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Everything posted by nauseus

  1. Looks the dreams are all yours if you reckon Biden to be either responsible or successful.
  2. That might turn out be. But the idea of policy reversals is already popular.
  3. At least Trump ralies are actually attended.
  4. Odd comment as Biden spends trillions of $ that don't exist to push the USA into a world of eternal debt - but who's shocked?
  5. He has proposed reversing most of biden's policies. That should keep him busy for 4 yearsand do the trick.
  6. Anyone can now see how "our" system is set up and how it is a set up. Have to agree. Biden is certainly getting results - a shame for him that most are bad, unwanted or unintended.
  7. It's amazing that these OP's can be generated from totally opinionated baseless garbage. Or maybe not.
  8. Legally, under just one of the insane rules of the Biden era. All combined to ensure disaster.
  9. This Merriam Webster defintion of fascism does not include reference to left or right: a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition. Good.
  10. What was truly humiliating was the disastrous exit from Afghanistan. Putin spilled plenty of Ukrainian blood by invading that country while most of the world looked on. Sweden and Finland have reluctantly given up decades of neutraility due to the new threat from Putin/Russia but not due to any action from Biden. The "booming" stock market has been enabled with easy money (printing) and low interest rates for most of the last 16 years. That is all coming to an end now. US unemployment stats are figured differently than in the past, so that anyone with any kind of job is counted as employed, even if it is a few hourse a week. Those who stop actively seeking work are simply not counted as unemployed. It's a complete sham. And sending anything more than the odd allied warship into the Taiwan Strait will invite distater. It is a relatively confining area, very busy and under the cover of Chinese land-based missile systems as well as their huge new navy and air force.
  11. No those penalties are not typical. How do you work out that Trump has been "favoUred"? I support justce. Not political lawfare. Oh and I'll have one of those hot dogs with everything. Nice van.
  12. Ah well. That might be because you tried two questions in one line. Sadly, it's not happy hour here.
  13. People with far more knowledge of real estate than these corrupt judges.
  14. People with far more knowledge of real estate values is who. Funny, this court says that Trump overvalued property values but then impose impossibly overinflated fines. He's right, it's an overt witchhunt and now everyone can see that.
  15. And after that he flipped back before he was out nearly two years ago. This change in strategy is American led, maybe partly to try to shift critiscism away from Biden's foreign policy weakness.
  16. Which is what has happened for the last 3+ years. Doh!
  17. A bit late for that now. Biden has been a disaster.
  18. Good. Hope he recovers it all.
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