inflation), or worse. The chickens are home to roost and the outlook is bad either way. If you have any gold, keep hold - as my granny used to say. Bless her.
  7. I just thought it was funny. Did you ever hear of "Bush's Dollar" or "Obama's Dollar"? I'm not looking for flattery and certainly not scraping for anything. You're so dramatic.
  8. You don't refute that linking currencies to gold would severely restrain economic growth. That's right - I don't. You have no idea of how such a linkage would work. That's right - I said that. - too late now You don't dispute the fact that the value of the US currency is determined in a global free market, and if it were mismanaged its value would crash and it would cease to be the world's reserve currency. That's right - I don't - and the present mismanagement will probably accelerate the process. You just have links to news stories about JPMorgan playing illegal games in the precious metals futures market. Where do these stories state that the results had any measurable impact on the price of gold? You asked for the proof - now you want an impact assessment too. Stop moaning.
  9. Circumstance and wars led the US dollar to being the world reserve currency. Dollar selling due to the Vietnam War spending ended the BW agreement - the gold price fix had been too low for too long. These days, responsible economic policy seems to have left the building - the dot com crash and GFC just resulted in years of easy money and then insanely low interest rates in the US. The Federal Reserve seems to be no longer fit for purpose, even if it ever was. I do not know what kind of linkage to gold might work - probably too late now - some bright spark might come up with something. What evidence do you have of gold price suppression? https://www.reuters.com/article/jp-morgan-spoofing-penalty-idINKBN26K325 It's not the first time either = it looks like they just did it again last week: https://reaction.life/he-who-has-the-gold-makes-the-rules/
  10. As I said before, it's far too late to revert to the former "standard" but some kind of backing might be doable.
  11. I understand everything you say but don't agree with a lot of it and certainly don't care for you patronizing remark. Most fiat currencies today have nothing to back them, except the word of increasingly untrustworthy governments. The US has been fortunate to have the Dollar as the world reserve currency for 70 years but that seems to be about to change soon. The link between paper currencies and gold could be adjusted to fit with the gold reserves available, that could back them at a practical, and not necessarily fixed, level. I see something like that as better than nothing. Of course I disagree about the gold price suppression - there are several big banks that have interests in keeping the price down and at the moment they are able to mostly control the price. However, I so think that your "free-floating" phase may be just around the corner. Gold is real money so I do have an interest in it.
  12. It can be used pretty much anywhere. The sub-topic was dollar decline and causes - not economic growth. If the gold price was to keep fair value, instead of the price being suppressed, then it could be used to back future alternate currencies.
  13. Well this mystical metal from ancient times is still money, which has survived as such for far longer than any paper - well managed or not. .
  14. The debt was not increased - the "fight" against the consequences of a major crisis was still ongoing. Yes, I know about the debt calculations. Thanks.
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