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Everything posted by nauseus

  1. Like I said before, the exchange you broke into began with a link-less post. So save your faux outrage for that poster.
  2. I can, but like I said, I can't be bothered.
  3. Strange. No reference or name for this tidal station near to Pattaya (wherever it is) and any relevant source data for it. Also no mention of several relatively recent but significant Pattaya beach remedial works due local storms overwhelming the drainage system from time-to-time, with the consequent flood waters running as rivers on to the beach to erode and ruin it. The reason for any shoreline "retreat" is probably mainly because there is less material (sand) due to erosion, despite all of the replacement sand brought in. This quoted Pattaya sea-level rise of 14.2mm/y is a lot, and double that quoted down south, so I see it as questionable. This rate is also more than double the average value (6.5mm/y) for Thailand that the same authors cite in a "related" paper linked below. In it they do mention the beach "nurturing" (bringing in a bunch of sand/partial replacement for Pattaya) but this paper was submitted 2 years later. https://www.mdpi.com/2077-1312/9/6/588 Even stranger!
  4. The response to which you jumped on was to someone else - he didn't provide any links so I couldn't be bothered either.
  5. Nonsense back at ya. The O3 layer has greatly recovered since 2000, so that driver of stratospheric cooling has weakened correspondingly. That is what I was talking about.
  6. Saying that a trend reversal has been prompted does not mean that the process is complete. You forever twist words to suit yourself. Go away.
  7. As usual, you interfere without "getting" the history of the arguments of others. If you go back and carefully read what I have said, you will see that I am not disputing the overall cooling in the stratosphere.
  8. Not if these trials are really being conducted to prove guilt, it won't.
  9. You didn't even read it properly, did you? Try again. Now you've modified your question too! You are a boring time-waster with trollistic leanings. TGIF
  10. This broad claim is now only partially valid. Stratospheric temperatures generally decreased from the 1970's to about 2000, coincident with a reduction in the ozone layer. A gradual recovery of same (ozone) has prompted a reversal in that trend. Recently, stratospheric warming has occurred where ozone concentrations have recovered the most, away from the poles and at about 20-25 km above msl.
  11. You didn't disagree with any of my points either. I am interested in the topic and have a far deeper background in it than you ever will.
  12. I wasn't talking about the content. Do you keep your longhorn beetles in a glass jar?
  13. This section is headed "World News" - it might give you a clue.
  14. What a patronizing, pompous pile! Grab a couple of scientific articles, cut, paste, edit and then instantly become an "educator" in earth sciences! Nope.
  15. I see. The per capita qualifier is OK to use now.
  16. And I think to myself What a wonderful world. Oh yeah!
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