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Everything posted by nauseus

  1. As you were kind enough to provide a link I tried a simple search. Not so simple as I had to visit several sites, most of which seem politically biased and only include stuff that fits their narratives. I know Trump had a lot of failures but there were successes too, some particularly spectacular in real estate and TV/Entertainment. But if this monster debt has been "accumulating" over so long, how come his net worth is reported as 4.8+ billion (by Forbes)??
  2. That link is rather misleading. It's actually 2.95 million, not 295 million. Oh well only another 267 million to go to put it right. Doh.
  3. And only his most keen atttackers make stuff up. If Trump had lost all the $ you say, then how is it that he did not go bankrupt decades ago? You should refer to these "public records" to demonstrate the validity of your claims, if they are all true and valid.
  4. So, when that "time is right" will be when Biden's not around to sell off a strategic asset, with some of that even going to potential enemies.
  5. All for you, not everyone. I didn't realize they were lazy - sorry.
  6. The Biden admin cleverly selling SPR-oil when prices were high, and then repurchasing when prices were low. https://www.forbes.com/sites/daneberhart/2023/01/21/bidens-spr-drawdown-big-win-for-beijing/?sh=51013b923677 https://www.eia.gov/dnav/pet/hist/LeafHandler.ashx?n=PET&s=WCSSTUS1&f=W The SPR is still only half-full. A bit like your head.
  7. You never offer a shred of evidence of anything. Hopeless.
  8. Yeah - that's why Brandon's approval rating is so high.
  9. Links for all or turn yourself in at dawn.
  10. Could those same people name a single (factual) thing Biden had done that they did not approve of? If you listen to fox, newsmax and other rightwing propaganda-outlets, they love to criticise Biden, but there is very little of substance or even truth to their claims, and it mostly boils down to slander, lies and insults.. Meanwhile, in the realm of reality, we have consistently strong jobs growth, rising GDP, and markets at record highs. They have even managed to tame inflation, which has been trending down for over a year now. Pray tell, what is so wrong with that? Edited 2 hours ago by Excogitator Facts: How about the Border. Inflation-Just go to the Grocery store or buy gas for your car all up 25+%. Job growth-Parttime workers and Illegal aliens. Excogitator-Thanks for the Gaslighting!! Pot calling.....
  11. Inflation is ticking up again. Not down.
  12. Lots of numbers there but no linked proof.
  13. With all that garbage it sounds you're more obsessed with Trumo than any MAGA hatter.
  14. Like yours as a desktop pyscolcogist? Nah thanks.
  15. You never hear Trump talking about policies becaasue he gets no msm coverage (unless it's a court case so they can slang him).
  16. You said last resort (twice), although Biden signed 25 EO's in his first 8 days. Democratic, my arm.
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