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Everything posted by nauseus

  1. Sad news. RIP to this man and I hope the wife is now recovering after the shock. The times are confusing because the both local Thai time and UTC are used. From the Flight Radar record, the A380 was airborne just after midnight in Thailand (5:07PM(UTC)) and landed again at BKK at 0227 local time (7:27PM(UTC)). About right for the distance flown. There was a rapid about turn just after passing Yangon and enough time over water to dump enough fuel for immediate landing. https://www.flightradar24.com/data/flights/lh773 My link seems not to work. You can go to https://www.flightradar24.com/ Search the flight and playback if you care to.
  2. So your comment and supposition (below) was both off-topic and therefore irrelevant then: If Biden were as bad as a bet for the 2024 election as Trump supporters would have us believe, they’d be keeping very quiet about it until Biden is locked in to the candidacy. Oddly, they’ve been doing their best to get Democrats to change Biden out for another candidate. No real surprise, I suppose.
  3. "Trump supporters" did not produce this report.
  4. Well, I can believe you on that one.
  5. So, does all that circumventing mean that I'm not a liar after all?
  6. I'm not lying and I did not say that you said "don't watch the Interview" I took your suggestions as a recommendation from you, which is fair, I think. Your post follows: I will add this. I did watch it all and I would not suggest that you do the same. Not worth the time. What I DO suggest is to watch the live reaction that will be coming up in about five hours from the Inside Russia youtube channel. That way you will spend your time more efficiently. Still watching the Tucker Kremlin show but getting all the B.S. called out in detail in real time.
  7. You asked the question. Now you ask another. No pleasing some people.
  8. Golly! Was this commute every day? Was it on a private jet. Somehow, I doubt it.
  9. You are imagining or creating what you perceive to be my 'opinion'. My opinion was only given once. The fist 'quote' was part of a sarcastic response (not to you of course) to Jingthing's recommendation that we should not bother to watch the interview. There was nothing to reverse. You have merged my two separate comments, on separate issues, incompletely and dishonestly. Now you are trying to defend doing that, so I wouldn't put it past you to do it again.
  10. Started out? Ended up?! Those are two pieces of two separate comments/responses to two separate and different posts. You have misrepresented them as one. What is laughable is your pathetic attempt at cheating.
  11. A shame that this is all going on at a time when solid leadership is required.
  12. From the source report: The investigation said there was plenty of evidence to suggest that Biden was aware that he was not allowed to keep such classified notes after leaving office, pointing out that his long Washington career meant he was familiar 'with the measures taken to safeguard classified information and the need for those measures to prevent harm to national security.'
  13. Stick to this case. The report mentions that Biden was aware that those documents should not have been in his garage.
  14. If you mean Trump, then that's fine if he is guilty. My problem is that Biden is getting away with it.
  15. Bottom line is that Biden not only held unsecured documents (not just notes) for years but used some of the info therein to feed to his "ghostwriter", while reportedly being quite aware that he was doing wrong, throughout. That's OK because he's old and can't remember anything? The DOJ would have their dogs out chasing Trump all day and night for the same thing. The question should be not whether to believe the Special Counsel but, rather, how many tiers of standard the DOJ has?
  16. More like a double-double standard - no charges - the bias is so rotten now it stinks.
  17. If you actually know what you mean by that, please explain.
  18. I expect that certain agreements had to be made in advance to get the appointment in the first place. If any of those had been broken then there would probably have been no interview aired at all. At least we know Putin's view on several important questions and we now have have the chance to accept or reject his answers. Better something than nothing, which is pretty much what we get about the UA war, these days.
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