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Everything posted by nauseus

  1. Yeah, better not watch, in case you start asking the wrong questions. Can't have that. Be efficient and pot plants until the MSNBC fact show comes on!. 555
  2. It's a non-comparison. Best you carry on with your drama class.
  3. Follow basic news? Right. So basic it offers no evidence nor explanation. Just like your responses.
  4. As your bland comparison needs a bit of relish to liven it up.
  5. Like the fools who have no basic proof to back up their assertions?
  6. That means....er no, I have no evidence, your honor.
  7. Covid tanked the economy. How many times do we have to hear this inane rubbish?
  8. Two separate posts mashed together for false effect. Naughty. Lose one point.
  9. Hmm ... increased at the end of Trump's mandate to 11.5 in 2020...wasn't that when there was that virus? Oh yes it was.
  10. So more debt....more growth....I wonder how long that can last?
  11. Tell your friend that the important date is the expiry date. UK visas are generally active from the date of issue.
  12. If you could broaden your vision, you might realize that I was not necessarily talking about the economy.
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