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Everything posted by nauseus

  1. If you could broaden your vision, you might realize that I was not necessarily talking about the economy.
  2. And you think this uncontrolled mass invasion will solve problems? I think rather the opposite.
  3. Prayers with The King for a complete recovery.
  4. Contradict what? Just because the WH did not disclose this immediately it doesn't mean nobody else did. Did you spend all night digging this up?
  5. Not the greatest business idea to attract future customers. Oh well. TITHAI.
  6. If you "gotta wonder how often he gets to change them in the course of a busy day", then I would suspect you need a place that provides privacy and space as well. Creepy.
  7. That was part of a brief TV interview. Brandon would stumble over ozone.
  8. Just needs decrypting and an hour in the dryer first.
  9. If I had to follow Brandon I'd be laughing too much to ride....
  10. Ten years too! You can even see the Covid spike. Awesome! But I was talking about recent news and yesterday's jobless numbers: https://www.marketwatch.com/livecoverage/stock-market-today-s-p-500-futures-steady-before-gdp-report-after-again-hitting-record/card/u-s-initial-jobless-claims-up-25-000-to-214-000-in-latest-week-LFl2ywmQjVtZlkZUkqYv Likely to rise: https://mondo.com/insights/mass-layoffs-in-2022-whats-next-for-employees/
  11. You forgot the jobless claims going up and thousands of layoffs already. Never mind - the US is booming under Biden - BOOM!
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