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Everything posted by nauseus

  1. All sounds like a near perfect description of the democrats.
  2. Of course not. We all know what the obsession is here and who feels the need for it to last forever.
  3. So don't film it. Aircraft can be converted to unflyable wrecks quite quickly and easily. Armour with sabotaged engines and guns is quite useless after only a little time, expense and effort. All better than leaving them intact for any enemy. These practices are well recorded in military history and a common part of military training. I'm surprised that a military man like you seems unaware of this.
  4. But quite a shot in the dark nevertheless, eh Clousseau?
  5. I was referring to the future... not the past.
  6. Yeah....right. The Trump administration outlined a goal of vaccinating 100 million people with the COVID-19 vaccine by the end of February, which would be enough to reach all healthcare workers and the country’s at-risk population. Officials with Operation Warp Speed, a joint initiative of the departments of Health and Human Services and Defense (DOD), outlined the latest plans in a call with reporters Wednesday for distributing the initial doses of a COVID-19 vaccine. https://www.fiercehealthcare.com/payer/operation-warp-speed-has-goal-100m-covid-19-vaccinations-by-end-february
  7. Rubbish - Trump encouraged fast vaccine R&D and production but it was still not vaccine available until Nov 2020. Science and direct results? Bah humbug.
  8. No, it says and means there were 351,000 under Trump's last year (2020) of administration. Apart from the first 3 weeks of Jan 2021, the rest are Biden's (at least 600,000). Vaccines were not available at all until November 2020. So are things clearly so much better now?
  9. Well you're wrong about who owns this 'vast' majority of yours: https://www.pbs.org/newshour/nation/covid-helped-make-2021-the-deadliest-year-in-u-s-history Early last year, some experts were optimistic that 2021 would not be as bad as the first year of the pandemic — partly because effective COVID-19 vaccines had finally become available.
  10. Hillary setting a bad example. Leading Trump on. Bad girl.
  11. I am was having my TGIF beers as I inferred. Bye.
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