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Everything posted by nauseus

  1. If that is true do you really think that's out of concern for the planet?
  2. We all fart, even if some do not admit it. Methane is a GG which produces far more warming than CO2, So, think about the consequences next time you're about to let one rip!
  3. Wow, that must mean I responded to an off-topic post! Forgive me....pleeeaase.
  4. Self contradictory or what? Strong eruptions can temporarily reverse warming: https://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/images/1510/global-effects-of-mount-pinatubo And it's sulfur dioxide not silicon dioxide.
  5. Not that much? What do you think drove the increase in hydrocarbon usage - therefore emissions? I was talking about the world from 1950, not individual regions. And China - low population growth? Are you kidding? Below chart from your own source - more than doubled from 1950 - 2000!
  6. You are quite right to point out the population and resource aspects. The world population has tripled since 1950 but these extra 5.4 billion people use up more than three times the amount of resources, far more wastefully in many cases, than was possible right after the end of WWII. Real needs, plus many less vital demands, from all these extra people have prompted much more farming, which has resulted in massive land clearance and deforestation, so that (previously) large carbon sinks around the world are now much smaller. Not the whole issue but very significant.
  7. Trump! Ha ha! You just can't help yourself, can you?
  8. I can - you didn't "define" anything. US Covid deaths were "high" mainly because 330 million live there. https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/
  9. From that I can see that you didn't really read what I said. Never mind.
  10. I regret to inform you that 50% does not qualify as a pass here.
  11. I thought he was a country and western singer.
  12. Simple? Yes, from your perspective. If Ukraine loses and Putin attacks Latvia and Poland, then the US/NATO will have to respond. Everything may well go downhill from there but there would be no other real choice. If Putin starts biting into NATO, then does anyone really think that he would stop with just those two?
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