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Everything posted by nauseus

  1. The Earth was hot during this Mesozoic Era — from about 250 to 66 million years ago — the concentrations of CO2 in the atmosphere were up to 16 times higher than now, with temperatures six to nine degrees warmer than today. This was the time of the Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous periods, dominated by reptiles (dinosaurs becoming the largest in average size during the Cretaceous) but with other marine, bird, mammal, insect and plant life evolving through the Jurassic and Cretaceous. The Mesozoic Era began after the Permian/Triassic Extinction Event (likely driven by excessive volcanic activity in the form of huge areas of flood basalt in Siberia, with associated enormous releases of gases. The Mesozoic completed with the Cretaceous-Tertiary Extinction Event, which is coincident with a meteor impact in the Yucatan as well as Asian crustal plates staring to collide (continental drift), causing more volcanic activity, especially in the Indian Deccan plateau region (a lot more more basalt flow and gas). The resulting break in the food chain (plant life) is believed to have caused the extinction of the dinosaurs. So, apart from acute events, the dinosaurs were far more adapted to the climate as was then but there was far more serious volcanic activity in general.
  2. So there's the predictable new question right after the deviation and deflection. Boring.
  3. This "topic" is just a Politico story. What I can't comprehend is why you continually deviate and deflect. You didn't read the link in question, did you??
  4. It describes nothing "exactly". You didn't read it either, did you??
  5. Looks like it will be a smaller initial part of Cobra Gold. https://www.pattayamail.com/thailandnews/htms-sukhothai-salvage-to-take-19-days-says-rtn-commander-453269
  6. No. Campbell is an accused peddler of COVID and COVID vaccines misinformation, as has been claimed by your so-called fact check rubbish - strange that it contains no actual direct links to the examples of misinformation that Dr. Campbell is accused of spreading.
  7. And how did you rate the guidance from governments through Covid? Many would call much of that disinformation. Since the first signs of long Covid, then excess death rates, and now several new post covid medical problems, Campbell has simply tried to make people aware of these things. His concerns are always supported by the inclusions of relevant medical specialists. He is not a conspiracy theorist and I'm glad that there are some people like him in "our society".
  8. No. He's always tried to pass on the best and most relevant information of the day. Now, that there are a lot more data and studies available, he's simply trying to update and inform people as he always has, so they can decide for themselves.
  9. Had a look - closed door interview - no detail. BEER INTERMISSION Back tomorrow.
  10. So now Smirnov is an agent? No wonder you come up with so much nonsense.
  11. From your own story: Republican Congressman Ken Buck said that House members "were warned" that allegations leveled by an ex-FBI informant regarding President Joe Biden's business dealings may not be credible. AND In his statement to Newsweek last week, Comer said that the "FBI's actions in this matter are very concerning," adding that a source in the bureau had told lawmakers that Smirnov "was credible and trusted, had worked with the FBI for over a decade, and had been paid six figures." So who is reliable here? Not the FBI it seems.
  12. Add that to you own personal list of baseless claims. I know you guys love that word.
  13. A lot of Russians own big boats. Now why was Smirnov working with the FBI anyway???? ??
  14. So prove me wrong. This CNN story if just full of prosecutor hearsay. I'm with the judge on this one. If he's guilty fine. But Smirnov does not account for all of the evidence that Comer is talking about.
  15. You really are barking up the wrong tree. In a forest far away.
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