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Everything posted by nauseus

  1. Well I read that. They all seem rather hopeful and only quote the drug pricing as an argument. So I think that applying the term anti-inflationary to this bill is completely misleading, just like the name of the bill itself.
  2. No you didn't. But this Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 title seems to be a gross misnomer and just another set of blinkers that Americans are expected to don. Perhaps they should call it the Absolutely No Change in Inflation Act of 2022 then?
  3. Big new corporate taxes will ultimately make goods and services more expensive, with worsening inflation. Volker's success in fighting high inflation 40 years was won with ultra tight monetary policy coincident with the tax cuts under Reagan.
  4. When someone uses Trump's name so soon, as part of any attempt to justify Democratic legislation, then they are obviously struggling with that attempt.
  5. Probably because this "landmark" bill is more likely to create higher inflation: https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/inflation-bill-sinema-manchin-senate-horribly-misnamed-rcna41712 But the Inflation Reduction Act isn’t just misnamed because it won’t do what its title promises — it will likely make inflation worse by raising the cost of producing goods and services and lowering their overall supply. The higher cost and consequent lower supply of goods means that money circulating in the economy is used to purchase fewer goods, thereby pushing up the price of goods, leading to higher inflation.
  6. I'll leave you to wonder about that then.
  7. More like 35 years since the first stalls set up. He's right and he's going back to the good old days when fun flowed across the road and back again, in waves.
  8. Looks like the misuse of Latin abbreviation is making a comeback (again).
  9. Spot on re PP. Once the obstacle course was installed, it started to flag. Up to then it was by far the best in town.
  10. All that drama just to go bowling.
  11. Sorry to hear that. Hope you are OK now.
  12. You mentioned the R word and I don't know why. Now you use "micro aggression and systemic discrimination". And I still don't know why. And Bureau of Land Management? Are you on the right topic?
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