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Everything posted by nauseus

  1. Are you purposefully confusing Ingram and Cheyney or what?
  2. What you fail to see is that I was not commenting on what you posted. Enjoy your words.
  3. I've told you twice now where that quote came from. Now go though the last couple of pages... very slowly.. then let me know the answer. It is there.
  4. An empty void more like. Her only chance is to flip over.
  5. I directed you to the post by Eric already. Your mind is the one in the woods. He said: "Laura Ingraham telling listeners to turn a page on Trump and move pass him for next election". Now that is untrue. And that's it.
  6. I already did. She was not telling anyone to do anything.
  7. She was not telling anyone to do anything however you spin it.
  8. Her future plans were to return to Congress! Of course it matters.
  9. You are making things up - Ingraham did not tell listeners to turn a page on Trump, or turn anything ese. Implied, implying? Cods.
  10. Try watching the VDO to listen to what she actually said instead of quoting this rhetorical wishful thinking
  11. Read back - it's not far - Eric's post is misleading and incorrect because Ingraham did not tell listeners to turn a page on Trump.
  12. Ah well. Not so much the slayer but the slain now.............. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-62569056
  13. The cultish behaviour, majority of bias and prejudgment comes from the usual pack of obvious anti Trump posters on here. Say what you want but don't try to dictate to me what I care about. I am prepared to wait for this all to unravel - and I wish everyone else was too - there are still far too many unknowns and conflicts of information about this FBI raid for anyone to know enough to make a fair conclusion but there are too many in a mad rush to get the noose ready, just like a lynch mob. Now, if it comes about that Trump is charged with a crime that is punishable and if he goes to trial where he actually receives a fair hearing and judgement, then I won't have a problem with that.
  14. I'm a supporter of fair hearings. If Trump has broken any laws and goes to trial, then a fair one is all anyone can ask for. The problem is that this anti-Trumpery has been going on relentlessly for 6+ years with high visibility and prejudice to the point that even some Democrats seem not trust their own government agencies now. As part of this so-called "bipartisan" J6 hearing committee, Kinzinger should be keeping his verdicts and "creepy" opinions to himself, at least until his kangaroo court is over and dismantled. Maybe he's noisy now because he knows he's jobless and even quit last Friday without even contesting his seat. Cheyney is most likely gone too.
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