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Everything posted by nauseus

  1. You're so desperate to blame Trump for all if the world's woes. Bless. Apart from modifications to other projects started decades ago, I can't see any new ones started from scratch, after Trump was elected. All these occupations/developments should have been stopped immediately, at the outset. Hong Kong is part of China and the US can only complain but not interfere and the same goes for any Sino-Indian border dispute, which has been an issue since 1962. From December 2013 to October 2015, China built artificial islands with a total area of close to 3,000 acres on seven coral reefs it occupies in the Spratly Islands in the southern part of the South China Sea. https://www.uscc.gov/research/chinas-island-building-south-china-sea-damage-marine-environment-implications-and
  2. IF the flight data online is correct and the plane everyone is tracking is her ride, then they're flying almost double distance from KL to Taipei - all way outside the 9 dash line around the South China Sea - I wonder if that was a negotiated compromise?
  3. They've already said remove the brakes on domestic energy production, lower taxes and stop spending trillions more that they don't have. Of course they've done either nothing, or the exact opposite.
  4. I was replying to this: What has Joe Biden done to affect confidence in elections. Other than win by a wide margin. Your question. And I replied to it with pertinence.
  5. Thanks. But I'm sure that is common knowledge. ????
  6. China's internal problems might actually increase the chance of an invasion. I doubt that one carrier group is enough to make a difference these days.
  7. Well that wasn't my point but, as you ask, it seems that by the more recent polls and approval ratings, that many of the people who did vote for Joe last time are not that confident now that they voted for the right candidate.
  8. It's not a question of delay and interruption, it's a question of existence. Right now the American system is safe and democracy is still in place - that says a lot for its strength and popularity - it would take a lot more than a few opportunists in fancy dress to change that. If you are concerned about the confidence aspect then I would suggest taking a much closer look at your present C-in-C.
  9. Him too. This was a small group of nutters that may or not be true Trump supporters, who never had a chance of turning American democracy over. Another full-blown civil war might do it but that's about it. No more questions please, I have an urgent meeting in the kitchen.
  10. As Candide had a laugh, I will qualify by saying that any action or behaviour of one individual cannot stop any system of government, especially democracy. Now I must away to the shop.
  11. Yet another new question? If it means pleasing you I would say he certainly won't formally concede.
  12. Read the post upstairs and get back to me when you have time.
  13. We are actually off topic but the CNN link lists Trump tweeting asking for peaceful behaviour again at 2:38 and 3:13 before he asks the rioters to go home in the vdo at 4:17. So to say that he did nothing is at least misleading. https://edition.cnn.com/2022/07/10/politics/jan-6-us-capitol-riot-timeline/index.html
  14. If you choose to assume then there'll be a good chance you are wrong.
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