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Everything posted by nauseus

  1. You are so wrong. Milley became far too politically involved. So he's fair game.
  2. Another BS Guardian story. They were laughing about Trump being late after having the press conference mentioned. He should not have been late for this but Trudeau was just stirring.
  3. Just as the Rolling Stone, true to form, exaggerates the anti Trump line.
  4. Paywall rubbish but I remember this. Hushed and nervous laughter, behind Trump's back, of course. Chickens.
  5. Rotten apples. It's not really a comparison at all. Now tell me again, when did the vaccines get rolled out?
  6. I'm pretty sure that pooch Milley isn't a Trump person and certainly not best in show
  7. No. I'm attacking your pick of an unpopular PM (Turnbull) as an example to promote your argument against Trump. The contents of his "statements" seem personally and politically driven. Turnbull did not directly witness much of what he criticizes Trump of and, as far as I can see, they only had one close and exclusive meeting, without Putin, of course.
  8. Your link featured quotes from Turnbull, who trashes Trump but was an even more unpopular leader than him. Can you see how stupid that is?
  9. How does this work then? https://www.smh.com.au/politics/federal/the-three-australian-pms-who-were-even-more-unpopular-than-donald-trump-20180111-h0grlp.html
  10. The Earth was hot during this Mesozoic Era — from about 250 to 66 million years ago — the concentrations of CO2 in the atmosphere were up to 16 times higher than now, with temperatures six to nine degrees warmer than today. This was the time of the Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous periods, dominated by reptiles (dinosaurs becoming the largest in average size during the Cretaceous) but with other marine, bird, mammal, insect and plant life evolving through the Jurassic and Cretaceous. The Mesozoic Era began after the Permian/Triassic Extinction Event (likely driven by excessive volcanic activity in the form of huge areas of flood basalt in Siberia, with associated enormous releases of gases. The Mesozoic completed with the Cretaceous-Tertiary Extinction Event, which is coincident with a meteor impact in the Yucatan as well as Asian crustal plates staring to collide (continental drift), causing more volcanic activity, especially in the Indian Deccan plateau region (a lot more more basalt flow and gas). The resulting break in the food chain (plant life) is believed to have caused the extinction of the dinosaurs. So, apart from acute events, the dinosaurs were far more adapted to the climate as was then but there was far more serious volcanic activity in general.
  11. So there's the predictable new question right after the deviation and deflection. Boring.
  12. This "topic" is just a Politico story. What I can't comprehend is why you continually deviate and deflect. You didn't read the link in question, did you??
  13. It describes nothing "exactly". You didn't read it either, did you??
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