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Everything posted by nauseus

  1. How does this author expect anyone to believe his fact-starved opinion piece?
  2. Tut tut. You shouldn't be so mean about Joe and Nancy like that. Or is it the other way round?
  3. Well that's because there are some strange things said in some other people's posts.
  4. Most other passengers were likely to be US citizens, so stopping them from coming home would have been a bit much.
  5. Maybe they are not judging him the same way and with the same bias as Democrats? After all, they've been trying to see him off since before he even got into the WH.
  6. So any 'relevance' in your post is irrelevant to the relevance of the post that you responded to.
  7. Not many but good entertainment when he does.
  8. Sounds like a case of the blind leading the blind.
  9. Yeah. I saw it. The comment you replied to was relevant to Biden's new record low approval rating - today not 4 years ago.
  10. That's about 283 baht a pint! I think they might be taking the <deleted>. ????
  11. A four year-old, ABC/WP poll selected to show Trump's lowest approval point in his 4 years. Facts! ???? Look at the bigger picture. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/donald-trump-s-presidency-was-roller-coaster-his-approval-ratings-n1255360 And Joe's just keeps on going......down. https://www.newsweek.com/joe-biden-approval-rating-worse-donald-trump-this-stage-presidency-midterms-1720688
  12. It was relatively sudden, historically. Boomers retiring early / People swapping jobs like sweeties as better wages are offered all the time to lure workers / Covid handouts and general laziness after being off for so long.
  13. The way they work it out doesn't matter much if people that have recently worked suddenly stop job searching then they wont be counted in the labor force or as being unemployed.
  14. Unemployment at near record low levels that are largely due to a low labor force participation. .
  15. In February 2020 the U.S. entered the Covid period. The true recession started yesterday.
  16. No but it is that time of year. I was talking about the economic struggles of the UK and most everywhere else.
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